Home Sweet Home: civil disobedience in Ireland to protest homelessness

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Home Sweet Home: civil disobedience in Ireland to protest homelessness



Interesting action in Ireland.

News article:  http://www.irishexaminer.com/ireland/act-of-highly-organised-civil-disob...

Facebook page:  https://www.facebook.com/Home-Sweet-Home-Eire-1612885472339949/



The takeover of a vacant building in the capital, to house the homeless, was organised by the Irish Housing Network and various trade unionists, but under the name Home Sweet Home.


Wonderful, Mark!

I'm always looking for info about housing struggles elsewher for my tenants' association bulletin, and I'll definitely read these things over and condense them in a short article (in French, of course). Years ago I met the DAL (Droit au logement) squat in southeaster Paris - mostly families from West African countries (and some from the Maghreb). I did an interview with a Palestine activist here about Jewish Israeli encroachment on housing in Jerusalem East, and more recently, an interview with a friend in Santiago Chile about people (mostly families) taking over an unused building there - Santiago has also fallen prey to gentrification, complicating the lives of working-class people.

Another member did stories about tenants' rights in New Brunswick and in BC...