Green Party Troubles

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As far as anyone out there that thinks she consolidated the 'left of centre' vote, let me remind you that her riding was Reform, or Conservative since 1997.  

By all means, keep deluding your left side.

autoworker autoworker's picture

Voting Green may be saying 'none of the above', in regard to ecology.


You could lead by example addicted- the first to apologize for being alive and taking up space someone else could better use.


addictedtomyipod wrote:

What I find the most troubling is why does she insist on leading  a fringe party and not decide to back another party to get what she claims she cares for?  She spends most of her time attacking the NDP, another progressive party.

I have heard this line before and it was a non starter for me then and it is now.  We have to support Cretien or Mulroney will get into power. Why is AM always attacking the Liberals more than she attacks the Conservatives?

We have to support Martin or Harper will get in.  Why would JL attack the left of centre Liberals instead of going after Harper?

Its a real old Liberal talking point that some in the NDP (like too many other Liberal ideas) seem to adopting.

Arthur Cramer Arthur Cramer's picture

kropotkin1951 wrote:

addictedtomyipod wrote:

What I find the most troubling is why does she insist on leading  a fringe party and not decide to back another party to get what she claims she cares for?  She spends most of her time attacking the NDP, another progressive party.

I have heard this line before and it was a non starter for me then and it is now.  We have to support Cretien or Mulroney will get into power. Why is AM always attacking the Liberals more than she attacks the Conservatives?

We have to support Martin or Harper will get in.  Why would JL attack the left of centre Liberals instead of going after Harper?

Its a real old Liberal talking point that some in the NDP (like too many other Liberal ideas) seem to adopting.


Its called politics folks; deal with it! Stop worrying about EM, and start worrying about getting people to vote NDP. Its simple, really.



autoworker autoworker's picture

janfromthebruce wrote:

yeah, I'm tired of EM. And in my view, the liberals are not left of centre - never have been and if one looks at what they are offering now, it's even more apparent.

I don't believe most voters weigh their decisions in terms of left, right, centre, or have any loyalty to a particular party. Sometimes, I think they vote on the basis of who they believe will win. In the end, they are the one's who often decide elections.



autoworker autoworker's picture

Isn't it all about perception, anyway?

autoworker autoworker's picture

The Greens don't have trouble articulating an alternative vision, through Elizabeth May's leadership, to either that of the Liberals, or the NPD (who, themselves, experienced the difficulties of being heard, especially in Quebec before the collapse of the BQ). Indeed, she has been quite clear on the GPC's responsible position regarding The Clarity Act, and the party's unequivocal response to the Bloc's initiative.
