
In 2012, in partnership with the Canadian Auto Workers launched a labour beat position. Lori Theresa Waller was our inaugural labour reporter, bringing even more labour coverage to rabble with original stories and labour news roundups.

We are thrilled to once again be working with the CAW to host this position and are pleased to welcome journalist H.G. Watson as our new labour beat reporter. H.G. Watson is a multimedia journalist currently based in Waterloo, Ontario. After a brief foray into studying law, she decided that she preferred filing stories to editors than factums to the court. Since then, she’s held editorial positions at the Lance in Windsor and The Cord in Waterloo, where she’s the Editor-in-Chief of the Cord Community Edition. She’s also written freelance stories for a number of publications.

We are proud that, unlike much mainstream media, we pay attention to labour stories and we are excited about the coverage that H.G. will bring to The goal of the labour beat position is to equip the reporter with new skills and knowledge of the labour movement and workers’ issues so that not only will there be six months of solid reporting, but years of reporting in other media outlets.

Follow Watson’s reporting and rabble’s labour coverage at