The NDP and the 234,000

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The NDP and the 234,000

I jusf got a letter from the Ontario NDP which says if 234,000 more Ontarians vote NDP in the next election the NDP can form the Government.

With this letter came a poster with a picture of part of Ontario marked with dots with riding names and how many votes are needed to win them. They are examples of the margins the NDP needs to win by to take ridings. Also on the poster is how much various forms of advertizing costs.

Prime Time TV ad 40,000 per ad, Bill Board 1,850 dollars, Online Advertising 3,000 dollars preday, Radio ads $520 Per Ad, Campaign Flyers are 0.09 cents per flyer.

The Poster's called Route to Victory

I really like this ad, it smells like winning.

This is the best requiste for money I've had from the NDP.

There goal is $234,000 by the end of the Month, a dollar for each voter they need.

I'm putting the poster on my wall.


Given the polling numbers, it also shows how well the NDP have done since they've raised about half what either the Libs or Cons have raised (IE, they've achieved decent polling numbers despite this financial circumstance).  So, I did donate a bit more money to try and even things out and shore up our chances.  There could be an election soon at any time.


Brachina wrote:
it smells like winning.


In the Charlie Sheen sense, yes, it does.

Ken Burch

You're saying the ONDP is drinking "tiger blood", now?


All we need is a phony one.


onlinediscountanvils wrote:

Brachina wrote:
it smells like winning.


In the Charlie Sheen sense, yes, it does.

Well given Anger Management Charlie's new show rocks, while Two and a Half Men and sucks without him, yeah I'd say he won.


Yes he has and it is prove at just how misogynistic our MSM really is.  I think I watched about 10 minutes of Two and a Half Men a few years back and turned it off in disgust and never looked at it again. Why would any progressive person watch such disgusting crap?


I'll watch what I choose to watch Kop, I don't need some one censoring what I watch in the name of Progressiveness. Censorship is not Progressive.

If that means I don't meet your expectations of progressiveness, well I guess I'll just have to,live with disappointing one more extremist.

Anyways back on topic the Route to Victory is really smart move, it builds hope and excitement and I think its an energy they can build on.


Self censorship is not censorship it is just ensuring that assholes don't get good ratings. You can chose to watch him all you want but that just adds to his popularity ratings.  I chose not to watch misogynist assholes in the hope that their ratings will fall.  You can watch them for whatever reason you want but I would not think that supporting his program was progressive.

Jacob Two-Two

Good fundraising. Optimistic and organised. Gives a very concrete sense of what your donation is going towards.


I was actually thinking about where we could go with that.

Imagine you get a letter asking for money for the NDP and form letting you select how much your willing donate. Don't feel very invested do you?

Now imagine getting a fundraising form that doesn't ask how much you wish to donate at first, instead it asks where would you like your personal money to go towards, say a bill board campaign, flyiers, TV ads, General Funds, Radio Ads ect...

Then instead of asking how much money you'd like to donate, it asks you how much time you'd like to volunteer for and in what rolls you'd like to particapate in.

Lastly it asks you how much money you'd like to donate after having asked where you'd like that money to go towards.

Finishing off with a web address where one can vote on a selection of ads, with the winner going on TV, Billboards, ect...

Now do you feel more engaged, more willing to donate?

I added the option to donate time as just because someone's broke, doesn't mean they have nothing to offer.


kropotkin1951 wrote:

I think I watched about 10 minutes of Two and a Half Men a few years back and turned it off in disgust and never looked at it again. Why would any progressive person watch such disgusting crap?

Seems you and Angus T. Jones are two birds of a feather.


Brachina wrote:
I added the option to donate time as just because someone's broke, doesn't mean they have nothing to offer.

Another consideration is that if one's income is so low that it is not taxable (IE, those living off of savings or those on social assistance), but one still wishes to donate a small amount to the NDP, then it's far better to donate to the provincial party rather than the federal party.  Federal political donations are non-refundable tax credits, meaning that taxes will be reduced, but if you're not paying taxes, then you'll get nothing back.  Provincial political donations (in Ontario, anyway) are refundable, meaning that you'll see a credit even if you're not paying taxes. 


2011 Printout:  NDP

2011 Printout:  Liberals

2011 Printout:  Conservatives


The two business parties have more to spend.  Hopefully the NDP can catch up.


I have to admit, that's probably the best communication I've ever seen from the NDP.  radiorahim had it sent to him, and I was really impressed.  Considering how many stupid gimmicks and/or manipulative communications they've sent out in the past few years, this one is a breath of fresh air.

Remember that fake e-mail "conversation" between Jack and his campaign director that the campaign director supposedly "forwarded" to their blast lists, where they were supposedly talking to each other about the campaign but the conversation was clearly directed to the blast list audience?  Oh, thanks NDP, yes, I'm just that stupid that I believe that's genuine.

Or that ridiculous fake tele-mail flyer they sent out on yellow paper with all-caps type all over it, and the fake holes in the sides?

It was so nice to see a communication from the NDP that didn't assume their membership was filled with morons, for a change!