Canadian Unionized Actra Member, Latest Victim In Alleged New Murder Plot by Ex-Jail Guard Donald Bijowski

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Canadian Unionized Actra Member, Latest Victim In Alleged New Murder Plot by Ex-Jail Guard Donald Bijowski

More trouble expected to arise for Ex-Maplehurst Jail Guard, Donald Bijowski, 30, of Cambridge Ontario.

The details of Donald Bijowski, recently reported by, Bob Mitchell of the Toronto Star. (

Police laid charges of uttering threats, breach of trust and intimidation relate to two incidents involving the accused and inmates at the Milton complex.In a more recent turn of event, Bijowski, has been to be linked an alleged murder plot against Hugh Ford, a popular Canadian Unionized Actra Member.

Toronto Star Reporter Bob Mitchell's Article

Shortly thereafter, reports confirm racist comments in response to blog post, link back to Local police station (read comments)


I'm sorry, and I don't mean this to be a hostile question, but I would like to know why you have chosen to highlight the fact that the targetted man was a union member? Especially given the racial dynamic to this story.


I'm surprised that it has not been mentioned before. the details of the case linking to the plot has been widely discussed in the blog world and a few other sites.

The case has been turning heads for quite some time now.

remind remind's picture

I simply do not get this thread.


I am wary.


It's news for the rest of us.

This sort of things seems to happen all over the world.



I've read over your post and even reviewed the blogs several times, but I'm confussed, Undecided I don't understand what this is about. Do you mind explaining? for those who are not clear?

perhaps some clarity for the rest of us??




The high profile court case has had new information posted on its blog, and is easy to understand. It has already begun to pick up several responses by the mainstream media.


Boo f'n Hoo cry me a f***ng river.


Don't you get that no body cares. I know I sure as hell don't.

I've been following your post around the internet and to tell you, I'm fed up with all your posts. Your friend ..what's his name? oh yeah..."Gadget" he deserved what he got.

Your attempt to expose Darya and the others in your court case won't work, tell your friend Hugh Ford, to take the deal and be home for Christmas.... Jail is a dangerous place... He should get out while or if he can.. lol

I can't stress it enough






remind remind's picture

Frankly,  your levelling threats here is disgusting jno matter what is going on, and I am reporting you.


This charmer is gone


I haven't really been following this issue, but I'm guessing it belong's in the central Canada forum.


Justice E. A Ready drops abomb shell in court stating the true facts of Darya Gunchenko.

Judge confirms many claims in the hugh ford blog and says Darya was a prostitute prior to meeting Mr. Ford, Mr Ford helped to keep her off the streets and while in his care she was not prostituting. Justice E.A. Ready states that her behavior and acts of prostitution were made after she left the the ford residence on Corby and returned to live with her mother.


Justice E. A. Ready was not pleased after hearing that Darya Gunchenko conspired to murder Hugh Ford, and threw out more charges in court.

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