Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Iran....Mali Next?

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Unionist wrote:

We've been through this before. You have to oppose imperialism when we're doing the crime - not after the passage of time.

So when will you be standing up in Parliament and telling the Harpers that Al Qaeda is just a ruse for the neocolonization of Africa?

We know you've got Mulcair's and the NDP's backs ... from all the way back there in Montreal, Quebec!

Be truthful now. Tell us what you really believe - that Al Qaeda are not a bunch of anticommunist mercenaries, drug lords and right wing wacko leftovers from a 1980s cold war turned hot in Afghanistan. WHat you really beleive is that Elvis bin Laden orchestrated 9/11 because that's how the socialist wing  of Al Qaeda rolls for social justice!! Ultra right wing fundamentalists on the take for billions from the west rilly-rilly do care - and they care for other Muslims abused by the Gladio Gang in Israel, Lebanon, and for daring to set up an air base in Saudi Arabia. By gum that mustve been it - the right wing wacos have since developed social consciences!!

Robert Fowler's case for taking on al-Qaeda in Mali Canada's version of the Quiet American Tells Us How Right Wing Fundamentalists Hate Us for Our Many Freedoms


Unionist wrote:

That was 7 months before the NDP convention called for an immediate and safe withdrawal of troops. We can do better than that this time. We can be the voices that call on the NDP to correct its course - rather than those who cheer and find excuses as it swirls headfirst down the toilet.

And now the official opposition NDP has oversight on any possible future government shananigans in Mali, something the Liberals refused to offer the effective opposition NDP in 2005 when they demanded that Paul Martin stand up in Canada's Parliament and explain in detail to Canadians what exactly Canada's "new role" would be in spelling off/relieving U.S. troops in Kandahar Province of Afghanistan.

Ottawa announces $13-million for Mali, but no military aid

And in case you were wondering what the diff is between Afghanistan and Mali, it's about 2500 or so Canadian troops volunteered by the Liberals to free-up U.S. troops joining Uncle Sam in Iraq. If this was a federal Liberal Government of Canada with ReformaTories in opposition, they'd be tripping over one another to volunteer Canadian troops to the gendarmerie's cause.


Unionist wrote:

We've been through this before. You have to oppose imperialism when we're doing the crime - not after the passage of time.

Fidel, on February 28, 2006, to unionist wrote:

And we're glad you're in the minority of opinions suggesting that Afghani's should be left to their own devices. Look at their child poverty, infant mortality and literacy rates. This is a country that needs help with basic abilities to cope and finding its place in the 21st century.

You people know nothing about the situation over there, just that they should be abandoned.

I'm ashamed that you're a Canadian and saying we have no responsibility as part of a UN effort to help them in a time of need. You've just made my ignore list.

That was 7 months before the NDP convention called for an immediate and safe withdrawal of troops. We can do better than that this time. We can be the voices that call on the NDP to correct its course - rather than those who cheer and find excuses as it swirls headfirst down the toilet.

Malalai Joya wrote:
Afghanistan needs honest helping hands, Joya said – they need schools and they need hospitals.

That is the kind of help I was referring to. Because if you remember correctly, Unionist, your so-called freedom fighters removed all of the Russian educated and trained women doctors from hospitals, and female teachers and students were banned from schools and so on.

Yeah there were hospitals and schools built in 1980s Central America. Guess whose proxises bombed and destroyed those ones, too.

And your precious Taliban proceeded to deal out "justice for women" in the middle a soccer stadium General Pinochet style if you recall. Your imperialists love right wing fundamentalists. It's why they propped-up the Taliban from 1992-2001 and probably longer.




Um, did I miss the discussion where Unionist became an apologist for the Taliban or something?


clambake wrote:

Um, did I miss the discussion where Unionist became an apologist for the Taliban or something?

And for "my" imperialists. Don't forget that part.



clambake wrote:

Um, did I miss the discussion where Unionist became an apologist for the Taliban or something?

He neglects to give NATO credit for turning their backs on the Afghan "civil war"/carnage from 1992 to '95 when his U.S.A., Saudi and Pakistani backed [s]mercenary proxies[/s] freedom fighters tore the country apart from stern to stem. It was a glorious time when western backed warlords and drug barons Hekmatyar, Rabbini etc were shovelled billions of dollars in aid and weapons to destroy Kabul and Jalalabad, and create millions of refugees.

Yes it was a glorious time when the likes of Ali MohammedKhalid Sheikh Mohammed, and a host of 9/11 terrorists all fought for the CIA in Afghanistan.  That was when Allah was on the side of free markets and western style neoliberal democracy.

According to Unionist's posts and comments of Christmas past, none of that happened. They were all gallant and brave ordinary Afghans who fought the Sovs and Marxist PDPA government using nothing but muskets and slingshots. They fought for democracy and principles not cash money or the right to run guns and drugs for years on end. 

When pressed they'll tell you that the "freedom fighters" were definitely not Egyptians, Pakistani or Afghan drug barons and warlords propped-up by the west. No, they were ordinary Afghans without political affiliation or money ties to the west whatsoever. And therecertainly werent any mercenaries from 40 countries dropped into Afghanistan, like they were dropped into 1990s Bosnia and now Libya and Syria and Africa. Afghan Arabs? You'll find none in their closets. You know what they say about people with squeeky clean closets...

Recent history isn't all that important to certain babblers you'll find. I think they get their information from reputable sources in lapdog newz media.

And remember, the NDP are always-always to blame for whatever France does, or what the U.S. Military dictatorship and its corrupt stooges in Ottawa wielding phony-majority power are instructed to by their bosses in Warshington. And you'll discover that "conspiracy theory" is code for the unspeakable truth. The Liberal Party of Canada didn't fully appreciate Leslie Hughes for merely questioning a few findings of the U.S. Military dictatorship's 9/11 Commission cover-up, and you'll find youll receive a cold, steely gazed welcome for that kind of antiestablishmentarian talk around here.  ;-)

The glasnost is half full.


Britain, US Escalate War Aid As France Advances into Northern Mali  -  by Alex Lantier

"...Attempts to use the crimes of the West's former Islamist proxies in Africa to justify France's war in Mali are profoundly hypocritical. Paris routinely ignores such crimes when they are committed by forces it is supporting. This includes the Islamist Syrian insurgency, which attacked historic sites such as the souk of Aleppo. It is also a cynical cover for the reactionary character of this war.

With France blocking journalists from covering the war zones, reports of ethnic killings are being largely ignored in the mass media. On Saturday, Amnesty International released a statement accusing French backed Malian forces of 'violations of international human rights and humanitarian law, including the extrajudicial execution of Tuareg civilians, indiscriminate shelling of a Tuareg nomadic camp, and killing livestock on which the nomadic population rely for survival."


UK's Deployment of Troops to Mali 'Mission Creep' (and vid)

"Chris Nineham, a founding member and national officer of the Stop the War Coalition in the United Kingdom, made these remarks in an interview with Press TV on Tuesday:

'We are told a week ago that there was no combat role coming...a couple of transport planes and that was it...This is mission creep...This is a government that is clearly enthusiastic about a new set of wars in West Africa,' Nineham said."


Mali: Here We Go Again

"Washington's Global War on Terror has come home to roost for the peoples of the Sahara.."


White Watch: Operation Invade Africa; Napoleon in Mali

"Before we can come to any appreciation of what is actually happening in Mali, the narrative we are being sold needs first to be debunked..."


Mali Mission Signals Brief, Passing Moment of Cooperation As Commons Returns  -  by Bruce Cheadle - Canadian Press

"For a brief moment Monday, the House of Commons was in harmony. NDP Leader Tom Mulcair began the first question period of 2013 with an inquiry that was not partisan or snide, and Prime Minister Stephen Harper responded in kind.

'Can the prime minister please update the House on Canada's involvement in the ongoing mission in Mali?' said Mulcair.

'As I think most parliamentarians will know,' Harper responded, 'the government has been very clear that it will not undertake a Canadian combat mission in Mali...'Of course, through this chamber and through committees, we will be consulting with parliamentarians on any further steps that need to be taken.'

And with that, the ray of parliamentary sunshine had passed...

Afterwards, NDP House leader Nathan Cullen sounded almost wistful when asked about the Mali cooperation.

'Wouldn't it be nice if the government would set that tone for so many other issues that the country is facing?' he said. 'Parliament is meant to be a conversation where you struggle with ideas and come to the best idea you can possibly find."

What a disgusting fithy sty that House and what pigs its occupants. How monstrous that imperialist piracy unites them both 'in harmony'..

Vote for these monsters? Not bloody likely...


Canadian Troops Drawn Into Mali's War, Despite What Prime Minister Stephen Harper Says: Walkom

"Now Canadian commandos are involved in a war the government says we're not waging..."


NDPP wrote:

Canadian Troops Drawn Into Mali's War, Despite What Prime Minister Stephen Harper Says: Walkom

"Now Canadian commandos are involved in a war the government says we're not waging..."

The Star wrote:

Meanwhile, who exactly are we fighting in Mali? The usual government line is that the rebels are Islamic militants set on turning Mali into a terrorist base. But as reports from the ground demonstrate, the reality is far more complicated.

There are at least four different armed rebel groups operating in the country’s north. The National Movement for the Liberation of Azwad, a Tuareg separatist group, claims it holds the town of Kidal. It used to be allied with the Islamist Ansar Dine.

Now, according to AP, the separatists say they want to work with the French against some (but not all) Islamists. But they say they will still fight Mali’s army which, according to reports from Reuters, is said to be busy executing those who look Tuareg in towns liberated by the French.

Ansar Dine, meanwhile, has fractured into two groups, one of which is more pro-Tuareg than the other. Both factions distinguish themselves from Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb or AQIM.

And AQIM, according to Niger’s Foreign Minister Mohamed Bazoum has — until recently — been working hand in glove with Mali’s government.

In November, Bazoum told the foreign affairs commission of France’s National Assembly that Mali’s former president, deposed last year by the army, had given AQIM free rein in the north in exchange for a share of the terror group’s lucrative kidnapping revenues.

Obviously this is far too nuanced for mere MP's to get their heads around.  The party brain trust is right. The NDP could never talk like this reporter from the Star it would make them appear far to radical for us dumb Canucks.

Tongue out


Fidel wrote:
What they are demanding without realizing it is for NDP to fall on their sword in Parliament and pave the way for either of the two same-same old line colonial administrative parties in 2015. Then we'll see some bootlicking in Ottawa for sure.

Well, at least that's a slightly more nuanced defence of Mulcair than "bravo! you're on the side of the Malian people!".

Is there no room to tell Mulcair to take the same stand on Mali that we took (5 years late) on Afghanistan? Maybe remind him that even after all the Taliban Jack crap, the NDP still miraculously managed to become official opposition? Or would that be a waste of breath?

I'm not very hopeful. They horsewhipped a whole caucus of new enthusiastic MPs into supporting war crimes in Libya. This little tiny Mali thing should be a cakewalk.



kropotkin1951 wrote:

NDPP wrote:

Canadian Troops Drawn Into Mali's War, Despite What Prime Minister Stephen Harper Says: Walkom

And [color=red]AQIM[/color], according to Niger’s Foreign Minister Mohamed Bazoum has — until recently — been working [color=red]hand in glove with Mali’s government.[/color]

In November, Bazoum told the foreign affairs commission of France’s National Assembly that Mali’s former president, deposed last year by the army, had given [color=red]AQIM free rein in the north[/color] in exchange for a share of the terror group’s lucrative kidnapping revenues.

Obviously this is far too nuanced for mere MP's to get their heads around.  The party brain trust is right. The NDP could never talk like this reporter from the Star it would make them appear far to radical for us dumb Canucks.

Tongue out

Of course, the Gladio Gang aided and abetted AQIPakistan-Afghanistan, AQIBosnia, AQIMacedonia, AQIChina, AQIChechnya-Dagestan-Kyrghyzstan, AQIIraq, AQILibya, AQISyria, and now AQIMali.  What else is new?

Who is going to stand up in Parliament and argue that the Gladio Gang are supporting right wing fundamentalist-terrorists around the world?

How did the NDP and lefties fare during the last cold war?

I vote we we should send Kropotkin, Unionist and NDPP to Parliament as independents and let them spill the beans on Gladio terror. They will have their hands full if they ever are elected in any riding.

Average Canadians don't know this stuff nor do they care about the cold war much less a colder war.

Canadians do have priorities and, typically, they are:

1. Health care

2. employment

3. Education

4. the environment

5. etcetera with foreign policy somewhere down the list.

I'm afraid your bad electoral system doesn't prioritize colder war Gladio.

And besides, all this Al CIA'duh news is normally ignored by most babblers in the 9/11 Gladio threads never mind the moral phony majority still voting in fraudulent FPTP elections. Why are we so interested in the subject now? Does it only matter when the NDP can be fitted-up as convenient scapegoats for NATO terror? Most people and very many  babblers were sucked into believing Elvis bin Laden orchestrated 9/11 not AQILangley.



If no one pays attention to foreign affairs anyways then whats to lose in talking about the truth of the situations as they arise.  As you say Fidel it is not an issue that changes votes so therefore it would seem like a safe place to be progressive and not just mouth the imperial line.

They could say something like the situation in Mali is a very complicated internal matter of a sovereign country and Canada should not interfere.  Full stop!

I would not suggest they use your fully developed Gladio conspiracy theory as part of their talking points.

Boom Boom Boom Boom's picture

I still roll my eyes everytime I see that word "gladio". Sounds like something out of a garden or nursery. Or short for gladiolis. As soon as I see it used, I move to the next post.


kropotkin1951 wrote:

If no one pays attention to foreign affairs anyways then whats to lose in talking about the truth of the situations as they arise.  As you say Fidel it is not an issue that changes votes so therefore it would seem like a safe place to be progressive and not just mouth the imperial line.

Pay attention. Your average Canadian, including Boom Boom apparently, can't be bothered with knowing the real history of Gladio or its connection with "Al Qaeda", the invisible army of darkness which does not now nor has it ever existed according to former French intelligence officer Henri Brunel and a host of British, American and Canadian political commentators since well before 9/11.

And so if glasnost has not happened yet in North America, what's left is to wait for the vicious empire, the USSA,  to implode in on itself as wave after wave of Whitehouse/Wall St corruption continues and capitalism consumes itself as it did in various world experiments since 14th century Italy. In which case demanding that the NDP be solely responsible for setting in motion that which is inevitable anyway is not necessary.

More important fish to fry in Ottawa, kropotkin. Our vicious toadies are not doing so well when it comes to the basics, like health care, employment, the environment etcetera. The NDP will be more successful jabbing and boxing than looking for the knockout in these middle rounds, so to speak.

kropotkin wrote:
I would not suggest they use your fully developed Gladio conspiracy theory as part of their talking points.

Without exposing Gladio and the facts surrounding 9/11, it would be political suicide. It's AQIMali today. Steve the lap dog is dedicated to the American inquisition's anti-terrorist crusade, and so how can you possibly counter the colder war bs? A lot of people believe that "Al Qaeda" is a real terrorist org not a fake one designed as a front door key for the US Military and friends to march into oil-rich sovereign nations. What is you angle? For all Canadians know, Steve and his bosses in Warshington are helping Malians fight for freedom from militant Islam and tyranny. You want the NDP to go up against that? What in the world for? Fool's errand.


I'd like to see as a news organization spare a little effort toward holding the official opposition party to account for the positions it has taken in recent years.  We could do with fewer trained seals in the media, and in the commentariat for that matter, slapping their flippers together.


Your right Fidel Canadian soldiers in Africa killing indigenous rebels is not something we should talk about or look at.  It is irrelevant to everyone except the people we kill.  For the sake of the NDP the Tuareg people should never be mentioned. Their lives are not important especially when compared to important issues like reducing waiting lists for surgery or ATM fees for Canadian consumers.  Yes we must all consider the greater good.


kropotkin1951 wrote:

Your right Fidel Canadian soldiers in Africa killing indigenous rebels is not something we should talk about or look at.  It is irrelevant to everyone except the people we kill.  For the sake of the NDP the Tuareg people should never be mentioned. Their lives are not important especially when compared to important issues like reducing waiting lists for surgery or ATM fees for Canadian consumers.  Yes we must all consider the greater good.

You missed the part about our corrupt stooges aiding and abetting Mali's government working hand in glove with Al Qaeda and affiliated terrorist groups.   It was there in your TorStar link. What do you think about that? That's not what the CBC is reporting - our colonial troops are there to purge the invisible army of darkness not help them. Will it have legs with Canadian voters who, like Boom Boom, tend to roll their eyes at thoughts of the Gladio Gang being so despicably evil? The Gladiolas Gang are not that evil, are they? Tell us why you want the NDP to embroil themselves in a colder war nonsense when we can beat them on the basics alone. The Harper colonial administrativeship of Canada is totally beatable without dividing and conquering ourselves and dragging everyone down to their level - the Gladio gutter level that is. Do you for a minute believe the NDP has the political wherewithal to stop necolonization of Africa?  Whose side are you on anyway?

If you and Unionist and NDPP are too chickenshit to go to Parliament Hill yourselves and yell foul on Canadian troops fighting Al CIA'duh and affiliated terrorists in Mali, then why don't you all just sit down and relax? Quit bothering us with your colder war baloney fcs.


Fidel wrote:

If you and Unionist and NDPP are too chickenshit to go to Parliament Hill yourselves and yell foul on Canadian troops fighting Al CIA'duh and affiliated terrorists in Mali, then why don't you all sit down and STFU? Quit bothering us with your colder war baloney fcs.

Ok, I can comprehend comradely criticism, but carnivorous carping can't continue! Cut it out, cook it, can it!



There have been too many cuts to education and health care funding by Ottawa. There are too many women and children in Canada iving in poverty to succumb to this kind of colder war nonsense. A lot of those Canadians don't know the real history of Gladio terrorism. But that shouldnt stop them from achieving social democracy in their own backyard. There are more Canadians than just us counting on the NDP to get it done in Ottawa.


'Bloody Atrocities' Exclusive Footage Shows Army's Warcrimes

"the right thing to do" - Thomas Mulcair NDP


Movement National De Liberation de L'Azawad

"The MNLA can in no case accept that the people of Azawad [are to be] delivered to Malian vengeance. As such, the MNLA commits to full responsibility to secure its cities and protect its people against an army that specializes in crmes against the civilian population of Azawad.."



Unionist wrote:

Fidel wrote:

If you and Unionist and NDPP are too chickenshit to go to Parliament Hill yourselves and yell foul on Canadian troops fighting Al CIA'duh and affiliated terrorists in Mali, then why don't you all sit down and STFU? Quit bothering us with your colder war baloney fcs.

Ok, I can comprehend comradely criticism, but carnivorous carping can't continue! Cut it out, cook it, can it!

We've been censored in the Leslie Hughes thread where we truthers have attempted to counter the pro Dubya government's anti-Semitic smear job of one billion Muslims since 9/11. And now you're telling us to shut up and simply chime-in with laying all blame squarely on the NDP's shoulders for this colder war nonsense.

How many times will they be allowed to hide behind the "Al Qa'eda" bogeyman to justify marching troops into oil and resource-rich sovereign countries Nazi Germany style?

If you want the NDP to speak out against this colder war nonsense, you'll have to find some corurageous friends with the balls and ovaries to speak out against the very anti-Semitic  and ongoing smear job of Islamists and Arabs since 9/11. You'll find no one here to back you up except the truthers. Fuhget about moderators, though. They are down with the pro Dumbya guvmint's anti-Semitic smear job of a billion Muslims without actually prosectuting anyone for 9/11 in a legit court of law.

<a href="">The Gob'NPail</a> wrote:

It would be morally sound, and in Canada’s self-interest, to offer more logistical support to France’s offensive [u]against al-Qaeda-linked militants in Mali.[/u]

The Harper government has extended the tour of a C-17 heavy-lift transport plane shuttling equipment from France to Mali but says it won’t join combat operations there. France has the only Western military force in combat zones, along with the undisciplined Malian army and some badly equipped and insufficiently trained West African contingents.

The Harper toadies are helping the gendarmerie to ferret out Al CIA'duh in Mali. All those who believe there is an invisible army of darkness, say Aye-aye-, Uncle Sam, may we have another. It's what our colonial administrators tell their bosses in Warshington daily.


Slumberjack wrote:

I'd like to see as a news organization spare a little effort toward holding the official opposition party to account for the positions it has taken in recent years.  We could do with fewer trained seals in the media, and in the commentariat for that matter, slapping their flippers together.

And truth seekers would like to know why babble's quiet support for the U.S. Military regime's insanely anti-Semitic version of events surrounding 9/11 wrt "Pious Muslims did it", and let's not have a legit investigation or prosecute anyone in a real court of law. 

If babblers who identify their political allegiance as simply "anti-NDP"  can't actually defend the AQIMali conspiracy theory baloney as spoken by your vicious toadies at the helm in Ottawa, then why get upset about it? On the other hand you want to drop all this colder war bullshit in the laps of the NDP. Hypocrites! How do you keep it straight which of your faces is doing the talking from one post to the next? By gum!

Libby Davies presented a citizen's petition in Canada's Parliament demanding a legit investigation into the mother of all terrorist acts at the heart of this neocolonialization of Africa. What more do you want besides the NDP to commit political suicide? A cherry on top for the Harpers, too? Not going to happen. Reform Party retreads will be on the outside looking in by [color=red]2015[/color]. The clock will run out on the Harper Toadies of Canada.


Here in NS we have a scaled down version of what a Wellington St. NDP government might look like, in the form of Darrell Dexter. It's not all bad mind you. Public sector unionized workers have been given a reprieve from having their jobs outsourced, now that the NSNDP's merged services initiative has been put on ice for the time being, what with an election call anticipated sometime this year. And the cuts to education and health have miraculously stopped as well for the time being. We're all grateful for this, but at the same time our cynicism where the political establishment is concerned keeps being validated at every turn it seems, because anyone with two political clues to rub together knows full well that this reprieve is of a transitory nature. All that to say, we don't have to practice hypocrisy ourselves to get a feel for it. We can witness politics as its put into effect by the three stooges of contemporary politics in this country, or when we've suffered enough agitation from that, we can come here to be sedated by comrade Fidel's bromides.


It Cost Canadian Taxpayers Roughly $18.6 M to Send A Military Transport Plane to Mali


The Art of War: The Reconquest of Africa  -  by Manlio Dinucci (Il Manifesto)

"This is a long-term operation that is part of the strategic plan aimed at putting the whole continent under the military control of the 'great democracies' which are returning to Africa with their colonial pith helmets painted in the colours of peace.."

'It was the right thing to do' Thomas Mulcair NDP


Heavily Armed Chld Soldiers Fighting in Mali Conflict - Reports (and vid)

"Malian child soldiers are fighting in the country's conflict. Sectarian violence is worsening. The three week long intervention has created havoc and misery reporter Gonzalo Wancha said..."


BAR: Meeting and Greeting the Crusaders in Africa  - by Glen Ford

"...It's true that many Tuareg nationalists seeking independence for their homeland in northern Mali worked with Gaddafi's security forces and emerged from Libya heavily armed. But no sooner had the secular Tuareg rebellion begun then it was overwhelmed by Muslim fundamentalists - jihadists who were Gaddafi's sworn enemies.

The jihadists, many of them foreigners, could be run out of the cities of Mali and militarily contained with little effort. But the Tuaregs live there and always have. It is therefor necessary for the United States to claim that the entire Tuareg people - several million of them - are infested with jihadism, and that this will require a longtime Euro-American presence in Mali and the region.

The French are leading the charge in the desert in Mali, but the US has much bigger plans for Africa..."


Slumberjack wrote:

Here in NS we have a scaled down version of what a Wellington St. NDP government might look like, in the form of Darrell Dexter. It's not all bad mind you. Public sector unionized workers have been given a reprieve from having their jobs outsourced, now that the NSNDP's merged services initiative has been put on ice for the time being, what with an election call anticipated sometime this year. And the cuts to education and health have miraculously stopped as well for the time being. We're all grateful for this, but at the same time our cynicism where the political establishment is concerned keeps being validated at every turn it seems, because anyone with two political clues to rub together knows full well that this reprieve is of a transitory nature. All that to say, we don't have to practice hypocrisy ourselves to get a feel for it. We can witness politics as its put into effect by the three stooges of contemporary politics in this country, or when we've suffered enough agitation from that, we can come here to be sedated by comrade Fidel's bromides.

I think that if you study recent Canadian history you will understand how neoliberalism works in this and other countries to destroy good paying jobs and hand control of the economy to absentee corporate landlords, bankers, foreign creditors etc. Dexter is powerless to change this political dynamic as are the federal NDP in Ottawa, for now.

As for neocolonialism in Africa, it has been ongoing since at least the Belgian-CIA murder of Patrice Lumumba. That's right, the CIA have conspired to not only murder people before, they've overthrown popular foreign governments. It's hard for apologizing apoligists to deflect that reality and especially when the CIA and US Military governments have admitted guilt and typically only when the evidence against them is overwhelming.  The NDP is even more powerless to stop NATO terrorism and especially so if we fail to recognize or participate in and crash the NATO party in future. It is a juvenile myth that one will necessarily be infected with AIDS if cavorting with those who have it, and it follows that we don't have to become imperialists merely by being seen in the same room with the royal family. It might not look very good, but then again Gandhi was photographed alongside some very unsavory leaders and heads of state himself.


Okay I understand it now.  The NDP has no power over foreign affairs nor the Canadian economy but we should all work our butts off to get them elected because they are going to ________.


kropotkin1951 wrote:

Okay I understand it now.  The NDP has no power over foreign affairs nor the Canadian economy but we should all work our butts off to get them elected because they are going to ________.

If you like things just the way they are, then by all means continue stating your case for being paranoid of a federal party that has never governed and without an actual record in federal government to examine fairly.

And if you expect the NDP to promise to fix in one four-year term what was broken over the last 30 to 35 years, then you should probably consider voting for the Liberals. That party will promise you anything under the sun.

For those of us who have been paying attention to Canadian politics and the shaninigans, sellouts and betrayals since Brian Mulroney, we know that at some point we have to clean both old line parties from the halls of powerlessness. The cult of impotence will only be cured by democracy. I will vote for the pro democracy party,  the NDP.

RevolutionPlease RevolutionPlease's picture
RevolutionPlease RevolutionPlease's picture


RevolutionPlease RevolutionPlease's picture

Belgian MP Laurent Louis Stands Against War in Mali (and vid)

'Belgian MP denounces the crimes of NATO's neo-colonial wars'.

Too bad we have nothing like this amongst the sad sellouts of the ndp. Please feel free to forward this to yours...



The Crisis in Mali  - by Devon DB

"A historical persective on the Tuareg people"


John Pilger: 'Islamic Terrorism' Is the Invented Excuse for Theft of Africa's Riches

"...The indigenous people of the Sahara, the Tuareg, whose Berber fighters Gaddafi had protected, fled across Algeria to Mali, where the Tuareg have been claiming a separate state since the 1960s. As the ever watchful Patrick Cockburn points out, it is this local dispute, not al Qaida, that the West fears most in northwest Africa...'poor though the Tuareg may be, they are living on top of great reserves of oil, gas, uranium and other valuable minerals..."


Unionist wrote:

6079_Smith_W wrote:


On the other hand, I can understand that some people over there were glad to see some intervention. So, while not excusing it, I think it is entirely in order to acknowledge that. Better than pretending it didn't happen.


I'm not pretending it didn't happen. Did you see me deny that it happened? It happened in Iraq, too. It happened in Afghanistan. And Vietnam. It also happened in several countries that Hitler invaded.

But no one here will hail the invasion or occupation of World War II, or Vietnam, or of Iraq, or (I don't think) of Afghanistan. They're so good and clever after the fact. It's only the present and future that they find oh-so-confusing.

My point was simpler. We must call out those who claim to be "progressive" and who cheer on the invaders - even if they find some people "on the ground" to cheer along with.


That's all very nice, but how about opposing the imperialist narrative on 9/11 anld the wildly insane anti-Semitic version of events surrounding 9/11 as the basis for these NATO aggressions in Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Libya, Syria and now Mali? It seems that babblers and mods are united in solidarity in supporting the U.S. Military regime's imperialist narrative.

If we refuse to actually oppose imperialist narrative and allow them to re-write recent history WRT 9/11, the terrorist act that launched a wave of NATO terror and military aggressions since 2001, how accurate is our claim to be progressive anti-imperialists? I am not a flunky for imperialism, and I wish babblers and babble moderators would state their opposition to imperialism instead of  silent support.

The imperialist military agenda is now based on the events of 9/11, and relatively few progressives oppose the actual premise for today's religious crusades as preemptive wars against an enemy that does not exist. This conspiracy of silence is breathtaking, and yet self-described progressives demand that the NDP stand alone against the new colder warriors and their newz media propaganda machine controlling this new crusades against Islam narrative. The situation is truly shameful.

Does rabble still claim to promote anti-imperialist points of view? 


RT: Robert Harneis on France and Qatar in Mali (and vid)

"Where are the terrorists? This is a most peculiar war..."


Terrorism and Non-Conventional Warfare: France, Qatar and the New World Disorder  -  by Georald O Colmain

"...Qatar's financing of Islamist terror in Mali, Libya, Syria and elsewhere and the incestuous relationship between the absolutist Gulf emirate and the Quai'dOrai is now no secret to the more informed sections of the French public..."


..txs for the updates ndpp!


thank you for your own epaulo!


Just a comment about Laurent Louis, the Belgian MP quoted approvingly by NDPP in #133. While I agree with some of his statements, in general he is hard to take very seriously. He has made rather bizarre statements about the Roma , considered racist by many, and about the Belgian prime minister (Elio Di Rupo) re his sexual orientation (Di Rupo is homosexual). Not a person that I would want to join on the barricades.


Boom Boom wrote:

I still roll my eyes everytime I see that word "gladio". Sounds like something out of a garden or nursery. Or short for gladiolis. As soon as I see it used, I move to the next post.

thread drift ahead: Op Gladio is significant. Check out this..


NDPP wrote:

Boom Boom wrote:

I still roll my eyes everytime I see that word "gladio". Sounds like something out of a garden or nursery. Or short for gladiolis. As soon as I see it used, I move to the next post.

thread drift ahead: Op Gladio is significant. Check out this..

And in addition to the mp3 podcasts there is plenty of good reading on the recent history of Gladio on Sibel's website, too, Boom Boom. NATO's terror campaigns didn't just cease with the fall of the Berlin Wall - it is ongoing and stepped-up to a frenzied pace ever since.

Thanks, NDPP. Sibel's anti-imperialist credentials are impeccable. She's a genuine warrior for truth, and her whistleblowing and testimonials before Congress are now part of the colder war record. The American CIA's motto is also ironically significant here. It is, simply, "Veritas"


SE is an excellent source. I like MOSSAD's better : 'By way of Deception'...


French Troops Protecting Niger Mine: Fight for Security in Africa or...? (and vid)

"It'll be like Iraq - permanent US bases"


Niger Uranium Plays Key Role in France's Mali War (and vid)

Interview with Douglas Degroot, Executive Intelligence Review


Gee, thanks. Got any stories about people grateful to U.S. troops for releasing them from Saddam Hussein's dungeons? Or Afghan girls who can finally go to school thanks to NATO?


I dunno - we give them everything - women's rights, LGBT rights, education, microcredit loans, provincial reconstruction teams, elections with many parties and secret ballots, stock exchanges, free markets ... And still they're not happy! They want Sharia law... or whatever... go figure!!

What do the [s]Quebecers[/s] [s]Afghans[/s] Tuareg want???


Canada Aiding France's War on Mali (and vid)

"France's foreign minister has referred to it as the 'total reconquest' of its former colony. And now Canada is involving itself militarily in Mali, a country where Canadian mining companies have a lucrative trade..."


Mali: UN Alarm At Mali Abuse Claims

"The UN anti-genocide envoy says he is 'deeply disturbed' by reports of reprisal attacks by Malian troops as they retake control of the north.."


Doug wrote:

For what it's worth, there are two gay men who are rather happy with the Mali intervention.

Good for those two men who were saved.  For what its worth here is what the government side is responsible for.  Mali is just another country where we are there to steal resources while professing our Responsibility to Protect innocent people.  Strange that people never need protecting from a government that is compliant to Western interests no matter how bad their human rights record is.

R2P is hypocrisy on the grandest scale and has been for centuries. Islamist killers hurting their own people require intervention but not Western backed killers.  I suppose that is just the burden put on us progressive Westerners.  Poor us the white man's burden lies heavily on our shoulders


It is estimated that between 20,000 and 40,000 children work in Mali’s artisanal gold mining sector. Many of them start working as young as six years old. These children are subjected to some of the worst forms of child labor, leading to injury, exposure to toxic chemicals, and even death. They dig shafts and work underground, pull up, carry and crush the ore, and pan it for gold. Many children suffer serious pain in their heads, necks, arms, or backs, and risk long-term spinal injury from carrying heavy weights and from enduring repetitive motion. Children have sustained injuries from falling rocks and sharp tools, and have fallen into shafts.  In addition, they risk grave injury when working in unstable shafts, which sometimes collapse.

Child miners are also exposed to mercury, a highly toxic substance, when they mix gold with mercury and then burn the amalgam to separate out the gold. Mercury attacks the central nervous system and is particularly harmful to children. Child laborers risk mercury poisoning, which results in a range of neurological conditions, including tremors, coordination problems, vision impairment, headaches, memory loss, and concentration problems. The toxic effects of mercury are not immediately noticeable, but develop over time: it is hard to detect for people who are not medical experts. Most adult and child artisanal miners are unaware of the grave health risks connected with the use of mercury.

The majority of child laborers lives with and work alongside their parents who send their children into mining work to increase the family income. Most parents are artisanal miners themselves, and are paid little for the gold they mine, while traders and some local government officials make considerable profit from it. However, some children also live or work with other people—relatives, acquaintances, or strangers, and are economically exploited by them. A significant proportion of child laborers are migrants, coming from different parts of Mali or from neighboring countries, such as Burkina Faso and Guinea. Some of them may be victims of trafficking. Young girls in artisanal mining areas are also sometimes victims of sexual exploitation and abuse.

Chomsky wrote:

A third principle is that virtually every use of force in international affairs has been justified in terms of R2P, including the worst monsters. Just to illustrate, in his scholarly study of "humanitarian intervention," Sean Murphy cites only three examples between the Kellogg-Briand pact and the UN Charter: Japan's attack on Manchuria, Mussolini's invasion of Ethiopia, and Hitler's occupation of parts of Czechoslovakia, all accompanied by lofty rhetoric about the solemn responsibility to protect the suffering populations, and factual justifications. The basic pattern continues to the present.

The historical record is worth recalling when we hear R2P or its cousin described as an "emerging norm" in international affairs. They have been considered a norm as far back as we want to go. The founding of this country is an example. In 1629, the Massachusetts Bay Colony was granted its Charter by the King, stating that rescuing the natives from their bitter pagan fate is "the principal end of this plantation." The Great Seal of the Colony depicts an Indian saying "Come Over and Help Us." The English colonists were thus fulfilling their responsibility to protect as they proceeded to "extirpate" and "exterminate" the natives, in their words, "and for their own good, their honored successors explained. In 1630, John Winthrop delivered his famous sermon depicting the new nation "ordained by God" as "a city on a hill," inspirational rhetoric that is regularly invoked to this day to justify any crime as at worst a "deviation" from the noble mission of responsibility to protect.




Mali’s Tuareg-Uranium Conspiracy

I remember Rumsfeld telling the world that Saddam had his mitts on yellow birthday cake or some such.

Then it was Al Qaeda holed-up in concrete bunkers Dr No style with generals and captains and a whole chain of command ready to attack America. lol-worthy.

Tuaregs  just want independence, but now they've supposedly been infiltrated by the all-purpose invisible army of darkness which does not now nor has it ever existed. Tuaregs, Al CIA'da, what's the diff, really?
