New Halifax Central Library is an architectural marvel

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New Halifax Central Library is an architectural marvel



New Halifax Central Library establishes a civic landmark


That looks wonderful, and looks as if it has met the challenge of modern architecture in a historic city. I've been to Copenhagen, unfortunately not to Aberdeen, but it does look as if it would fit in well in an old port city.

On a much smaller scale, my new branch library is wonderful and well-loved:,100603689&_dad=port...

Libraries are not made redundant by the Internet. They are an essential facet of digital democracy, making access available to all. Like La Grande bibliothèque, Bibliothèque Marc-Favreau is very popular and a wonderful meeting place where it is not even necessary to shell out for a coffee or a beer (though you can buy hot beverages onsite).

Our Grande bibliothèque is pleasant and full of natural light inside, but like many people, I find the outside ugly.


lagatta wrote:
... like many people, I find the outside ugly.

Hahaha, I misread that the first time round!

On a more serious note, I mostly borrow e-books these days from La Grande Bibliothèque. I don't like the stacks. And I don't sit around there to read a book. Maybe it's me. I just don't feel the same fascination browsing through library shelves that I did as a kid.

But if you offer me a round trip to [url=, I might just change my mind!



Great pics Unionist - thanks.



Well, my branch library is most pleasant, with its (gas) fireplace. I assume the CDN branch is the closest for you? I remember when that one was new and cutting-edge, as I did my BA and MA (also known as useless arts degrees) at Université de Montréal.


lagatta wrote:

Well, my branch library is most pleasant, with its (gas) fireplace. I assume the CDN branch is the closest for you?

Yes it is. I don't like it.

The last public library I actually enjoyed was the CSL (Côte-St-Luc) library, many years ago, but then when they started charging exorbitant fees for nonresidents, I regretfully stopped going. Then, with "Une île une ville", the fees disappeared, and I started going again. Then, of course, Charest came to power and de-merger happened. My head is still spinning.

I also used to frequent the JPL (Jewish Public Library), but then they re-designed and installed these horrendous "modern" movable stacks. It felt like the bowels of a submarine. But I still occasionally buy 50 cent books at their estate book sales.