Citizens occupy threatened forest in Niagara Falls

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Doug Woodard
Citizens occupy threatened forest in Niagara Falls


Doug Woodard

Citizens occupy 484-acre tract of forest, wetland and savanna in Niagara Falls threatened by China-based developers and a complicit city and regional government:

I wish it were really a national item but the Review article seems to be the only notice the media has taken so far. It's a startling example of Harvey Molotch's case in "The City as a Growth Machine" for the profits of developers regardless of the interests of the residents. Thomas Michael Powers in "The Environmental Pursuit of Quality" also describes the pattern. The really annoying part of the situation is that there are already large parcels of "developable" land in the Falls which could be used.


Provincial government should have designated the lands as wetlands. This restriction limits how it can be developed and used. When land has such classifications attached they sell at greatly reduced costs. Developers buy them up then cry like babies. Municipal politicians get involved to support the jobs coming in from development and then the province gives in and rezones.  Huge profits are made.  It's all about the huge profits.  

Doug Woodard

CBC is covering the story at last, and quite well -

"Protesters camp out to defend Thundering Waters Forest from Niagara Falls development"

I notice an older First Nations (Oneida) take on the situation: