Pulling Down The Bars: The 2018 #PrisonStrike

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Pulling Down The Bars: The 2018 #PrisonStrike

Pulling Down the Bars: The 2018 #PrisonStrike


"The 2018 Prison Strike has officially begun. Already the strike has spread into Canada, and numerous facilities around the US are already seeing hunger strikes pop off as prisoners issued demands. Prison officials are also cracking down on various facilities, shutting them down, and locking up prison rebel leaders as deep in the hole as they can.

This page will be updated throughout the strike with news of actions and repression on both sides of the razor wire. For background information, strike demands, as well as a list of solidarity events, please go here..."

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The Slaves Rebel   -  by Chris Hedges


"The only way to end slavery is to stop being a slave. Hundreds of men and women in prisons in some 17 states [and Canada] are refusing to carry out prison labor, conducting hunger-strikes or boycotting for-profit commissaries in an effort to abolish the last redoubt of legalized slavery in [North] America.

The strikers are demanding to be paid the minimum wage, the right to vote, decent living conditions, educational and vocational training and an end to the death penalty and life imprisonment.

These men and women know that the courts will not help them. They know the politicians, bought by the corporations that make billions in profits from the prison system will not help them. And they know that the mainstream press, unwilling to offend major advertisers will ignore them..."

US Prison Strikes Spread To Canada As Advocates Call For An End To 'Prison Slavery' - CBC-

Updates: 'It's Going Down!'
