Neighbours thinking about the children again (uh-oh)

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Agent 204 Agent 204's picture
Neighbours thinking about the children again (uh-oh)

A tattoo parlour would not be a proper neighbour for a school of immigrant children, say activists going to city hall today to block the business from opening only steps away from an inner-city classroom.

Tattoo and body-piercing shops, of the kind approved by the city at 402 Notre Dame Ave., attract members of criminal gangs, say people from the West Alexander neighbourhood near Central Park expected to appear this morning before the city's appeal committee.

From the Winnipeg Free Press. And who is leading this charge of the righteous?

"It's not that I have a personal issue with tattooing," said Al Revet, the pastor at Love-N-Care Ministries.

"The big issue for me is how, in this area, (tattoo shops) are used for gang markings."

My emphasis, of course. But is that his real reason, or is it another case of "thou shalt not be different from thy neighbour"?



You can't be serious.  I hope the city tells these idiots to get stuffed!

Maysie Maysie's picture

What I find funny: the ads for tattoos based on some ad-bot keyword program.

What I don't find funny: gangs, immigrants, tattoos and racism being all mixed up in a great ball o' mess and stereotypes.

What I find extraordinarily disturbing: the name "Love-N-Care" Ministry. Surprised 


Yeah, that's really obnoxious, isn't it? 

"Don't put it next to a school of immigrant children!  Unlike our nice, white, waspy, third generation kids, those immigrant kids are just itching to join a gang, and tattoos will just encourage them!"


Even more disturbing:


Peter Todd, principal of The King's School, an independent Christian school in East Elmwood, oversees the school's off-site classroom at 372 Notre Dame Ave., which would be doors away from the proposed tattoo and body-piercing parlour.

The classroom is home to a program to teach immigrant children English, Bible studies and Canadian ways of life, as well as to make sure they meet levels of the province's education curriculum, Todd said.

The program is in its second year. Eighteen children, mostly from African countries, are enrolled, Todd added.

Well, we all know that "English" and "Bible studies" are Canadian ways of life, now, don't we? 

Agent 204 Agent 204's picture

You can't be serious.  I hope the city tells these idiots to get stuffed!

Looks like they did; they just interviewed the guy who's opening the shop on the radio, and it sounds like he got his permit. Good thing, too.


The piercing and tattooing parlour opens up next door to the "Love-n-Care" Ministry, whose minister steps away from his duties standing on guard for a white and Christian Canada to declaim against tattoos and gangs in defence of poor, immigrant children - wasn't this a musical?


Yeah, but in the end, they got to have their dance.

Or were you thinking about Trouble with a capital T and that rhymes with P and that stands for Pool? ;)


Maybe if the shop offered a special on Christian tattoos it would be welcomed?



It's the new services based mcwage economy, what's the big deal? I always buy hamburgers slapped together by kids with snakes on their faces