Russia 3

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Bec.De.Corbin Bec.De.Corbin's picture

LOL, no, the truth is the lion's share of blame goes to the numb-nut assholes that were duck hunting for targets in the sky that day with a BUK launcher (only) and accidently shot down that airliner thinking it was a Ukrainian military transport. (I actually called this way back when, remember?)

With the exception of a few here we all know who that was and who supports them. As for real justice I doubt it will ever happen as there is a major world power potentially involved in the mess for introducing a weapon system that shot WAY ABOVE the attitude avaition officials thought was the maximum attitude of any weapons system used by the combatants of that area. 

ikosmos ikosmos's picture

VIKINGS (Викинг), a new Russian film, out in English soon.

The lead actor looks like a Russian Viggio Mortensen.


Keith McClary

6079_Smith_W wrote:
A video reconstruction shown at the press conference revealed the Buk’s journey.

The "investigators" had that on their website and were asking for people to swear they saw it.

Keith McClary

ikosmos wrote:
Given the enormous amount of US surveillance in Ukraine, then as now, they probably know exactly where, when, and by whom this incident took place.

At 1:15 in this video Kerry says they have imagery of the launch and trajectory towards the plane. That would be a smoking gun if true, but he didn't provide the proof.


Yes, they called for witnesses. They found some. They also found photographs, video and wireless evidence.



ikosmos ikosmos's picture

We have a thread on MH-17. All these posts are, therefore, simply trolling.

Is this, therefore, moderator approved trolling?

ikosmos ikosmos's picture

V.V. Putin, President of Russia, speaking to the State Duma wrote:

Members of the State Duma, friends,

It gives me great pleasure to welcome you and congratulate you on the opening of the seventh convocation of the State Duma.

Today in this hall, we have representatives of all the 85 Russian regions, including those elected in Crimea and Sevastopol.

Our citizens have entrusted you with the distinguished title of a Parliament Member. The election campaign was transparent and the competition was honest. The results demonstrate the will and choice of Russian society. I see a guarantee of the legislative branch’s strength and authority in the absolute legitimacy of the parliament....

During the election campaign, people expressed a demand for substantial social and economic changes. There is intensive and important work ahead for you as legislators and you must start immediately.

You can always count on the President’s support, on my support and on the closest interaction with the Russian Government. The ability of the branches of power to efficiently work together has key importance for our common success....

I would like to direct your attention to the key issue. What is this issue? Of course, special attention should be paid to reaching objectives in education, healthcare, housing policy and the environment. That is, in areas that directly influence people’s wellbeing and social and demographic development....

More than a hundred years ago, Petr Stolypin said when addressing the State Duma, “We must bring together all our efforts, all our obligations and rights to support Russia’s historically supreme right to be strong.” Whether we cite these words or put them in a different form, we must always assume that any nation and any country have exactly the same right, to be strong.

One more thing. We never use the word “strength” to imply superpower ambitions. We can never impose anything on anybody. Russia’s strength is within us, within our people, our traditions and culture, our economy, our huge territory and natural resources. It is in our defence power, of course. However, most importantly, our strength is in the unity of our people.

We must always remember that all the components of Russia’s strength that I have just mentioned are the most important conditions for preserving our statehood, independence and existence as a shared home for all the peoples living here.

Putin Addresses the Russian Parliament

montrealer58 montrealer58's picture

Older voters do not tend to conservatism when you increase their eligibility age for pensions from 65 to 67.

Bec.De.Corbin Bec.De.Corbin's picture

ikosmos wrote:

We have a thread on MH-17. All these posts are, therefore, simply trolling.

Is this, therefore, moderator approved trolling?

Really? Running off to the mods now?

Nothing like getting a 50 gallon drum of whop-ass dropped on you from three stories up egh ikosmos?....LOL

Michael Moriarity

It seems that the Russian government considers it their duty to condemn a U.N. official who warned about the human rights disaster of Trump, and various european extreme right leaders. I guess that tells us something about their own values.


Vitaly Churkin, Russia's ambassador to the United Nations, issued a verbal "demarche" to U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon in a private meeting on Sept. 13, according to three diplomats familiar with the conversation. Churkin angrily protested a pair of speeches by Zeid that denounced "demagogues" and specifically targeted Trump and several populist leaders in Europe, even likening their tactics to Islamic State propaganda.

In a speech in Cleveland three months before Republicans gathered there to nominate Trump, Zeid said: "Less than 150 miles away from where I speak, a front-running candidate to be president of this country declared, just a few months ago, his enthusiastic support for torture."

"In what may be a crucial election for leadership of this country later this year, we have seen a full-frontal attack — disguised as courageous taboo-busting — on some fundamental, hard-won tenets of decency and social cohesion that have come to be accepted by American society," he said.

Demarches, or formal, diplomatic communications, are everyday occurrences. At the United Nations, they're generally used to question broader foreign policy questions and sometimes used to complain. But they rarely center on specific individuals, let alone involve a Russian complaint about how the U.N. is treating an American politician.

Mr. Magoo

Is there something wrong with Russia, or Russians, wanting to "Make America Great Again"?


Coincidence or Conspiracy? US Govt Officially Accuses Russia of Hacks During Clinton Email Dump

"So did Russia write the content of the emails? No, just stupid spin to deflect from Hillary's criminality."


'Clinton Campaign Blames Russian Hackers As Assange Promises More Leaks'

"They are grabbing at anything now to ramp up the war in Syria. The Democratic Party has been trying to attack Trump to Russia for some time now and I think this is another effort.  They are trying to ramp up all this demonization of Assad and Russia in order to unfortunately establish what they call a 'no fly zone'. I'm very worried and concerned that this could actually escalate into a hot war."


This just in: Washington has iron-clad proof that Russia is behind Hurricane Matthew.

ikosmos ikosmos's picture

Geoff wrote:
This just in: Washington has iron-clad proof that Russia is behind Hurricane Matthew.

lol. yeah. And the Russian President is responsible for my soiled underwear. The horror.

Once we get to the letter "V", what do you think the chances are that it will be named "Hurricane Vladimir" ?

Given the increase in extreme weather driven by global warming, we shouldn't have to wait too long to find out.

Mr. Magoo

Putin would appear to be the first recipient of the Hugo Chavez peace prize.

ikosmos ikosmos's picture

lol. Of course your link has nothing to do with Reuters predictable attack on all things Venezuelan in the same article.

Just the facts, right Magoo?

TeleSur says Putin is only a front-runner

Take the rest of the day off. You deserve it.

Mr. Magoo

That's why I said "would appear".

But now FARC is also in the running!  So much peace!  How will Maduro choose?

Who are YOU rooting for, ikosmos?


Rev Pesky

Mr. Magoo wrote:

That's why I said "would appear".

But now FARC is also in the running!  So much peace!  How will Maduro choose?

Who are YOU rooting for, ikosmos?

Perhaps they could award it to Barack Obama. After all, he won the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize.

Mr. Magoo

At least that one comes with $1,000,000 and a gold medal, and not just a little bobblehead replica of this:


ikosmos ikosmos's picture

Adam Garrie writes for The Duran, and has some insightful pieces about global politics. What I did not know is that he seems to have a serious musical education as well...

The sad state of both modern politics and modern classical music performance

Both in contemporary politics and in contemporary classical music performance the situation today is of a stifling and boring sameness and conformity.

Garrie finds some things of interest in Donald Trump, in terms of his less than bland presentation. I have to admit that I never, as a matter of principle, watch either Clinton or Trump, just as the Count of Monte Cristo does not eat muscatel grapes.

Anyway, non sequitur aside, Garrie's musical selection is great. See if you dont' agree.

Beethoven Symphony No.9 in Russian !

ikosmos ikosmos's picture
Michael Moriarity

 To me it seems idiotic and obscene to compare the verbal excrement spewed by Trump to the works of great classical conductors, or indeed any expression by a reasonalbly well socialized human.

Timebandit Timebandit's picture

Whoa, that's a lot of snot! Better hand that man a tissue.



What an idiot.


Donald Trump’s speeches are rather like an orchestral performance by a Golovanov or Furtwangler.

They are spontaneous, unpredictable, exciting, and human.  They are individual and have a trajectory.

Trump is far more of a rhetorical artist than even his allies give him credit for.

For years people have been saying that politics is boring. They have also said that classical music is boring.

Neither are boring; it’s just that most people have never heard the proper version of either.

So no one has ever heard recordings of Karajan, Furtwaengler, Abendroth, or Walter (who Abendroth replaced after he was removed because he was Jewish), and therefore none of us know what real music is. Guess Garrie's Deutsche Grammophon collection is missing a few titles.

And if he has such a serious musical education maybe he can learn how to spell composers' names correctly. He screwed up two of them in that article.

And there have been no great innovations in music since that era? I think some in Russia who know about Glenn Gould's visit might disagree.



The Spectator Podcast: Putin Vs The World

"...This is completely out of this world. This is completely irrational."



ikosmos wrote:

Adam Garrie writes for The Duran, and has some insightful pieces about global politics. 

Is this one of them?


swallow swallow's picture

Nothing good can come of an article containing "I’m not suggesting a return to the days of the Stasi, but..." 

Timebandit Timebandit's picture

Right. Secret police because women's rights.


Perhaps too many are starting to see through the secret police because antifascism and antiimperialism line, so it was time to latch themselves onto another cause.




Timebandit Timebandit's picture

Jesus fucking Christ.

Bec.De.Corbin Bec.De.Corbin's picture

Yeah, there we go... it's so good to see that the (Russian) bear is standing up to those gay supporting pigs, in thier bastion of gayness fort.... And even more importantly; the bear has launched his big dick looking missle (right side) up in the air and stuff.

So the only question left is: who's going to take it up the "target area" from the bear?





Wait, I agree that the call for secret police is horrifying, but why is that author suggesting there is a connection between refugee policy and a string of violence against women in europe?


US, Allies Massacre At Will, Yet Condemn Russia  -  by Finian Cunningham

"We really have entered a macabre twilight zone when US-led warplanes are massacring civilians in several countries - and yet Washington and its *allies condemn others for war crimes."

Good doggie Canada (it's as if Harpo never left)



Timebandit Timebandit's picture

Cody87 wrote:

Wait, I agree that the call for secret police is horrifying, but why is that author suggesting there is a connection between refugee policy and a string of violence against women in europe?

Because xenophobes amplify any wrongdoing by someone who originates in a country where people are predominantly brown.


Timebandit wrote:
Jesus fucking Christ.

Was that at me? I was agreeing with you. They have used pretty much every other progressive cause as a foil for their autocratic measures, from anti-imperialism to environmentalism. Of course it is all about women's rights too.


Timebandit Timebandit's picture

No, just an expression of disgust at the idea that a secret police force would be helpful in any way to women's safety, anti-imperialism or antifacism. You and I are on the same page, Smith.

ikosmos ikosmos's picture

Russia so determined to invade Europe it's slashing defense spending by 30 percent

Reports in Russian media suggest that the Kremlin is about to reduce military spending by a whopping 30 percent. Won't somebody please think of NATO, and all the "Senior Fellows" who rely on it, at this difficult time?

Did you ever hear the story about a country so determined to take over Europe that the establishment media warned about it almost daily for years, sustaining countless careers?

Led by the “new Hitler” (quoting Prince Charles) who was engaged in a “sinister resurrection of Stalin” (Anne Applebaum), it was “tempted to destroy NATO, via the Baltics” (Edward Lucas). This country was so terrifying that the head of Mi5 announced it was a “growing threat to the UK” when he was looking for more money. Not to be outdone, the US Defense Secretary begged for a $587 billion budget to help “take (a) strong and balanced approach to deter [redacted] aggression.”

Then one day, this frightening and monstrous government did something which really upset the western elite. It wasn’t by invading a weaker neighbour or firing off a few nuclear missiles or resurrecting concentration camps. No, from their point-of-view it was far worse. This horrible regime suddenly cut its military spending by 30 percent!

The horror!!

Will someone please think of the Russophobes!!!

ikosmos ikosmos's picture

Russia grapples with the falsification of it’s pre-Revolutionary history

"As Russia prepares to mark the 100 year anniversary of the October Revolution, wider questions are being asked. Here is my proposal for how to best answer them."

Garrie's point about the virtual blackout of debates in the Russian Parliament (Duma) by Western MSM is well taken. The suggestion of a diversity of views, debated in their democratic institutions would undermine the meme of an authoritarian dictatorship, managed by a Stalin-look-alike, on a grey background.

What Garrie doesn't mention, from my point of view, is that the revolutionary tradition in Russia didn't start in 1917 either. Russia has a brilliant history of revolutionary thought, great heroism by revolutionary thinkers and activists, going back, e.g. to Pushkin and then the later revolutionary democrats such as Belinsky, Herzern, Dobrolyubov, and, of course, Chernyshevsky. Also worthy of mention is the founder of Russian Marxism, Georgi Valentinovich Plekhanov. Lenin wrote in 1921 that no one could become a real Communist without reading ALL of Plekhanov's philosophical works ... "because nothing better has been written on Marxism anywhere in the world". Word.

Russian literature of the 19th century can match the literature of any country for that century.

One country can and should learn from another.



Bec.De.Corbin Bec.De.Corbin's picture

Has anybody (besides me) been on YOUTUBE and used Google Translante to see what Russians are posting on videos about Syria, Ukraine, WW3 and weapons systems?

I challenge all here (besides the usual crew that won't but will still post stuff about this) to do it for a few hours... for real do it, just get ready for a real eye opener. 


Bec.De.Corbin wrote:

Has anybody (besides me) been on YOUTUBE and used Google Translante to see what Russians are posting on videos about Syria, Ukraine, WW3 and weapons systems? 

Which Russians?

Bec.De.Corbin Bec.De.Corbin's picture

kropotkin1951 wrote:

Bec.De.Corbin wrote:

Has anybody (besides me) been on YOUTUBE and used Google Translante to see what Russians are posting on videos about Syria, Ukraine, WW3 and weapons systems? 

Which Russians?

The ones posting responces to youtube videos of course, which ones do you think I'm talking about?


Bec.De.Corbin wrote:

kropotkin1951 wrote:

Bec.De.Corbin wrote:

Has anybody (besides me) been on YOUTUBE and used Google Translante to see what Russians are posting on videos about Syria, Ukraine, WW3 and weapons systems? 

Which Russians?

The ones posting responces to youtube videos of course, which ones do you think I'm talking about?

Do they make more sense than English speaking posters? Youtube is not noted for being a place for intelligent conversation.

Bec.De.Corbin Bec.De.Corbin's picture

kropotkin1951 wrote:

Bec.De.Corbin wrote:

kropotkin1951 wrote:

Bec.De.Corbin wrote:

Has anybody (besides me) been on YOUTUBE and used Google Translante to see what Russians are posting on videos about Syria, Ukraine, WW3 and weapons systems? 

Which Russians?

The ones posting responces to youtube videos of course, which ones do you think I'm talking about?

Do they make more sense than English speaking posters? Youtube is not noted for being a place for intelligent conversation.

Go see for yourself, bring up Google translate on another page and copy and paste thier remarks to it. .  


I'm sure Bec has already cherry-picked the choicest ones, and can be persuaded to share them with us and then we can also go and find some good foaming at the mouth Russophobic ones too...maybe even on this 'progressive' site...

Bec.De.Corbin Bec.De.Corbin's picture

Nope, go look for yourself or move on down the road.


Blame the Russians  -  by Barbara Lamorticella

"When all the nasty secrets leak,

  Blame the Russians..."

ikosmos ikosmos's picture

The Tale of the Fisherman and the Goldfish

... or, how Hilary Clinton's avaricious greed will be her downfall. From a story by Pushkin.

