Sanders Kucinich

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Sanders Kucinich



I would love to see them run for the presidency. I always love watching bernie, and dennis has been on top of his game for a long time. It is too bad they are starting to get long in the tooth. If Americans wanted real change and hope these two would be in charge. They speak truth to power.
YouTube Bernie to see what he does. I know a lot of people talked to me about ron paul but he is a libertarian who doesn't care about what people need or want. From what I have seen sanders does.

[ 26 August 2008: Message edited by: thorin_bane ]


Huge fan of both these men. Sadly, I cannot see the US ever picking anyone with that much decency.

Presidents apparently have to be somewhat dumb (no elitists), war mongers, deeply Xian, and prone to doing a lot of stupid shit. Otherwise, back of the line.