Status Indian player barred from All Native sports event

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Status Indian player barred from All Native sports event

Please read the story with an open mind and from the perspective of our elders. This is the reason why FN communities have marry out/move out laws.


Indeed some First Nations communities do have such rules however that is not the case for the First Nation that this person belongs to. It seems to me that the right of First Nations to determine who is part of their community must be paramount. If like the Mohawk they enact marry and move out laws that is their right. If they accept adopted children as the Heiltsuk seem to I will accept their traditions. 

It begs the question of the legitimacy of Jody Wilson-Raybould serving as a regional chief of the B.C. Assembly of First Nations since she is clearly someone that would be covered by some First Nations marry/move out laws.

I wonder whether this has anything to do with the fact the Heiltsuk are opposed to pipelines in their territory?

swallow swallow's picture

Reading and thinking before commenting. 

I'm unclear on the connection to marry out/move out - the player barred seems to be adopted, rather than being from a "mixed marraige." 


swallow wrote:

Reading and thinking before commenting. 

I'm unclear on the connection to marry out/move out - the player barred seems to be adopted, rather than being from a "mixed marraige." 

That is true but his parents have lived in Calgary for many years and it does not mention the status of his mother so it is possible that she is not Heiltsuk. If she is not and they live outside of the Heiltsuk First Nations territory they would be subject to those kinds of rules, in some First Nations.