A Squeaky Wheel Primer

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Wilf Day
A Squeaky Wheel Primer


Wilf Day

Since I heard of a small booklet with the title "The Squeaky Wheel Primer" I have been thinking of items that should be in a document with such a great name.

Not just concrete advice on how to go about speaking up for yourself and your community, but examples.

Here's one: more than 20 years ago I knew a student who had just taken a giftedness test. One of the questions, she said, was "When was North America discovered?" This was not a multi-choice question; it was given by a live psychometrist.

She complained to me about the question, saying "It instantly flashed through my mind that there were four possible answers."

Four? "Yes, of course: '1492', or 'around 982', or 'around 12,000 BC,' or 'this is a racist question.'

Wow. You must have gotten bonus marks for giving him four answers. Her face fell. [i]"I didn't know which answer he wanted, so I said 'I don't know.'[/i] She had no FN ancestry, or perhaps she would not have been so shy. Or maybe she would.

Despite losing those points she was classified gifted anyway, but I spoke to the psychometrist and I think that question was changed.

Morals: it's okay for a question to have more than one "right" answer; and if you don't speak up for yourself, who will? No doubt there are other morals.

What other stories might go in such a primer?

martin dufresne

Just out of curiosity, I googled this (admittedly great) title. It is put out by the Canadian Mental Health Association snd one organization distributing it is the Schizophrenia Society, Peterborough Chapter. Call Kelly at (705) 749-1753.