Canada's Proud Websites need to be removed

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Canada's Proud Websites need to be removed

For years and years the talk shows in the US were allowed to get away with preaching racism and hatred against the US people and their governments, so in some ways the only surprise is why it took the Americans so long to elect who they did in 2016.  

Now we have Facebook promoting these Canada Proud sites throughout Canada. 

If we sit on our collective asses and do nothing about them, don't be surprised by future election results in Canada.

voice of the damned

NorthReport wrote:

For years and years the talk shows in the US were allowed to get away with preaching racism and hatred against the US people and their governments, so in some ways the only surprise is why it took the Americans so long to elect who they did in 2016.  


Well, what laws would they be in violation of? Or are you suggesting we just ask Facebook to voluntarily take them down?



How white male victimhood got monetised

Back when Gamergate was still burrowing its way, maggot-like, up out of the rotting body of online misogyny, a bunch of well-meaning folks asked me: 'Why are you writing about this?' And my answer at the time was: this is the future of politics


NorthReport wrote:

How white male victimhood got monetised

Back when Gamergate was still burrowing its way, maggot-like, up out of the rotting body of online misogyny, a bunch of well-meaning folks asked me: 'Why are you writing about this?' And my answer at the time was: this is the future of politics

Jordan Peterson is so brazen about this he actually bragged about it on JRE.