Canadian Emperor’s New Clothes

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Canadian Emperor’s New Clothes
Martin N.

Trudashian's most ardent admirers can't come up with excuses fast enough to keep the laughter muted. I wonder what he will pull out of his tickle trunk next?

Sean in Ottawa

NR, Perhaps in threads like this it would be great if instead of just posting a cryptic title of an article when the content is already the subject of other threads, you could explain in your first post why this justifies a new thread and cannot be part of the many Trudeau threads?

Yes, I have a pet peave about threads that you have to open to find out what the subject is.

I also hate telecommunications companies who send advertising in plain white envelopes that you have to open to see what it is. This is the babble version of that same presumptive behaviour.

This is why I actually preferred mods have control over titles. They should not keep changing and they should be clear enough about the subject that a person can deside if they want to open them. In my opinion.