Karl on Parl - musically speaking

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Karl on Parl - musically speaking



On CBC Sunday Morning this morning. A frequent feature is Robert Harris and Michael Enright getting people to write in with Music that Changed Yor World.

"Karl Nerenberg of Ottawa writes of Pete Seeger's 1950s album "Goofing Off" ....

Podcast should be at: http://www.cbc.ca/radio/podcasts/arts-culture/the-best-of-the-sunday-edi...

... which takes you to the one for today http://www.cbc.ca/radio/podcasts/arts-culture/the-best-of-the-sunday-edi...

The text says Robert Harris is included. But so far, the podcast stops at 71 minutes.

Among other things Karl's "letter" speaks of Pete Seeger introducing him to jazz...  played on the banjo. Classical music on the banjo as well (Pete Seeger was clasically trained and both parents were teachers at Juiliard.)


... and in the introduction, while Enright does not make it explicit, it sure sounds like Karl was a Fifties' Montreal Red Diaper Baby.


Yes, I believe he was. But we could always ask him, you know. His e-mail is at his blog. Thanks for the podcast, I'll listen to it later today.


Karl's choice: Pete Seeger's Goofing Off Suite