Why our food is making us fat

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Why our food is making us fat

Hint: High Fructose Corn Syrup

The story begins in 1971. Richard Nixon was facing re-election. The Vietnam war was threatening his popularity at home, but just as big an issue with voters was the soaring cost of food. If Nixon was to survive, he needed food prices to go down, and that required getting a very powerful lobby on board – the farmers. Nixon appointed Earl Butz, an academic from the farming heartland of Indiana, to broker a compromise. Butz, an agriculture expert, had a radical plan that would transform the food we eat, and in doing so, the shape of the human race.

Butz pushed farmers into a new, industrial scale of production, and into farming one crop in particular: corn. US cattle were fattened by the immense increases in corn production. Burgers became bigger. Fries, fried in corn oil, became fattier. Corn became the engine for the massive surge in the quantities of cheaper food being supplied to American supermarkets: everything from cereals, to biscuits and flour found new uses for corn. As a result of Butz's free-market reforms, American farmers, almost overnight, went from parochial small-holders to multimillionaire businessmen with a global market. One Indiana farmer believes that America could have won the cold war by simply starving the Russians of corn. But instead they chose to make money.

By the mid-70s, there was a surplus of corn. Butz flew to Japan to look into a scientific innovation that would change everything: the mass development of high fructose corn syrup (HFCS), or glucose-fructose syrup as it's often referred to in the UK, a highly sweet, gloppy syrup, produced from surplus corn, that was also incredibly cheap. HFCS had been discovered in the 50s, but it was only in the 70s that a process had been found to harness it for mass production. HFCS was soon pumped into every conceivable food: pizzas, coleslaw, meat. It provided that "just baked" sheen on bread and cakes, made everything sweeter, and extended shelf life from days to years. A silent revolution of the amount of sugar that was going into our bodies was taking place. In Britain, the food on our plates became pure science – each processed milligram tweaked and sweetened for maximum palatability. And the general public were clueless that these changes were taking place.

By the mid-80s, health experts such as Professor Philip James, a world-renowned British scientist who was one of the first to identify obesity as an issue, were noticing that people were getting fatter and no one could explain why. The food industry was keen to point out that individuals must be responsible for their own calorie consumption, but even those who exercised and ate low-fat products were gaining weight. In 1966 the proportion of people with a BMI of over 30 (classified as obese) was just 1.2% for men and 1.8% for women. By 1989 the figures had risen to 10.6% for men and 14.0% for women. And no one was joining the dots between HFCS and fat.


Moreover, there was something else going on. The more sugar we ate, the more we wanted, and the hungrier we became. At New York University, Professor Anthony Sclafani, a nutritionist studying appetite and weight gain, noticed something strange about his lab rats. When they ate rat food, they put on weight normally. But when they ate processed food from a supermarket, they ballooned in a matter of days. Their appetite for sugary foods was insatiable: they just carried on eating.

Super article in The Guardian on modern-day diets and how we got them.


Most of the stuff North Americans ingest into their bodies have little resemblance to what could reasonably be called food. Even the meat most people is pumped full hormones, chemicals, anti-biotics and god knows what else.

It's no wonder obesity is an epidemic along with all the massive health problems that go along with it. We got cheap food but it ended up costing billions more in healthcare costs.

I used to eat a terrible diet and always felt terrible. About 8 years ago, I changed my diet, cut out most of the processed shit and have never felt better.


However, this consumption high fructose syrup has certainly benefited ME as a dentist. I'm gonna pay my kids' tuition on the money I make fixing the cavities and tooth decay this stuff causes


For me, i see obesity as the result of a number of things, all happening at the same time.  HFCS certainly plays into that big time, but i think it's because we're being pumped full of it at the same time as environmental toxins are combining in all sorts of unknown ways, we're moving our bodies less and less, portion sizes have increased dramatically, people don't know how to cook food anymore so they eat out all the time and prepared meals are most often processed and filled with crap.  people eat waaaay too much meat/dairy/bread/etc...


Food is also used as a weapon of mass destruction according to Stephen Lendman. Trade and commerce Institutions like the WTO and IMF enforce genocidal rules of the  "new" liberal capitalism. The USA has exported subsidized food to the democratic capitalist third world and undermining developing agrarian economies in the process. Meanwhile cash crop capitalism undermines their ability to feed themselves around the poverty stricken and chronically developing capitalist third world. 70% of 1 Billion Who Are Chronically Hungry are Farmers 

If Michael Ignatieff was right about one thing, it's that Canada needs a national food strategy, and so does the chronically hungry democratic capitalist third world.

Jeff Hollender wrote:
 Despite the onslaught of industrial farming, the persistence of thousands of hectares under traditional agricultural management documents a successful indigenous agricultural strategy of adaptability and resiliency. These pockets of traditional, small-scale agriculture have stood the test of time, and can still be found, almost untouched over a period of four thousand years, in the Andes, Meso-America, Southeast Asia and parts of Africa. They offer promising models of sustainability that promote biodiversity that thrive without agrochemicals and sustain year-round yields even under marginal environmental conditions.Contrast that to the state of food and food consumption in America.

Of course the new liberal capitalism says that small farmers must give way to big agribusinesses and cash crop capitalism. This is an experiment that has so far resulted in chronic hunger for one billion people around the world. Every day without fail, tens of thousands of infants and children are sacrificed to a merciless ideology. It's an annual holocaust.