Project Censored 2011 censored for talking about 911

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Project Censored 2011 censored for talking about 911

Hmm, seem to have missed the Project Censored story earlier on Rabble. Good interview with the guys who do the book - they speak quite a bit about how the entire 911 official conspiracy theory is more and more becoming understood by 'serious people' as being a lot of things, but 'believable' is not one of those things. OFCers will one day (ever getting closer) be recognized as the new 'flat earthers', would be my bet. You really believed that, gramps? geez. Too much mainstream medida, huh???

(Project Censored 2011 911 chapter here

(oh, and they some stuff on another "conspiracy theory' - some here will recall a somewhat - ah - lively discussion recently concerning the H1N1 supposed pandemic, in which some of us believed a panic was being created and we ought to be a bit cautious about believing everything we're told and lining up for very quickly devised and ordered drugs, and others were maintaining that Science Had Spoken!! and only anti-science neanderthals would argue with Our Trusted Scientists. Seems that our 'trusted scientists' may not be entirely - ah - trustworthy -


Issues Pages: 

Why would they allow comments, though? "ISRAEL did it!!!" Yell 

I'm going to complain.


And why do they already have the Top 25 for 2011?? With articles from 2009.


jas wrote:

Why would they allow comments, though? "ISRAEL did it!!!" Yell 

I'm going to complain.

 - it wouldn't be very good optics for people calling themselves Project Censored to be censoring their comments, maybe. Probably trolls of some kind looking to discredit the story by getting people thinking about them rather than the story itself ....



And as for optics, I thought of that too, but the comments aren't really related to the censorship issue anyway. If the question had been "Who do YOU think was behind 9/11?" then the comments would relate, but that was not the question and in fact there was no question posed. It's just idiots either intentionally trying to or unintentionally making the entire issue look stupid.

By the way:

BuildingWhat? campaigner and Tony Szamboti on Geraldo



- and this just up on GLobal Research - - people are slowly, slowly waking up, I think. To this and much else - one can only hope it will be in time.


And I've never once observed a non-truther admitting that any of the 1300+ architects and engineers for truth might know something more about architecture and engineering than the armchair brigade of debunkerers does when combining all of their tin hat powers of debunkery.

The pro crazy George Dubya and rabid, frothing at the mouth defenders of US shadow government ALL know more than anyone else in the world does about pseudo Newtonian laws of physics and armchair debunkery of 9/11 in general. As someone said about the JREF forum on 9/11, it's a forum where non-engineers and anonymous quacks of all kinds come out of the woodwork to explain physical laws based on gut instinct and intuition. And in my life time I've never crossed paths with any group of people who were more completely full of shit than them.


Their poor health might have something to do with all that military grade nanothermite and asbestos floating around in the air after the controlled demolitions of three white real estate elephants on that very same day. But I doubt they want to look into it using anything close to scientific methods fearing the truth might bite them in the ass.




I think someone's trying to tell us that US-trained terrorists only attack Americans with passenger planes and never Cubans. It's all much too scientific and methodical for us lower class slobs to comprehend, or something like that.