Loblaws card LIES

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Loblaws card LIES

Look at what Loblaws sent me to get out of their modest promise of a $25 reimbursement card!

I've sent this to my MP (Alexandre Boulerice) and also sent them back a sharp but not obscene response. I've never had a driving licence in my life - I HATE cars, nor do I have a smart phone. This is also discrimination against people more likely to have a low income and really need the rebate;

Madame/Monsieur REDACTED

Nous avons bien reçu votre inscription pour recevoir une Carte Loblaw de 25 $.

Dans le cadre de notre processus visant à confirmer que nous délivrons une Carte Loblaw de 25 $ à une seule personne admissible, nous vous écrivons pour vous demander certains renseignements supplémentaires. Afin de confirmer votre adresse de résidence, veuillez soumettre une copie numérisée ou une photo (1) d’une facture de services publics courante; ou (2) d’un permis de conduire valide au moyen de notre portail sécurisé ci-dessous (cliquer ici pour commencer). Vous pouvez également nous faire parvenir ces renseignements par la poste, au C.P. 8111, Vancouver Main, Vancouver (C.-B.) V6B 4E2. Veuillez ne pas envoyer de documents originaux.

Nous devons recevoir ces renseignements dans les 30 jours pour compléter le traitement de votre inscription. La copie de votre facture de services publics ou de votre permis de conduire ne sera utilisée que pour vérifier votre admissibilité à recevoir une Carte Loblaw de 25 $, et sera détruite dès que la vérification sera terminée. Si nous n’obtenons pas ces renseignements dans les 30 jours, nous devrons rejeter votre inscription, sans autre avis.

Si vous avez des questions, veuillez communiquer avec nous par courriel, à l’adresse [email protected].

L’administrateur du programme

Je n'ai jamais conduit de ma vie, et je n'ai pas de téléphone en mesure d'envoyer des photos. C'est évident que ces crosseurs tentent de se soustraire à leurs promesses, pourtant modestes.


Mr. Magoo

Sounds like a photocopy of any utility bill would suffice.


Yes, I receive all of those on my computer now, but I guess I can print one out. But it also sounds like they are trying to discourage people.


Yes, I receive all of those on my computer now, but I guess I can print one out. But it also sounds like they are trying to discourage people.

Mr. Magoo

Could be.  If you choose not to follow through, they probably save as much as they'd make if you bought $1000 worth of groceries (using 2.5% as a profit margin for supermarkets, notwithstanding any price fixing!)

I didn't apply for this.  I often buy bread at Independent City Market (a Loblaw affiliate) and NoFrills (same) but only when the bread's so super cheap I know I'm not being gouged!


Well, to be honest, I've only bought Loblaws bread on 50% sale, but that corresponds to the letter of the offer.


That's Loblaw's gobbledygook lagatta. If you can, join the class action lawsuits, if any, against them. 


Thanks. I do want the little card (I'll buy a treat with it, such as Argentine shrimp) but there is NO reason to doubt my personal information. I've lived at this place for at least 10 years, and in the neighbourhood for at least 30 (same phone number).

Mr. Magoo

I think Loblaw is taking a huge risk by requiring this but not saying, specifically, who they're requiring it of.

At the same time, my guess would be those whose address is a multi-unit dwelling.  Given that no other specific evidence was required, it would seem easy enough for someone living at 31 Spooner St. to send in forms for "Unit 1, 31 Spooner St." and "#2, 31 Spooner St." and so on and hope all the gift cards end up in the same mailbox.

But of course I don't know what their rationale was; I'm only guessing.

Pogo Pogo's picture

They were claim it was to discourage fraud, not acknowledging the irony.


My dwelling is multi-unit, but that is not how addresses of typical Montréal "logements/flats" work. In general, each of those has a separate street address, and no apt. number. There is a difference between flats and apartments/ logements et appartements here. I have my own door to the outside, and my own street address, no apt number. That is also the case in the two places I lived before, with the same phone number, when I moved up here with the blue line coming in and being able to combine proximity to marché Jean-Talon with a ten minute métro ride to Université de Montréal.


Good one lagatta. Félicitations!

Loblaw slammed over personal information requests in gift card roll-out



The shit stores sell!

Quebec to ban sugary, high-alcohol drinks from grocery, conveniences stores following 14-year-old’s death

A 14-year-old girl was found dead in a stream behind her high school in Laval on March 1 after reportedly drinking stolen cans of FCKD UP, a sweetened, malt-based alcoholic beverage with an alcohol content of 11.9 per cent — the equivalent of four drinks.


Mr. Magoo

The shit stores sell!

The shit people steal!

Anyway, put this in the Quebec thread.  No Ontario convenience store sells FCKD UP.  I don't believe even the LCBO does.   Do other provinces sell this beside the Gatorade?  What does this have to do with Loblaws?


