You might want to think twice about that bottled water you are drinking

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You might want to think twice about that bottled water you are drinking

Tiny plastic particles have been found in what sounds like most bottled water. 

bagkitty bagkitty's picture

At last, a chance to share this piece by Marina Hyde from the Guardain on bottled water.

I appreciate the piece almost as much as enjoyed Path Metheny's takedown of Kenny G for his disrepect towards Louis Armstrong by "borrowing" from a Louis Armstrong performance (the word necrophilia gets tossed around a lot in that one).


What's in your water and probiotics: CBC's Marketplace consumer cheat sheet

Plus: Saks 5th Avenue data breach, hot water heater rentals and rethinking recalls

Sean in Ottawa

I get this is news and I get that it is public but is this politics? I see a lot of threads in both politics and news that seem like they should be in the other one. What is the rationale for the difference now?