Anyone else have a problem with this?

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OnTheLeft OnTheLeft's picture
Anyone else have a problem with this?

"Ontario NDP" wrote:

The Job Creation Tax Credit would reimburse employers for 10 per cent of the salary paid to a new hire during their first year of employment, up to a maximum of $5,000 per new hire. Businesses would have to demonstrate that a new hire is genuine, and provide on-the-job training. US President Barack Obama proposed a similar 10 per cent tax credit for businesses that add jobs.

So tax cuts for corporations that create jobs.

Meanwhile, Obama has also murdered hundreds of innocent civilians via drone strikes in Pakistan, Yemen and Afghanistan, while [url=]cutting $8.7 billion from the food stamps program[/url].

The ONDP is a travesty.

alan smithee alan smithee's picture

I'm not a big Obama fan but the cuts to food stamp program is not his fault.

The Americans have a fucked up government format.

Americans can thank the Republicans for those cuts.

OnTheLeft OnTheLeft's picture

The Democrats are not only spineless, but neo-liberals. Depressing that this is who we're taking our cues from.

alan smithee alan smithee's picture

I can't argue with that fact.

But it could be worse..We could be taking our cues from the Republican Tea Party fanatics.