"Harper's fate tied up with Karzai's" ? "Taliban" Jack makes gain?

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peterjcassidy peterjcassidy's picture
"Harper's fate tied up with Karzai's" ? "Taliban" Jack makes gain?

Interesting article by Ibbitson



With a federal election increasingly likely, Tuesday's confirmation of widespread fraud in the Afghanistan presidential election from a United Nations-backed election monitoring team is politically dangerous news for the Conservative Prime Minister, putting at even greater risk the Conservatives' embattled redoubt in Quebec and handing the NDP fresh ammunition in battleground ridings, especially in British Columbia.


The Bloc Québécois, which opposes Canada's presence in Afghanistan, launched a television campaign Tuesday with the faces of Mr. Harper and Liberal Leader Michael Ignatieff, accompanied by the slogan: “Two parties; one view.” The United Nations has confirmed that, on Afghanistan, the separatists have a point.,,,,


In a closely fought race, the Conservatives' backing of such a questionable policy in Afghanistan could tip votes toward the Bloc in Quebec and the NDP in British Columbia.

Cueball Cueball's picture

Plenty of ammunition lying around. Unfortunatley no guns and no soldiers.


I can hardly wait for NDPers to line'em up in the trolly tracks on national news and all candidates debates. Our stuttering, stammering stooges won't know whether theyre a comin or goin.

Cueball Cueball's picture

Look, a visit from another dimension.


Go to bed, Fred


It sure looks like the tide could well be turning here, at least in Afghanistan, although this perpetual state of war mentality that the Pentagon seems to have latched onto, is definitely not a good omen.
Kodos to all those posters here at rabble/babble that have been calling for withdrawal of Canadian troops from Afghanistan long before it became popular with the Canadian "in" crowd. I know it´s not over yet, but good on you for all your efforts.

It just keeps getting harder to believe in Afghanistan

The guy most likely to hang on to power is a fraud backed by thugs in the service of values we like to claim we could never support

So how are we doing? Afghanistan is deadlier for Canadians and our allies than ever. As a hole for military effort and expense in blood and treasure, it is getting deeper, not filling up. The guy who seems likeliest to hang onto power there is a fraud backed by thugs in the service of values we like to claim we could never support.

All of this to keep Afghanistan from breeding more terrorists—even though most of the 9/11 terrorists came from Saudi Arabia and hatched their plot in Germany, two countries we are not proposing to occupy and democratize.

At some point, the logical conclusion is that Afghanistan has ceased to be worth the effort because the effort does not make it measurably better on any axis that matters to its citizens or our own. Each observer will reach that point at a different time. For me it would tend to come very late indeed, because I have believed since Sept. 11, 2001, that this is Canada’s struggle too and that we should make a meaningful contribution.

It’s just harder and harder to see what’s meaningful about all this. On the so-called rape law, here’s what Stephen Harper said in the spring:

“The involvement in the international community, and particularly Canada and our NATO allies, is based on the pursuit of very fundamental values in opposition to the kinds of values the Taliban stood for . . . If we drift from that, there will be a clear diminishment in allied support for this venture.”

Since he said those words in April, the law Harper decried has come into force and 11 more Canadian soldiers have died in Afghanistan. It becomes harder every day to believe that patience in this struggle is synonymous with virtue.



Curious why this thread is in introductions.


I'll move this to Canadian politics.

Cueball, that's how flame wars get started.  Don't.


Harper tries to make lite of an up coming election and gives concession to unemployed Canadians, immediately and will have EI extended trying to put the fire out.   Its a real plus and honestly don't believe that would have happened if our boys weren't talking about getting together and taking Harper on.  Good one. 

I'm not sure of the exact details but is a positive no doubt but there are a great many issues that still need to be addressed.  What about HOME STREET HOME, as Harper makes it a household word as seniors find themselves being forced out of the homes, war vets included as Harpers government has made homelessness a Canadian household word as destitution and poverty now thrives on are once quite, peaceful streets while soldiers, as Afghan democratic election ends in 129 Canadian solders that  gave their lives for a war that is not a war but a quest for Oil.





mybabble wrote:

Harper tries to make lite of an up coming election and gives concession to unemployed Canadians, immediately and will have EI extended trying to put the fire out.  


The CPC can't announce anything new in EI changes. The fact is the LPC missed the boat when these changes came in this spring. Too stupid and ignorant to recognise that EI expansion for Long Tenure Workers is already done.  Finley can only announce the programs in place, regardless if the public know it or not. 

 In June Ignateiff (Go ahead make my day)  BLEW IT!!!

I'm not sure of the exact details but is a positive no doubt but there are a great many issues that still need to be addressed.  What about HOME STREET HOME, as Harper makes it a household word as seniors find themselves being forced out of the homes, war vets included as Harpers government has made homelessness a Canadian household word as destitution and poverty now thrives on are once quite, peaceful streets while soldiers, as Afghan democratic election ends in 129 Canadian solders that  gave their lives for a war that is not a war but a quest for Oil

Ignatieff will support the Quest for Oil, Gas Pipelines, US imperialism, and greater Canadian Participation in Pre Emptive War.