Happy tenth birthday to Quebec Solidaire

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swallow swallow's picture
Happy tenth birthday to Quebec Solidaire


swallow swallow's picture

[url=http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/montreal/qu%C3%A9bec-solidaire-xavier-dola...ébec solidaire celebrates 10 years with party, shout-out from Xavier Dolan[/url] - Dolan's message sub-titled in English. 

[url=http://ici.radio-canada.ca/nouvelles/politique/2016/05/28/003-quebec-sol...ébec solidaire ambitionne de gouverner d'ici 10 ans[/url]

A majority government within 10 years? It's audacious, but so was the original project of QS. Birthday endorsements according to CBC: director Xavier Dolan, First Nations leader Ghislain Picard, philosopher Noam Chomsky, author Naomi Klein, artists Ariane Moffatt & Fred Pellerin, comic Luc Picard, and French-from-France leftist standard-bearer Jean-Luc Mélanchon. 

[url=http://www.lapresse.ca/actualites/politique/politique-quebecoise/201605/...ébec solidaire veut prendre le pouvoir d'ici 10 ans[/url]

Francoise David says a bit cheekily that QS is a sign that, yes, the left can exist in North America. 

Oh all right, the Gazette as well. [url=http://montrealgazette.com/news/quebec/take-another-look-at-us-quebec-so... another look at us, Québec solidaire tells left-wing anglos[/url]. With a video message from Amir Khadir (Manon Massé present in the frame but not speaking in this clip) that no one will accuse of being overly polished, but which makes good points and good sense. 


Love the video! But I wish whoever controls the youtube site would delete the racist comments. There are only 8 comments right now, and 7 of them are by the same asshole.

Bonne fête, QS!!


I have no idea how to complain about that. The creep actually thinks, or would have us think, that Amir Khadir is a Muslim fundie. Anyone who knows the Khadir-Machouf clan would have a big laugh over that one.


Thanks so much for starting this thread, Swallow, and for the links.  You know QS is on to something when they get congratulations from everyone from Xavier Dolan and Noam Chomsky.  Bon anniversaire QS.  I am one of the Anglos who would love to join you in working towards your future vision of a progressive, independent Quebec.  Sadly I don't live in Québec.


Thanks so much for starting this thread, Swallow, and for the links.  You know QS is on to something when they get congratulations from everyone from Xavier Dolan and Noam Chomsky.  Bon anniversaire QS.  I am one of the Anglos who would love to join you in working towards your future vision of a progressive, independent Quebec.  Sadly I don't live in Québec.


lagatta wrote:


Interesting. Never mentions "independence". And "sovereignty" is mentioned only twice, in connection with the people, not the state as such. It does talk about wanting "not only a country, but a country in the service of the people", and revives the Patriotes' call for a "Republic". Nowhere (that I could see) does it definitively exclude federation or some other forms of cooperation - which of course is consistent with the call for a constituent assembly aimed at developing a constitution. Then again, another word which is never mentioned is "Canada".

Such language will alleviate the concerns of some and intensify the opposition of others - on both "sides" of the independence debate. It's a tough line to tread. But I'm glad they skate around that "issue". It's a total diversion from supporting and integrating with the real movements that are and should be shaking our society. 

alan smithee alan smithee's picture

I love how they conducted themselves in intervews with the MSM. I've been with them from the start and before (UFP). Unfortunately,my riding is PLQ but the last election the QS candidate finished ahead of the CAQ and got over 20% of the vote. They're slowly becoming a force.

I'll try to be patient for 10 years but oh what a happy day it will be when QS forms a government.

Ken Burch

Vive QS!


..what ken burch said

Ken Burch

Maybe the NDP should rename itself "Canada Solidaire".


So, when Fontecilla talks, is that QS's official position, or just his way of expressing himself?

E.g., after saying that a QS government will place the future of Québec in the hands of the people ("Le gouvernement de Québec solidaire va remettre l’avenir du Québec entre les mains de la population en se donnant les moyens de refonder le Québec moderne."), he then presumes what the people will decide - independence ("Ce travail collectif nous permettra de faire le pas décisif vers l’indépendance en réformant nos institutions et notre statut politique."). That's the first and only mention of "independence" I've seen in the reports of the weekend events so far (which unfortunately I was unable to attend) - and I don't understand it.

Likewise, he presents QS as representing the interests of the 99% as opposed to "the one percent of specialist doctors and bankers in power" ("Pas pour le 1% des médecins spécialistes et des banquiers au pouvoir!") Besides this swipe at Gaetan Barrette, is this QS's new class analysis? Or do they think they can improve their support by piggybacking on popular resentment of medical specialists???

Please tell me this is just Fontecilla. But if it is, who runs the website and decides to post stuff like this in the name of the party??


It was odd. And of course Dr Khadir is a medical specialist. We need medical specialists, though I think they should be salaried professionals, not private businesspersons. Or gods.

swallow swallow's picture

Isn't he just making the point that the cabinet is made up of wealthy people, not regular people? 

QS spokesperson Andrés Fontecilla said the party would advocate for independence, but it would be a sovereign constituent assembly that would decide whether it wants to go in that direction. In a statement, Option nationale leader Sol Zanetti called it a “disappointing” position that was vague and didn’t clearly tell voters if there was a goal of creating a new country.

[url=http://montrealgazette.com/news/local-news/quebec-solidaire-to-put-sover... coverage[/url]

This is a terrific development, I think. 


swallow wrote:

Isn't he just making the point that the cabinet is made up of wealthy people, not regular people? 

He said the "1% of specialist physicians and bankers in power". He didn't mention the "cabinet". And since when are "specialist physicians" the enemy of the 99%? He needs to either take a breath, or else to speak more clearly. Otherwise his phraseology may get the party into trouble.












Indeed. Gabriel was impressive, as were the victim's sons. Their English is excellent, they must be trilingual (French, Arabic, English) at least. And very well-spoken.


That is lovely news; when I've attended meetings of the ecosocialist current, there were always some organic farmers who had travelled quite a distance to participate. There are some strong QS circles in regions; I know the group in Sherbrooke and surrounding rural areas.

Our artesan cheese producers, especially the smaller ones, are very much threatened by the free trade agreement with Europe. I'm not necessarily against importing cheeses from European countries but there have to be some measures to protect and promote our own producers, simply due to the ecological issue of proximity (important for small producers in European countries as well). As well as the need not to empty out the countryside.

Here, where pretty much all electricity is hydro, much could be done to update and electrify farm equipment and vehicles used to take goods to markets.


Canadian Dimension has translated an article on gains by Québec solidaire and future prospects. How I wish we could take Rosemont, the riding just east of Gouin (where I live) away from bluidy Jean-François Lisée... The federal riding is Rosemont-La-Petite-Patrie, pretty much including Québec ridings Rosemont and Gouin. Idem the borough.



swallow swallow's picture

So the new leadership (or at least, Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois, whose signature leads the accord) has agreed the terms of a merger with Option Nationale. 

La fusion avec ON pourrait donc être utile stratégiquement pour QS à court terme afin d’emporter plus de sièges aux prochaines élections et ce, en renforçant sa crédibilité et en formant un bloc à la gauche du PQ. Par contre, le recentrement sur la souveraineté pourrait s’avérer peu utile à long terme, à moins que l’on cherche uniquement à rapprocher le pouvoir. Rappelons que le but ultime n’est pas de gagner les élections, mais bien de transformer la société.

[url=https://ricochet.media/fr/1975/la-fusion-qs-on-une-bonne-ou-une-mauvaise... fusion QS-ON : une bonne ou une mauvaise chose pour les solidaires?[/url]


L’entente contient une recommandation de changement de programme pour Québec solidaire que les membres seront appelés à entériner en décembre prochain : soit la modification des modalités de l’Assemblée constituante afin que celle-ci ait le mandat ferme de rédiger un projet de constitution d’un Québec indépendant.

[url=http://quebecsolidaire.net/nouvelle/fusion-entre-qs-et-on-les-partis-con... entre QS et ON: les partis concluent une entente de principe[/url]

Auparavant, le programme de QS laissait la porte ouverte au maintien du Québec dans le Canada. Le programme du parti résultant de la fusion sera donc un programme de Pays.

[url=http://lautjournal.info/20171006/entente-entre-quebec-solidaire-et-optio...’Aut’Journal : Entente entre Québec solidaire et Option nationale[/url]

All I can say is, if this goes through, QS has probably lost my vote. QS has long proposed a constituent assembly to propose a possible constitution for Quebec, but as a party that values democracy, it allowed the constituent assembly an open mandate, not one that required members to opt for a sovereign Quebec. QS has long prioritized feminism, ecology, resistance to neo-liberalism and racism - but that's all now to be put on an equal footing with opposing Canadian colonialism over Quebec. I've voted QS because it is genuine left voice that advocates a programme of social justice. If it's simply a more leftist party of Quebec independence, then I wish it good luck, but I can't support it any longer. I'll seek for a party that puts social and economic justice first.

Mes amis solidaires, je vous prie de rejeter l'accord, qui place Pays avant principe, une lutte contre le Canada au même niveau que la lutte contre néo-libéralisme. La chance de gagner plus de sièges ne vaut pas une constituante sans liberté de choisir. Pour moi, j’espère avec tout mon cœur qu'on tienne mordicus aux principes fondateurs du parti, d'être d’abord et avant tout un parti progressiste, féministe, écologiste, de la gauche, pas un parti tout d’abord pur et dur. A ce prix-là, c'est trop.



Hi swallow!

First of all, the latest so-called babble "upgrade" requires us to re-learn how to code hyperlinks among other things. A true waste of time and effort. So here are your links, in working form:


La fusion QS-ON : une bonne ou une mauvaise chose pour les solidaires?

Québec solidaire site:

Fusion entre QS et ON: les partis concluent une entente de principe

L'Autjournal article:

Entente entre Québec solidaire et Option nationale

And yes, if this becomes QS's official position, it's not a good development at all. I never did like political parties much. Everyone has to support (or pretend to support) the same exact set of official policies, and then the so-called "leaders" do whatever they want - and then you have to support (or pretend to support) the leaders. I truly had hope that QS (of which I'm a member) would be different. I still prefer to believe (or pretend to believe?) that it is. Time will tell.