would global warming be so bad?

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would global warming be so bad?

 I laying in bed in my freezing cold home thanks to that damn ice storm and it occurs to me as I type on my cellphone that the real reason the Harper Tories keep winning is because deep down inside most Canadian are in favour of Global Warming especially if it means no more winter. 

 Maybe if we in the NDP promise to end winter people will vote for us. Just think of how awesome it would be ic there was no more cold, no more ice, no more snow. Maybe disney world would open up a disney world Canada theme park. 

 In other news Rob Ford is an asshole and he should be hung by his short and curlies for not declaring a state of emergency and so should Wynn for letting it be up to him. And Stephen Harper, because he charges provinces for help during enemeryencies the asshole.

 If this doesn't  make sense, just blame the ice on my brain. And Justin Trudeau. Not sure why, I just don't like him.

 If I die from the cold, I want to be cremated and my ashes forced fed to All three accursed governments.

 PS.The Norse were right, Hell is cold.




Wasn't the abolition of winter part of the Rhino party platform?

Arthur Cramer Arthur Cramer's picture

I'm truly sorry Brachina.


Thanks. As if the hydro fhing wasn't bad enough, tree are falling all  over the place so all it would take is one to take it back out agian. I loath winter.


wow... you hate winter so much....

we the inuit and first nations never complained about winter issues.

global warming or climate change has nothing with do winter!


it is Creator created them all. (Non-Christian, even Shamanism belief)

if the bad storm, Creator is very angry because people are break a taboo.


If you complain about winter, you have to go back to Tropical countries. (No offense thou)


I'm suffering terribly from the cold (and I'm not even in a blackout, touch wood!). I have every right to complain about that. Should the people of Attawapiskat have to "go back" somewhere, when they were protesting their inadequate dwellings?

In Northern Québec, there is a severe housing shortage; as a result there are many Inuit and northern Cree coming south and often living as itinerants in shelters. Shouldn't Indigenous people and their supporters complain about this untenable situation?

As for denying global warming, leave that to the perpetrators of ecocide (who are, I suppose, violating a taboo, as well as Earth herself).

I hope Brachina's situation is better soon. Toronto really doesn't seem to be doing a very good job; there seems to be a lot of vulnerable people in unheated dwellings.


 I actually live in Richmond Hill, just outside of TO itself and yes my Hydro is back on, yeah. I thank you all for your concern.

 And my people don't come from somewhere Tropical, I'm 3 quarters white, and I think a quarter native (some myztery on my fathers side of the family). 





 Thanks Jan. Sadly my landline is still out, but hydro is the most important thing.

Sean in Ottawa

We should have a short blackout across the country just as a reminder of what it is like in many northern communities who lack access to many services including mold-free housing.

Glad to know you are warmer Brachina!


Good luck to you Brachina. Here in Winnipeg, I've just about had it with high temperatures lower than -25, so I sympathize with wanting a bit of warming up.


 How do you endure it on a regular bases,  its -28 here now and I hate it.


By thinking about how bad it is in Thunder Bay.



From facebook. This is better than those comparison with the temperature on Mars memes:


6079_Smith_W wrote:

From facebook. This is better than those comparison with the temperature on Mars memes:

And people wonder why I won't ever take a job in a small community or where commuting between communities on a regular basis is required.



some welcome change here in Montreal today:

it jumped to -18C /0F under strong sunshine, en route to potentially 0C /32F by Monday



...  everybody, into the pool! Cool



Yeah some FN blood on both sides of the family but about 5 gen back or so. Mostly french and some brit pieces. I am very tired of winter already...and the guy who keep running the plow down the street, yeah like 3 days after its snowed needs a good swift kick in the pants. And we are just heading into the dark dirge, 3 months left :(

I think down here we have already hit our normal annual snowfall amount, we mostly get ice and brown/grey numbness for months, not much for snow. Sad because we don't get a regular canadian winter to celebrate the outdoors and don't trust it when it happens because it rarley last long enough to build an ice rink or whatever. This year we are onto giant snow storm(for us that is 6+ inches or 150mm) number 3 or 4 tomorrow and they are talking 20-30cm...seriously? I don't even want to talk about trying to clear what the plow guy will do to my sanity in this event.


So if I could shift into weather geek for a moment. What normally happens with the polar air mass is that it covers the Artcic Ocean, and the edges of this air mass touch North America, Europe, and Asia. Occaisionally it stretches southward for cold weather. What's been happening lately is that the whole air mass is shifting over, making one area really cold and the rest really warm. Right now it is parked over North America. It's the same thing that happened a couple of winters ago when it was really warm, the only diference is where it was parked, which in that case was Europe.


Aristotleded24 wrote:

So if I could shift into weather geek for a moment. What normally happens with the polar air mass is that it covers the Artcic Ocean, and the edges of this air mass touch North America, Europe, and Asia. Occaisionally it stretches southward for cold weather. What's been happening lately is that the whole air mass is shifting over, making one area really cold and the rest really warm. Right now it is parked over North America. It's the same thing that happened a couple of winters ago when it was really warm, the only diference is where it was parked, which in that case was Europe.

It may be connected to the Arctic sea ice loss.


It's also cold in Yakutsk (northeastern Siberia), but not much below normal.



a similar view:


The polar vortex is a prevailing wind pattern that circles the Arctic, flowing from west to east all the way around the Earth. It normally keeps extremely cold air bottled up toward the North Pole. Occasionally, though, the vortex weakens, allowing the cold air to pour down across Canada into the U.S., or down into other regions such Eastern Europe. In addition to bringing cold, the air mass can push the jet stream—the band of wind that typically flows from the Pacific Ocean across the U.S.—much further south as well. If the jet stream puts up a fight, the moisture it carries can fall out as heavy snow, which atmospheric scientists say is the circumstance that caused the February 2010 “snowmageddon” storm that shut down Washington, D.C.