Harper's memorial for 'the victims of communism'

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Harper's memorial for 'the victims of communism'

In the throne speech, http://www.sft-ddt.gc.ca/eng/media.asp?id=1388 , the Harper government said it would set up a memorial for the 'victims of communism'.  The proposal was within a paragraph describing the arrival of immigrants to Canada. 

I'm not sure who the memorial is for.

The USSR wasn't actually communist, rather Lenin et al set up a dictatorship of the Central Committee.  I don't think China today functions communally. 

As I understand, 'communist' means a system where people at the grassroots gather to make decisions.  in communities.

There is a lot of misunderstanding associated with the term.

Harper is twisting a legitimate concern of victim's of the Holodomor for his own political purposes.

There are some governments today who are perhaps closer to setting up structures which allow for grassroots decision-making in communities. 

It is these Harper would like to attack, while he sets up his own version of thinly-velied dictatorship. 




The paragraph from the throne speech linked above:

"We are a country of refuge. For those victimized by disaster in their homeland or facing persecution by their own governments, Canada is a beacon. When disaster struck in Haiti, our Government accelerated the adoption process for Haitian orphans. And it is allowing Haitians temporarily in Canada to extend their stays. To remove the years of uncertainty often faced by refugees in genuine need, while closing off avenues for those simply seeking a back door into the country, our Government will propose comprehensive reforms to the refugee system. It supports the establishment of a National Monument to the Victims of Communism and it will support legislation to establish a national Holocaust memorial."

N.Beltov N.Beltov's picture

We need a memorial for the victims of conservatism. And then we need to prosecute the perps.

Boom Boom Boom Boom's picture

I think this was discussed on another existing thread, because I remember writing something about a similar memorial for the victims of capitalism or imperialism.


N.Beltov wrote:

We need a memorial for the victims of conservatism. And then we need to prosecute the perps.

They have museums for Holocaust remembrance. So that's a start. But in the US and Canada they need museums to document the Indian genocides and Canadian apartheid, black slavery, and the birth of southern conservatism based in religious revivalism and racism.


It's hypocritical for Western powers who made deals with Stalin, and who ignored the plight of starving peasants, to later pat themselves on the back for being a 'refuge'.

The West profitted from the misery of populations, just as it has profitted in ruining Haitians, now heralding itself as saviour.

The West makes deals with illegitimate rulers, gives them power as it gave Stalin power, and as it installed Haiti's 'president'.

Governments which actually represent residents, and communities that provide useful direction, are ignored or overthrown.

Labels are devoid of meaning, used for convenience.




Boom Boom Boom Boom's picture

Excellent, Fidel.

VanGoghs Ear

I agree with what Fidel said but to Thanks-  The Soviet Union wasn't communist?  Every communist country so far since the idea came to life has been a dictatorship, you think that's just a coincidence.  You can't be that naive to think that old line about how it would really work if it was just implemented in the right way.  If I may humbly suggest in addition to political thought and ideas, you should study the great philosophers works, especially the existentialists



Fact. europe has never been explored. Never. Not to this day. No one EVER tried to go to, say England, and draw a picture of the layout. The brits would stop that, and if anyone insisted, the locals would certainly shoot the mapmaker (or sell them a goddam map)! But the rest of world, excepting a few cases where too strong military power, were in fact, 'explored' Instead of asking the locals, the 'explorers' cased the region, and used the info to...well, you get the picture. It's probable that, if the Inuit could have stopped the 'explorers' from mapping say Bathurst Inlet, they would have, on the grounds that the Cariboo might have crossed the waters and, well the visitors from europe should really just go back home. 

Stalin was possibly one of the few truly honourable leaders to operate in the horror story of the 20th century. It was churchill and truman who caused the 'Iron Curtain' to be...because they wished to deny Stalin and the USSR a share of postwwar Marshal plan money. Yet Stalin was blamed for it. and he still is, though the facts are plain as day. The US nuked Japanese cities in august 1945 to scare Stalin (VE day was in May) who then was forced to hang onto as much territory as possible, while desperately developing the atom bomb (which many western scientists such as Klaus Fuchs, helped - the oxford spy Kim Philby later said he and many others were terrified for the USSR until it got the bomb in 1949)

Gensec Stalin never used nukes.

Even on Babble the assumption that them lying bastards who divided up Germany against Stalin's agreement at Yalta (and thus reduced postwar German reparation payments from the $128 billion property damage figure agreed upon to a measly $22 billion, most of which was spent in East Europe...)

the info here is is from the book 'Myth of the good War'


clandestiny wrote:
Stalin was possibly one of the few truly honourable leaders to operate in the horror story of the 20th century . . .


That's some impressive revisionism and denial. I tip my hat to you.


clandestiny wrote:
Stalin was possibly one of the few truly honourable leaders to operate in the horror story of the 20th century.

A few clarifications:

In 1932-33 millions of Ukrainians died in the largest Famine of the 20th century. This Famine was not caused by a natural calamity such as drought or epidemic or pestilence. It was not the result of devastation or privation caused by a cataclysmic event such as war.

The Famine in Ukraine was engineered, orchestrated and directed from the Kremlin. It was implemented by Stalin and his comrades in order to complete Ukraine's subjugation to Moscow. Starvation became the tool and the Ukrainian farmers became the main victims.

"The nationality problem is by its essence a farmer problem," Stalin wrote.

Seven to ten million Ukrainians died in this genocide engineered by Stalin; we aren't really sure how many, because he was good at erasing records of peoples' existence.

The government of the USSR under Stalin murdered many of its own citizens and foreigners.[1] These mass killings were carried out by the security organisations, such as the NKVD, and reached their peak in the Great Purge of 1937-38, when nearly 700,000 were executed by a shot to the base of the skull. Following the demise of the USSR in 1991, many of the killing and burial sites were uncovered. Some of the more notable mass graves include:

Bykivnia - containing an estimated 120,000 - 225,000 corpses[2]

Kurapaty - estimations range from 30,000 to 200,000 bodies found[3]

Butovo - over 20,000 confirmed killed[4]

Sandarmokh - over 9,000 bodies discovered[5]

Many other killing fields have been discovered[6], several as recently as 2002.[7][8] In the areas near Kiev alone, there are mass graves inUman'Bila TserkvaCherkasy and Zhytomyr.[9] Some were uncovered by the Germans during WWII; Katyn and Vinnitsa being the most infamous[10]

And also:

In the late 1920’s Stalin felt that a canal linking the White Sea to the Baltic Sea would be highly beneficial to the developing USSR. In 1931 well over one hundred thousand workers picked up pickaxes, shovels, and wheelbarrows in order to construct the 227 kilometer canal. Completed by 1933, the canal took only twenty months to finish. Tens of thousands of men lost their lives in the construction project. At its conclusion, sailing on the steamship Anokhin, Stalin surveyed the canal. He concluded with disappointment that the canal was too narrow and shallow. By 1936 plans to widen the canal were completed. This expansion project would have cost many more lives. These lives, like the lives lost in the original project, were bartered from the Russian system of forced labor camps, called the Gulag.


The Gulag system was a network of forced labor camps that, at its peak, consisted of over four hundred official prisons and held millions of inmates. First begun in 1919, the system really did not flourish until the 1930’s when Stalin used it with extreme regularity. The Gulag system is believed to be responsible for millions of deaths. That is more than the amount of Americans that have been killed in all wars combined. That amounts to almost three times the amount of people that live in the New York City area.


How many were murdered during the American revolution and civil war? Imagine Russian tea baggers throwing dollar bills at people in wheelchairs and screaming at them that there are no free rides. There were very many Russian bureaucrats and militants loyal to the Tsar who refused to go quietly. There are some lefties who even think Stalin didn't go far enough.

And then there were VietNam and Indonesia in more recent times. Our largest trade partners supported the biggest mass murderer since Adolf Hitler with Pol Pot in democratic kampuchea. They ran out of places to bury the bodies.

Boom Boom Boom Boom's picture

How many were killed when Japan was nuked? Anyone know, offhand?

Ken Burch

Any chance Layton will add an amendment calling for the memorial to honor "the victims of capitalism" as well?

N.Beltov N.Beltov's picture

Yes, perhaps that's more to the point. Fascism is just a particular brand of capitalism, after all.


You know the al-qaeda bogeyman isn't cutting it as a replacement enemy when they start this baloney all over again. Isn't it about time our genuses in Ottawa bought some dud missiles from the Yanks for way too much money so we can nuke ourselves when the red coats come calling? I feel a little 1950s breeze in the air. Duck and cover? Drop and roll? Hit the deck?


The bit about no one ever 'exploring' Europe was an effort to show how, by slightly adjusting the focus of the historical lens, a totally different sight emerges. The reason no one explored Europe was because Europeans owned/operated it, and surveyed/ charted everything etc. When Capt Cook, a hero to west, went overseas and made maps, the idea was to establish control of all the property, to steal it from the locals, to exterminate them if possible. By that reckoning, if i, a bum w/out money, went to your house and profitted from my efforts - l eaving you and family in the bathtub, so i get away and set up good alibi etc-  then what difference is that from claiming australia for the stars/stripes, or swastika, or even hammer and sickle? It got the needed result in that, now having lotsa money, my kids go to private school and rub elbows with kids of the elite, and....future so bright and so on...

Stalin was a ruthless and dedicated communist who broke alot of eggs making the omelet we today enjoy, what's left of it. The lying bastards who sent 1800 Canadians troops to death at Dieppe in an out-of-channels operation that couldn't have succeeded even if that was the purpose, did the deed in the dark of night in order to show Stalin something ie  '2nd front'  when they were rofl at the sight of millions innocents dying in Barbarrossa! How utterly evil can one get then to nuke two Japanese cities for no reason then to 'teach them little yellow bastards a goddam lesson' (truman was quoted as saying) and btw, frighten Joe Stalin into paranoid psychosis, and BTW, lying about all that to US, filling the history books with lies and teaching new generation selfish untruths (Hirohito sent telegram dated July '45 begging US to accept Japan surrender, as recounted in Gore Vidals 'Blood for Oil,  bush and cheney 'etc))  until finally all them lying chickens comes home to roost see 911. CBC is running a series called 'love,hate propaganda' and it basically repeats mantra "Lee Oswald shot JFK by himself lalalala!' because the truth become known would sicken even the hardest reactionary stooge. Radio and tv and the newspapers are TOTALLY rightwing reactionary, and the lie (the media is liberal, giggety) still is repeated at least once a day by oakley or stifford or carrol or judy madrin. Don Cherry is a hero! The rightwing stooge probably doesn't even know why Afghanistan is being warred over, yet he sings songs of praise for the dead youths who looked up to guys like him




VanGoghs Ear wrote:

I agree with what Fidel said but to Thanks-  The Soviet Union wasn't communist?  Every communist country so far since the idea came to life has been a dictatorship, you think that's just a coincidence.

You can't be that naive to think that old line about how it would really work if it was just implemented in the right way.  If I may humbly suggest in addition to political thought and ideas, you should study the great philosophers works, especially the existentialists


I have studied the great philosophers fairly extensively (I have the degrees to prove it) and I am not naive enough to believe what my teachers and the propaganda machine in general have been telling me since I was small. On the other hand, I don't have time to reply (yet again) to this argument. May I humbly suggest you read something like, [url=http://killinghope.org/]"Killing Hope"[/url] by William Blum? 

remind remind's picture

I am not naive enough to believe what my teachers and the propaganda machine in general have been telling me since I was small.


well put...and i would also

add for myself, i am sick of pretending to believe, or be called a conspiracy theorist ;)

Jacob Richter

Yes, let's mention [Soviet] Communism and Nazism, but neither Fascism nor... Corporatism!


some writers have filled this thread with obfuscation and nonsense, and i don't have time to sort it out and reply to specifics.

am dropping this thread.




drat, can't let this go...

way too many layers and clarity is important.


i'll try to deal with bits at a time.

first, thanks to Sineed for helpful notes.

second, i can't deal with clandestiny's gobble-dy-gook right now, if ever.

third, 'Yes, let's mention [Soviet] Communism' is foggy.

Regardless of what individuals might have theorized, the practice of the Soviet Union was not communist, communal, or in support of community in any senses of those words, capitalized or not.

The terms imply sharing, held in common.  Lenin, Stalin, and followers held power by torturing and murdering vast portions of the population. 

When Harper uses the term 'Communist' he is falling into similar error.




In Acts 2:44, "And all who believed were together and had all things common..."

The original Greek for 'common' was 'koina', which has been refreshed through use of the term 'koinonia'.

The passage in Acts continues to describe how possessions and goods were distributed to all "as any had need".


Talking of the 'victims of koinonia' is just silly.



Jacob Richter

I support the actions of the Bolsheviks from the dissolution of the rigged Constituent Assembly to the prevention of the Kronstadt sailors being useful idiots to would-be imperialist invaders parked along the coast, but I was trying to speak mainstream talk on the "Soviet Communism" thing.  My main point there was the omission of Fascism and Corporatism.

Also, the memorial idiots can't seem to distinguish between Stalin and his successors, or between Ho Chi Minh and Pol Pot.


from square one bolsheviks tortured and mass-murdered, and themselves set up fake consituent assemblies, or tried to.

Jacob Richter

Soviets aren't "fake Constituent Assemblies."


thanks wrote:

from square one bolsheviks tortured and mass-murdered, and themselves set up fake consituent assemblies, or tried to.


You mean like Reagan?


like when they tried to get peasant reps in Ukraine to support boshevik rule from Moscow instead of a multi-sectoral participatory rada in Ukraine, for Ukraine.

like when the cheka raped or murdered any who opposed their regime, labelling them 'bourgeosie'.

like the slaughter of residents in towns who offered resistance, like Kyiv.

like the displacement to Gulags and repopulation with compliants.

like the famine. enforced collectivization.  virtual slavery on the kolhosps.

like post-stalin continuation of the gulag system.  like the KGB.

just as elections held under military occupation are considered fraudulent, so are 'soviets' that function to prop up a regime of absolute horror.

now, i'd really not like to have to go over all these awful remembrances, over and over.  it's depressing.

can we just let this thread go.  i'd like to.



"Yes, perhaps that's more to the point. Fascism is just a particular brand of capitalism, after all."


mr.Beltov could I keep this one for Quote of the Year? thanks :)

Fascism is, of course, a form of Socialism. That's why it was called "National Socialism".

remind remind's picture

No actually Viking fascism isn't socialism, that label was just part of the lies as truth speak.....


N.Beltov wrote:

Actually, ever since socialist ideas became popular in working class circles, bourgeois politics has included the strategy of supporting, if need be, a section of bourgeois politicians that pretend to be genuine socialists. This practice of fake socialists is actually older than fascism by quite a bit. Lenin wrote a great deal about this phenomenon ... as a result of which he is detested in certain political circles.

Nazi hostility to trade unions, socialists and communists should expose the demagogic claim that Nazis were socialists themselves. Canadian Conservatives that I know, personally, regurgitate these claims when it suits them.


When I think of "bourgeois politicians that pretend to be socialists" it is not the Conservatives that come to mind...


Viking77 wrote:

"Yes, perhaps that's more to the point. Fascism is just a particular brand of capitalism, after all."


mr.Beltov could I keep this one for Quote of the Year? thanks :)

Fascism is, of course, a form of Socialism. That's why it was called "National Socialism".


If they were socialists, then why was the socialist wing of the party murdered in their sleep during night of the long knives? 

And those trains that kept running on time - they were owned by railroad magnates and friends of the regime.

Do a google on the Nazis' pamphleteering campaign entitled 'Road to Resurgence' 

Hitler was the biggest liar of the last century. Apparently he's still fooling people after all this time.

N.Beltov N.Beltov's picture

Actually, ever since socialist ideas became popular in working class circles, bourgeois politics has included the strategy of supporting, if need be, a section of bourgeois politicians that pretend to be genuine socialists. This practice of fake socialists is actually older than fascism by quite a bit. Lenin wrote a great deal about this phenomenon ... as a result of which he is detested in certain political circles. (Edited to add: I will leave it to the imagination of babblers as to what those political circles might be. It's a side point to the main point here.)

Nazi hostility to trade unions, socialists and communists should expose the demagogic claim that Nazis were socialists themselves. Canadian Conservatives that I know, personally, regurgitate these claims when it suits them.

N.Beltov N.Beltov's picture



NoDifferencePartyPooper wrote:

N.Beltov wrote:

Actually, ever since socialist ideas became popular in working class circles, bourgeois politics has included the strategy of supporting, if need be, a section of bourgeois politicians that pretend to be genuine socialists. This practice of fake socialists is actually older than fascism by quite a bit. Lenin wrote a great deal about this phenomenon ... as a result of which he is detested in certain political circles.

Nazi hostility to trade unions, socialists and communists should expose the demagogic claim that Nazis were socialists themselves. Canadian Conservatives that I know, personally, regurgitate these claims when it suits them.


When I think of "bourgeois politicians that pretend to be socialists" it is not the Conservatives that come to mind...


Me three. I tend to think of [url=http://www.lindamcquaig.com/Columns/ViewColumn.cfm?REF=103]that party[/url] of lying-liars which is infamous for campaigning on the left and governing on the right in Ottawa. And we can follow the money all the way to Bay Street. 


I'm appalled to see our own Western Civilization is brainwashed and is persuaded by the definition of Communism, hence Stalinism, Cold war, et cetera in the utmost failure way. True Communism (Marxism) has never yet existed in this world. So far the form of Communism in our world has been lead by fascism/dictatorship/totalitarianism. The founder of Communism, Karl Marx's political philosophy on Marxism has nothing whatsoever to do with this imposter's Communism. China, Cuba, Vietnam, North Korea are not the true form of Communism. The Marxist political philosophy will only work if the whole world is Marxist, or else it is impossible. I'm doleful that society has taken Communism the wrong way. Yet, majority of the people have never learned the true meaning of it. The USSR was never Communist, it is all a form of dictatorship. Karl Marx's Marxist political philosophy was based on the working class struggles, the proletariats who were exploited by the  bourgeoisie (Capitalist).

N.Beltov N.Beltov's picture

The same might be said about capitalism itself ... seeing as capitalist economics theorizes perfectly competitive markets that never existed, and so on. So we have capitalist ideology and working class ideology. That's good enough for me.

"True" communism sounds too much like "true" Christianity. Keep the faith, eh, but no thanks.

Boom Boom Boom Boom's picture

I can't understand why Harper feels the need to have some kind of memorial for the "victims" of communism at this point in time. Perhaps he is trying to scare the population against electing "socialists" anytime soon???


Well the problem with a monument to the victims of capitalism is that you need to put an electronic ticker on it to keep tallying up the victims...


Fidel wrote:

Viking77 wrote:

"Yes, perhaps that's more to the point. Fascism is just a particular brand of capitalism, after all."


mr.Beltov could I keep this one for Quote of the Year? thanks :)

Fascism is, of course, a form of Socialism. That's why it was called "National Socialism".


If they were socialists, then why was the socialist wing of the party murdered in their sleep during night of the long knives? 

And those trains that kept running on time - they were owned by railroad magnates and friends of the regime.

Do a google on the Nazis' pamphleteering campaign entitled 'Road to Resurgence' 

Hitler was the biggest liar of the last century. Apparently he's still fooling people after all this time.

I still think Stalin was a better Master of Propaganda than Hitler. He never had a "Mein Kampf" after all !

As you know, Fidel, the Road to Resurgence was a big lie on Hitler's part to get money from industrialists! And of course, they mostly didn't believe him. The industrialists were scared to death of AH, and far from them 'controlling' his government, they were put right in their place by Hitler and his thugs. In the same way, Italian industrialists fell over themselves to call themselves 'friends' of Mussolini - the same would have happened in Stalin's Russia had there been any industrialists.

The idea that the Nazis were in the pockets of the Industrialists was Stalin's! Seems he is the one still fooling people :)

It's all about interpreting history, of course, but National Socialists were the rivals of the International Socialists. Both were working class movements, both racked up piles of innocent dead, and both are, thankfully, long gone.

Papal Bull

Well, I would argue a lot of those points Viking77. A lot.


The Communists had a long history prior to the Stalin era of the Soviet Union. When Marx and Engels penned their work and others created commentaries and had discussions, this was in the 19th century. More than half a century of thought had already gone into communist thought by the time Hitler came around.


With the NAZIs, it is entirely different. The initial party may have been primarily working class, but soon this began to change. The party at first was made up of disgruntled veterans of WWI. They returned from what is probably the cruellest and most industrial-thought driven war in European history to a state that was broken. Everyone in Germany was angry and despondent regarding the state of their country. A lot of people joined the various leftist groups. But Hitler got the most broken, the angriest. People that had been in the military from a very young age, come back after seeing countless friends die. WWI was brutal. That cannot be stressed enough, because it also ties very much into the Soviet Union - albeit in a very different way. Now, combine to these veterans a smatteing of theosophists, reactionaries, romantic conservatives, esotericists and the like and the NAZI party came to be. And it would always be divided by class - and that would be used by Hitler to control the party. The party became one that was split between rough and tumble working class men and lots of veterans, current soldiers, and militarist sympathizers (even the middle class ones had a bit a history of brawling) - and then there were the aristocrats and middle class who saw Hitler's rapid nationalism as a return to a more agreeable way of expression for the people of the country. And moreover, one cannot stress the cross-class appeal of Hitler. So in a way, it was a working class movement - in as much as the Conservatives or Liberals can be considered working class parties in a Canadian context, sure they have working class people working their campaigns, but let's be honest, you couldn't paint either as a working class/labour/socialist sort of movement. I'd really suggest reading the biographies of many of the 1920s NAZIs - like Strasser, von Shirach, and their ilk. They were part of a more 'vibrant' time in German political history, that was buttressed and created out of a disaster for the people.


Now, I could go into fascism and its ideological roots and corporatism. But that means that I have to source things and be all ladida about Fiume and Rerum Novarum. I've literally written essays on the topic of the origins and evolution of fascist thought - and I didn't get bad grades. It is a big topic and a discussion means a lot of name dropping. I personally don't have the time to get into a protracted debate and actually dig through stuff and get sources.


Also, the NAZIs and the fascists of Europe ended up having very different relationships with industrialists. And I should also point out that fascism usually had vaguely Catholic over-tones and was universally anti-communist. And I do have to say that the S in NSDAP is entirely contingent on the N. Otherwise the party would have just been the Nationalist German Worker's Party - they were national socialists, a disaffected movement that may have wanted benefits, but they wanted them through a statist system - the finer policy points were less fleshed out than the Communists. The NAZIs, being a new bunch, just sort of made it up as they went along til' Mein Kampf - where they had a single, massive articulation - less of policy, but a more revealing looking into the party leader's ethos. I do not think that the pre-government NAZIs could have survived without Hitler. They were a charasmatic movement, based on one man. Lenin may have been irrepressible and charasmatic, but he ultimately was replaceable.


Plus, Russian and German history during the first world war are also very divergent and must be taken into account when you see the successor regimes in question (the Bolsheviks took down the Romanov dynasty in its totality, the NAZIs took an elected parliamentary republic down a road to totalitarianism.


But I'd also say that neither movement is dead. Far-right European thought bled back into Canada, America, Britain, and tonnes of other places and a lot of the 'lessons' were syncretized into contemporanious strainds of conservative thought. Its bubbled up from time to time, of course, in out and out fascist or nazistic political expressions in mainstream political parties of many points on the political spectrum. Communists, on the other hand, have generally kept discussing their ideas and meeting and organizing and evolving in a whole other way. In my own personal experience, a lot of big and little C/c (ommunists) are pretty much some of the more democratic leftists doing the Process of Canadian Politics (or PCP as I call it). Many are hard working activists and great allies for a lot of causes. They do tonnes of community work and all sorts of things. Point me out some far-right wingers that do that. I dare you.

And since you and I both know it is pointless to take up that dare, you'll note that the far-right post-fascist movements have merged with pre-existing social prejudices in North America to become hate groups, for the most part. Sure, a lot of fascist rhetorical trappings exist within the Tea Party movement and militia folk and patriots and natavists and truthers, it is mutated and Americanized. They've got the violence down pat, but they don't quite have the same economic and social policies and goals. The little extreme outfits all hide and hate. They are insular, depressing groups of people that stay around plan on how to hate.


Basically, neither of them have gone away. They have both been pushed outside of mainstream discourse and consciousness. But neither are dead and it would be foolish to assume so. The fascists now have a long history of thought and action. The communist movements have also kept talking and are very different than they were in the 1920s.


As for the monument? If various communities want to organize and try to put this forward, I think that is their own stuff to do and a lot of people are pretty in the right for memorializing friends and family lost to repressive states, but I really don't feel like the federal government should hop in and push for something like this

Jacob Richter

Viking77 wrote:
Both were working class movements, both racked up piles of innocent dead, and both are, thankfully, long gone

What do you do for a living, hmm?

Lard Tunderin Jeezus Lard Tunderin Jeezus's picture

Viking77 is 100% unadulterated troll, and his disruptive nonsense here is more than enough reason to lose him permanently. Until action is taken, could everyone please ignore it?

Jacob Richter

Where's the propertarian Sven of all posters when you need him?


While Stalin's troops held peasants' grain at gunpoint and millions starved, Canadian and American free traders under US Colonel H. Cooper were using American machinery and equipment to enable Stalin to dam the Dnipro River [Enc. of Ukraine, Vol. 1 p. 684].

I suppose the financiers were paid in grain proceeds.

The electricity from the Dnipro, one of the largest rivers in Europe, powered Stalin's exploitation of minerals in the region and irrigated lands he stole from dead peasants.

I ought to talk about reparations due from war criminals and their western accomplices.

But first I want to note that the scenario is far too familiar. 

Not only in Afghanistan today do we prop up a regime filled with war criminals, and allow privateers to profit from exploitation of resources while holding civilians at gunpoint.

In Canada we have massacred and starved indigenous peoples, and stolen land and waters for profit.

The federal and provincial governments have allowed free traders and private partners to destroy environments.

Human rights, Indigenous rights, and Earth's rights have been trampled.

Vestiges of local democracy are almost completely undermined.


Instead, all levels of government need to support communities in their own protection of rights and determination of needs for public services.

We have had enough of 'solutions' imposed by those with money or guns, of any persuasion.

And for all the rhetoric, like Harper's, when we look at the facts we find that the most powerful money and guns of different persuasions have worked together for the detriment of people and planet.

The Canadian government, the US government, the Russian government, and those financiers which have profitted from the misery of residents need to make reparations, not further devastation through private partnerships and 'free' financier-rights deals.


Lard Tunderin Jeezus wrote:

Viking77 is 100% unadulterated troll, and his disruptive nonsense here is more than enough reason to lose him permanently. Until action is taken, could everyone please ignore it?


hahahahahahaha. Nice one, nothing like a bit of cohortative conformity, is there? (also, please google the term 'troll', you don't understand it.)

It's quite simple. Stop writing B.s. like n.beltov above at #2 -who says quite openly that conservatives should be locked up- and people will stop coming on and heckling you! I follow a few left leaning blogs and have yet to read stuff like that.

You seriously have a problem with Harper having a memorial to the victims of Communism?! Go and meet someone who lived under it - there are plenty in Canada- and see what they have to say.

Otherwise, you're free to ignore me - and I'm relatively moderate, so shutting yourself off from alternative opinions is a choice you make - but "until action is taken" hardly makes you sound like someone with a solid belief system.

Lard Tunderin Jeezus Lard Tunderin Jeezus's picture



case in point, today's bombing of the Moscow subway.

Putin, Lawrence Cannon, US officials decry terrorism, terrorism that they instigated through their own policies in the past.

Western powers colluded with Russia and the USSR to trample peoples of the region.

Later extremists of some factions were armed and trained.

Now Putin calls for a crackdown.

a vicious cycle of escalating aggression.

more attacks, counter-attacks, rhetoric, while civilians and the earth suffer.

what happened to talks amongst all involved- there are likely other groups in the area who also have something to say.

voices that get lost in violence.


like here on babble- those who support Harper's monument aren't listening.




Viking77, I guess this is more a cumulative thing than a one egregious offence thing, but you are clearly on the wrong board.  You are stubbornly and willfully weak on the whole anti-racism and oppression thing.  Other people here don't quite get our model either but they aren't drawn to it the way you are.  Now the old discredited National Socialism = socialism nonsense.  You are consistently and belligerently contrary to core principles here. For a while I thought you might be educatiable, but my optimism was misplaced. You're gone.

Catchfire Catchfire's picture

Great post, Papal Bull. Wax historically more often!

Snert Snert's picture

 True Communism (Marxism) has never yet existed in this world. So far the form of Communism in our world has been lead by fascism/dictatorship/totalitarianism.


Funny how they all start off thinking they're the True Shining Path though, eh?


But the next time will surely be different! Can't you feel the hope?
