My take on the Canadian economy

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My take on the Canadian economy

I just started a youtube channel, this is my first video.  Looking for feedback as to how to improve my presentation.



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Rev Pesky

Number one thing you're going to have to do, if you want people to spend time watching (or listening), is to first write down what you're going to say, then practice saying it until you have it memorized. That will eliminate all the 'um's' and 'ah's. Those guy that read the news on TV are experts at reading off of prompters, If you're not, but want to learn the technique, get a friend to hold prompt cards for you. Then practice like mad until you have it down.

Number two, start the video with yourself on camera. Let the people know who's speaking. And give them an idea of what you're going to say. There's an old newspaper adage that says, tell'em what you're going to say, then tell'em, then tell'em what you just said. That forces you to condense your subject into the salient points. You have maybe thirteen seconds to grab peoples interest. If you don't get by then, they're gone. Actually it's less than thirteen seconds. Note the ads on youtube where you get to click out of the ad after 4 seconds or so. How many times do you click out of the ad before it's over? Attention spans are short in the twitterverse.

Third, what you say is important, at least to you. So get the equipment and technical expertise to make your voiceover very clear and distinct. Think of it like this. How long would you watch a tv show if it was mostly dark on the screen, or if you couldn't hear the dialogue? Probably not very long. Most people are like that. If they can't see or hear you, they'll disappear in a hurry.

You're trying to make a point about bond yields? Start by saying what that point is. Then present the evidence for your opinion. Once you've presented the evidence, reiterate the original point. Then say, 'Thanks for watching."

Before you can get people to believe you, you have to get them to listen to you. One of the things i would do is watch various youtube videos, and note the ones that you have no trouble following, and the ones that you want to click off right away.

And one little reiteration, when you are finished preparing your presentation, you should be able to listen to it, and not be able to count one 'um' or 'ah'. When you can do that, you're on your way.

Rev Pesky

One other little item. When you're recording yourself, look directly into the camera. People respond to eye contact, even when it's through a camera. That's why the big boys have their teleprompters right where the camera is. They can read the cards (actually nowadays it's a scrolling screen) while they look right at the camera. Makes even some of the most ridiculous news seem true.


thanks for the tips. But to be honest these vidoes are heavy in numbers there is no way I can not hope memorize them but i could script the whole thing.  I will be getting my data sets from central banks around the world and stats can. The first graph had 10000 data points, maybe if I had 20 data points in a data set I could talked about it.

1.    15 seconds with me on camera to open

2.    The heart of the matter is numbers so the graphs and charts are critical.  I did the black backgrounds because I find the background they provide better contrast.  Still maybe I can try standard white.

3.  The sound was terrible I agree I think I have an alternative.

4.  Did you find my credibilty to be lacking, I could not convince you that camparing the spread between 2 year to 30 year bond can predict a recession or/and crisis by a couple months.   I was hoping that the graphs and charts to provide credibilty rather looking someone in the eye. Let me assure you that yield inversion is a leading indicator, rather trailing indicator for the health of a economy.

5. If I script it, I can get rid of th um's.  Plus less rambling.


Rev Pesky

To be painfully honest, I couldn't watch my way through the presentation. I guess I'm no different than most, if I don't get something interesting pretty quick, I'm gone. So, I can't comment on your hypothesis, only on the presentation.

Static images on screen are death, as far as watchers go. Take a look at ads, and time the longest static image you see on screen. You'll be lucky if you find one that lasts more than a couple of seconds. Now, you're not doing ads, except in the sense you want people to 'buy' what you're selling. And your subject matter requires more understanding than a simple ad. If you must present graphs (and I agree you probably do) try find some way to hold them yourself on camera. Explain the graph, then move in for a close up (which of course means someone using the camera for you).

What you might think of doing is breaking up your presentation into smaller bites. University students will take a hour long lecture, but they've paid to be there. Your youtube audience didn't, so you have to treat them differently.

I haven't done any youtube type presentations, but I've spent a fair bit of time on stage, and believe me, keeping peoples interest is a job all by itself. It takes serious planning and a lot of hard work. Always remember that people are used to the productin values of television. Grab and old 1937 movie sometime, and sit down to watch. I can tell you that unless the movie is very good, you'll have a hard time sitting through it.

I have recently read through George Bernard Shaw's correspondence. If you don't know who he was, look him up. He was a dramatist and political speaker. In his correspondence he describe learning how to speak to audiences, and eventually getting to the point of being able to hold their attention for long periods of tiime. His reccomendatoin to others. Work, work, work, and then get out there and work the crowds until you figure out how it's done.

There is no other way.