Charest must go! - almost 100,000 signatures after 24 hours

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Charest must go! - almost 100,000 signatures after 24 hours

Amazing - this petition, sponsored by Amir Khadir of Québec solidaire, is right on the National Assembly website! The target was 100,000 signatures by Feb. 15, 2011, but it will be reached within an hour or two (about 95,000 right now).



Here's a [url= Gazette[/url] article about the petition (sorry - there are much better articles, but this one's in English), and here is a link to the petition itself:

The link may not work always - the server has been overloaded. Bravo to Quebeckers for speaking out!



Now 108,090 - officially over target and going viral!


laine lowe laine lowe's picture

The petition link didn't work for me but according to the Gazette article, this is what the petition demands:


The petition offered three reasons why Charest should resign: his refusal to call a public inquiry into the construction industry, his refusal to impose a moratorium on shale gas development and his refusal to negotiate the spending cuts.

Read more:


[url=]Libérez Québec des Libéraux[/url]


228,353 signatures and counting.



laine lowe wrote:

The petition link didn't work for me but according to the Gazette article, this is what the petition demands:


The petition offered three reasons why Charest should resign: his refusal to call a public inquiry into the construction industry, his refusal to impose a moratorium on shale gas development and his refusal to negotiate the spending cuts.

Read more:

The primary (and main) reason is his refusal to establish a public inquiry into the construction industry. I fail to see how they call it democracy when a Premier (or Prime Minister) whose government is seemingly in a conflict of interest, still has the power to decide whether or not his government's rot is to be probed and publicly aired. Remember Mike Harris and his refusal to appoint a public inquiry into the shooting of Dudley George? And many many other examples.. Apparently the system deems that it is a government's right to refuse accountability. Oh well, enough irrelevancies! Gustavsson has put quite a performance I hear...


Vote of confidence at the National Assembly late this afternoon. Charest should win it but it will further detract from his cred. Amir Khadir was interviewed on Radio-Canada and CBC this morning. Great spokesperson.


[url= de censure rejetée:[/url]

La motion de censure déposée par le Parti québécois contre le gouvernement de Jean Charest a été rejetée mercredi par une majorité de députés à l'Assemblée nationale.

Au total, 61 députés ont voté contre cette motion, tandis que 57 l'ont appuyée. Il n'y a eu aucune abstention. Si elle avait été adoptée, ce qui était hautement improbable en situation de gouvernement majoritaire, la motion aurait provoqué la chute des libéraux et le déclenchement d'élections générales.

Notons que le député Tony Tomassi, expulsé plus tôt cette année du caucus libéral, était absent au moment du vote. La ministre Monique Gagnon-Tremblay, à Paris en tant que représentante du premier ministre Charest pour un voyage officiel, n'était pas présente.

Basically, the Charest government survived the vote.

Vansterdam Kid

Unionist wrote:

Here's a [url= Gazette[/url] article about the petition (sorry - there are much better articles, but this one's in English), and here is a link to the petition itself:

The link may not work always - the server has been overloaded. Bravo to Quebeckers for speaking out!


If you have any French articles in mind could you link to them anyways. I need to practice my French.


[url= one wasn't bad - gives some background.[/url]

[url=]This is the website[/url] of Mouvement citoyen national du Québec, the ad hoc group formed last spring in opposition to the latest Charest budget, which approached Amir Khadir and got him to sponsor the petition on the Assemblée nationale's website.



[url= électeurs et électrices en Kamouraska ont envoyé un message claire au goûvenrement Charest:[/url]


C'est une victoire à l'arraché, mais le Parti québécois ne s'en plaindra pas. Donné deuxième dans les sondages, le candidat péquiste André Simard a causé une surprise en remportant l'élection partielle qui s'est déroulée lundi ans Kamouraska-Témiscouata.

Il a battu sa rivale libérale France Dionne, qui tentait un retour en politique. Le vainqueur a recueilli 36,85 % des voix. Un maigre 1 %, soit 196 voix, séparait les deux candidats.

L'Action démocratique du Québec s'en tire honorablement. Gérald Beaulieu a ainsi obtenu l'appui de plus de 23 % des électeurs. L'ADQ a ainsi réalisé un meilleur score que lors de l'élection générale de 2008.


The petition has reached 240 000 signatures on 11:20 today. Of course, the signature rate has slowed down considerably, but I expect it will get a second wind if it reaches 250 000 or when it gets close to the end date (when the media will speak about it again).


The meltdown of the PQ, and its neoliberal character, have contributed to preventing the Charest government from being held to account over the construction scandal. There have been many developments - especially the leak of the Duchesneau report and the damage control being undertaken over that. Here's the latest:

[url= speechwriter quits over construction inquiry[/url]

Patrice Servant, who has been Jean Charest’s speech writer since 2002, has left his position, saying he in not at ease with the premier’s refusal to call a public inquiry into allegations of corruption and collusion in Quebec’s construction industry. [...]

“It has become a question of conscience,” Servant told RDI.