Toronto vigil for Canadian prisoners in Israel.  Photo: Meagan Perry

Karen DeVito is the first Canadian to finally be released from prison in Israel, after the Canadian Department Foreign Affairs sided with Israel in making her pay for her own deportation flight.

Canadians David Heap and Ehab Lotayef are still being held as political prisoners by Israel at Givon Prison.

Canadians and internationals aboard the Tahrir, as part of Freedom Waves to Gaza, were assaulted, tasered, beaten, kidnapped, robbed, strip-searched and imprisoned. These kinds of human rights abuses are daily occurrences in the occupied territories, and the Canadian Boat to Gaza is dedicated to challenging the impunity currently enjoyed by the government of Israel.

DeVito was also a delegate last July aboard the Tahrir which was commandeered by the Greek navy to prevent its passage to Gaza. An interview with Divito was featured on rabble on October 11. You can read it here.

Solidarity vigils for the activist remaining imprisoned by Israel are taking place across Canada. To learn more about actions near you visit