NO To Muskrat Falls! 'Hear Their Voices, See Their Faces' : May 7, Please Support

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NO To Muskrat Falls! 'Hear Their Voices, See Their Faces' : May 7, Please Support

Resisting the Terror of Cultural Genocide at Muskrat Falls  -  by Matthew Behrens

"On Monday, May 7, a rally and nonviolent direct action will take place on Parliament Hill in solidarity with the Labrador Land Protectors, a group of Indigenous and non-Indigenous people who are trying to stop an act of cultural genocide downstream of the massive Muskrat Falls mega-dam that experts predict will eventually cost $78 Billion.

Individuals trained in nonviolence will attempt to walk straight into the House of Commons and place on the desk of all 343 MPs pictures and testimonies from those at risk of methyl mercury poisoning as well as mass drowning from a potential catastrophic dam break in Labrador. The gathering is in response to a call from the Labrador Land Protectors, who write:

'The battle for our very lives can no longer be waged alone. Most of us in Labrador cannot go to Ottawa. We need your voices to help expose the major tragedy unfolding, that there is still time to stop. Ensure the federal government sees our faces, and acts on our demands.'


There are FB links in the article as well. Please help spread the word!


Let's try this again...


Happening today...


..if i lived nearby i would be there. my heart and solidarity go out to the nunatukavut folk and land defenders.


Make Muskrat Right

Today, I was on Parliament Hill to stand in solidarity with the Labrador Land Protectors and the Grand Riverkeeper-Labrador. Fifteen people, including three Inuit elders, were arrested while attempting to make their voices and others opposing the dam heard about the dangers of the Muskrat Falls mega-dam project, which threatens their land and environment, their traditional food sources and cultural practices, their health and well-being – their very survival.

This action at Parliament Hill was amplified by others across the country, including in Halifax, St. John’s, Winnipeg, Mississauga and Happy Valley-Goose Bay.


Thanks epaulo13, good to see the updates!