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The Actors in the Conspiracy Against Venezuela

"...They are trying to put an end to Nicolas Maduro and his government, whose final objective is none other than appropriate Venezuela's natural resources, especially one of the largest oil resources in the world, which the Caribbean country has.

Hence the story of the humanitarian crisis, the human rights problems and the character of dictatorship are elements that are exploited by the Western media with the aim of creating all the propitious conditions to facilitate and justify the destabilization of the government of Nicolas Maduro and the process of change in Venezuela.

For the Venezuelan oligarchy, the big businessmen and the geopolitical interests of the US in the region, anything goes..."

Mr. Magoo

Venezuela doesn't need Joe Biden's help.

If a government prints new banknotes every time they need money, there will be inflation.  That's Economics 101.

If a government sells gasoline for about one eightieth (1.25%) of their neighbour a few miles away across a porous border, there will be smuggling.

If a government exchanges sovereign currency for "hard" currency at two vastly different exchange rates, there will be speculation.

If a government ignores production of food and necessities to focus primarily on oil, there will be shortages of food and necessities.

If an obese, alcoholic, chain-smoking diabetic suddenly falls over, dead, it would be kind of silly to keep saying over and over again how his neighbour never liked him.  What if there were other, more obvious explanations for his death?  No, those explanations don't just go away even if that neighbour is suspected of having killed before.  That's just now how it works.


The Military Option Against Venezuela in the 'Year of the Americas'

"It is clear that for Washington regime change in Venezuela is now a top priority. Progressives from around the world ought not be mere bystanders as the future of the Americas hangs in the balance..."


Mr. Magoo wrote:

Venezuela doesn't need Joe Biden's help.

If a government prints new banknotes every time they need money, there will be inflation.  That's Economics 101.

If a government sells gasoline for about one eightieth (1.25%) of their neighbour a few miles away across a porous border, there will be smuggling.

If a government exchanges sovereign currency for "hard" currency at two vastly different exchange rates, there will be speculation.

If a government ignores production of food and necessities to focus primarily on oil, there will be shortages of food and necessities.

If an obese, alcoholic, chain-smoking diabetic suddenly falls over, dead, it would be kind of silly to keep saying over and over again how his neighbour never liked him.  What if there were other, more obvious explanations for his death?  No, those explanations don't just go away even if that neighbour is suspected of having killed before.  That's just now how it works.

It seems that some want to ignore the complete incompetence of the Venezuelan government even when it is causing the literal physical starvation of over half its population! No one is forcing the Venezuelan government to bankrupt itself and its people. It seems the Venezuelan government seems to think it can defy the basic laws of economics without dire consequences.


BREAKING: Empire Files Statement on Shut Down Under US Sanctions


Mr. Magoo

Venezuela must have really hurt Trump's feelings.

Because it makes no sense to torpedo a sinking ship in order to replace the Captain.


NYT Reconfirms US Plot in Venezuela: Adds Pro-Coup Propaganda

"Venezuela is a rich country. It has the biggest known oil reserves on the planet, though much of these are difficult to retrieve. That is of course the reason why the US wants to install a rightwing proxy government in Venezuela. It is the reason why it wages war against its people."

Mr. Magoo

While I'm not at all shocked to hear that The Donald poked around to see who might be interested in a coup, it looks like no such coup happened.

And no, Venezuela isn't circling the drain because of the U.S. and their recent sanctions, nor because "Chrystia Freeland".

It's funny.  A few years ago the Government Approved(tm) story was that the people were fat and happy, and all that poppycock about empty shelves and skyrocketing inflation was just Gringo Propaganda(tm), meant to demoralize the People.  The Bolivar wasn't plummeting on the black market because of anything the government was doing or not doing, it was plummeting because some website tracked and reported the Bolivar's value!

Now it beggars belief to pretend that things aren't going very pear-shaped very fast in Venezuela, so the new story is that yes, after all things might have deteriorated some, but now it's all the fault of the U.S., the Gringos, the Mafias, and throw in a few nearby leaders who won't join Team Maduro.  Oh, and of course Chrystia Freeland!

Note:  the author of this post is not advocating for Imperialist regime change, only pointing out what should be plainly obvious to players on any team.


LOL. For anyone interested, Mr Magoo's actual position on imperialist regime change can be readily ascertained by perusing his many posts in these Venezuela threads...

The Role of the Working Class in Venezuela's Crisis: An Interview with Pedro Esse

"...For the PCV, the working class's most important task now is to defend the country against the heightening aggression of the International Right led by US imperialism, with its economic, political, communicational and diplomatic blockade and the threat of a military attack against our people. If the plans of imperialism and its lackeys against our country were to be carried out, the consequences would be catastrophic for our people and for Latin Americans in general."

Mr. Magoo

LOL. For anyone interested, Mr Magoo's actual position on imperialist regime change can be readily ascertained by perusing his many posts in these Venezuela threads...

LOL.  Yes, everyone, it totally can.  [second LOL].

Ken Burch

Mr. Magoo wrote:

While I'm not at all shocked to hear that The Donald poked around to see who might be interested in a coup, it looks like no such coup happened.

And no, Venezuela isn't circling the drain because of the U.S. and their recent sanctions, nor because "Chrystia Freeland".

It's funny.  A few years ago the Government Approved(tm) story was that the people were fat and happy, and all that poppycock about empty shelves and skyrocketing inflation was just Gringo Propaganda(tm), meant to demoralize the People.  The Bolivar wasn't plummeting on the black market because of anything the government was doing or not doing, it was plummeting because some website tracked and reported the Bolivar's value!

Now it beggars belief to pretend that things aren't going very pear-shaped very fast in Venezuela, so the new story is that yes, after all things might have deteriorated some, but now it's all the fault of the U.S., the Gringos, the Mafias, and throw in a few nearby leaders who won't join Team Maduro.  Oh, and of course Chrystia Freeland!

Note:  the author of this post is not advocating for Imperialist regime change, only pointing out what should be plainly obvious to players on any team.

Things aren't actually "going pear-shaped very fast".  It's not great, but it would get better immediately if the U.S and the Miami-based "opposition" would leave Venezuela alone.   
And if anything is "plainly obvious", it's that raising food and fuel prices(do you want to do "the full Jamaica" and raise water prices too?) can't make anything better.  It made nothing better in Jamaica when the IMF imposed it to destroy Michael Manley's project. It made nothing better when the U.S. created a bandit army to force Nicaraguans vote to impose it on themselves in 1990. It made nothing better when the CIA imposed it in Chile.

Why would you ever think capitalism and greater austerity would work in Venezuela when they brought nothing but misery everywhere else in the world they were imposed?

Just once, just ONCE, can you demand that the rich give ground instead of the poor?

It's been done your way throughout the Americas.  Hilarity never ensued.

No country can be stabilized with higher prices and more capitalism.  

Diversification of the economy?  Ok,  that can be done.  But you don't need to keep acting like the PSUV simply REFUSED to diversify.

And you have yet to acknowledge that the oil price crash would have put Venezuela into recession no matter which party was in power and no matter how much diversification was done.  It's not possible to get that country, at this point, into a predominately non-petroleum economy-and a restored capitalism wouldn't try to do that, because capitalists don't WANT Venezuela freed from petroleum-they just want to steal the oil industry back for themselves.



Mr. Magoo

Things are actually slowly stabilizing.

Imperceptibly slowly.

Why is it that you can't accept that the new congressional elections put the "the PSUV has to go!" thing to rest?

Again, not saying they have to go.  But if they just keep doing the same stuff that got them here then unsurprisingly, things aren't going to change... even imperceptibly slowly.

The PSUV has made a lot of mistakes.

Could you expand on what you think those were?

None of what you advocate made anything better in Chile after 1973.

What do you think I'm actually and really advocating?

One exchange rate?  Yes!  Guilty as charged.

Gasoline that's not sold at about one percent of the price in the country that Maduro thinks is robbing him via smuggling?  Yes!  It's super if citizens can get some cheap gas, but in what universe will they not buy it for pennies to trade for (real) dollars?

No more paper banknotes to pay the bills?  Yes!  I totally advocate for that, because the more bills in circulation, the less the bills are actually worth.  That's not unfettered neoliberalism, that's MATH.

But what other horrible things do you believe I'm calling for?

Higher prices do nothing but reward the hoarders.

And yet they get higher by the hour.

Ken Burch

Mr. Magoo]</p> <p>[quote wrote:

But what other horrible things do you believe I'm calling for?

Inevitably, you'd be a supporter of privatizing a lot of things...which can't lead to "Scandinavian social democracy"-the banks don't allow Scandinavian social democracy anywhere these days, even in Scandinavia...and you'd be pushing for a lot of massive cut in social benefits.

Basically, it's clear to me that you'd be for running Venezuela the way the NDP ran Saskatchewan after returning to power in 1991.  Or maybe the way the "social democratic" governments in Spain and New Zealand and Australia in the Eighties ran things.  And that you'd like the rest of us to believe that Romanow's policies could still be called "social democracy".  Or those of the Manitoba NDP in power.  Are you anti-austerity or not?  Are you for challenging the power of global capital or not?  The second is the most crucial question, because the post-1973 perior proves that it is impossible to do anything social democratic or even nominally progressive while agreeing with the constraints imposed by global capital and global finance.

Why shouldn't I assume that that's your agenda?

Ken Burch

I owe you an explanation for rewriting the post you responded to, Magoo...I sometimes do that immediately after posting something if I see I need to reword.  Wasn't trying to fake you out.

Mr. Magoo

Inevitably, you'd be a supporter of privatizing a lot of things

In the context of Venezuela, is there something you recall me calling for the privatization of?

I do recall suggesting that the government should not appropriate a private company if they don't know that they can manage it better than the private owners, or in order to "teach them a lesson".  But I don't recall suggesting that Venezuela needs to sell off any public assets.

Basically, it's clear to me that you'd be for running Venezuela the way the NDP ran Saskatchewan after returning to power in 1991.

Or like Canada.  Or like Sweden.  Or like Denmark.  Denmark's done some admirable things with their oil, yes?

I don't recall suggesting that Venezuela needs to get on board the "Laissez Faire Capitalism Train".  And I'm not sure why you keep thinking that's what I'm saying.

Why shouldn't I assume that that's your agenda?

Can you back up one step and tell us why it's important to you to assume my "agenda"?

When I say that a country that prints and distributes new banknotes as fast as their printing presses can is sure to experience some inflation, there's no agenda there, Ken.  It would happen in a capitalist cesspool and it would happen in a socialist utopia.  It's not political team sports.


Ken Burch

It would be a tragedy to turn Venezuela into Saskatchewan in the Eighties and Nineties, or into Canada now, or any of those other places-places where social benefits are constantly being slashed, unions weakened, ground lost, where the dominant politics is not equality and justice, but demonization of immigrants and the short-term self-interest of the few above all else.  


I am not sure I want to wade into this babble discussion but can anyone make any sense out these few recent CBC reports?!?

The United Nations estimates 2.3 million people have fled Venezuela in the last four years due to poverty.

It seems the CBC has a reporter or two in a border town in Columbia, and is reporting personal stories about starvation.  On the other hand telesur reports that Venezuelans are getting fake job interviews in Peru where the job is actually to be an escort.

There are other reports, new and old...



Mr. Magoo

It would be a tragedy to turn Venezuela into Saskatchewan in the Eighties and Nineties, or into Canada now, or any of those other places-places where social benefits are constantly being slashed, unions weakened, ground lost, where the dominant politics is not equality and justice, but demonization of immigrants and the short-term self-interest of the few above all else.  

Venezuela's got 99 problems, but none of these are one of them.  Though I do think that many Venezuelans would jump at the chance to turn Venezuela into Canada.  On the World Happiness Report there are only six countries that should fear "turning into another Canada".  All of them Northern European -- go figure.

I am not sure I want to wade into this babble discussion but can anyone make any sense out these few recent CBC reports?!?

I'm increasingly starting to believe there must be two Venezuelas.

One is a Socialist paradise, where the people eat freely of milk and honey, and want for nothing, despite the fact that the cowardly capitalists hate them for their freedom, and keep trying to foment unrest among a satisfied and happy and patriotic populace. 

This is the one teleSUR is talking about.

The other is suffering from crippling inflation, lack of necessities, a shrinking economy, rampant violent crime and a government more concerned with settling old scores with The Enemies of the Revolution than with fixing the real problems. 

This is the one the rest of the world is talking about.




The Jimmy Dore Show

"CNN 'self owns' over Venezuelan assassination attempt."

Mr. Magoo

Well, Venezuela can at least count itself lucky that the forces conscripted to wreak havoc on their government and sovereignty would have to be 10x more effective just to be Keystone Kops.

CIA boss:  any ideas?

Underling #1:  What about some crank in a helicopter with a grenade?

CIA boss:  I'm listening, I'm listening...

Underling #2:  or what about a toy helicopter that we can buy from Amazon and have shipped in two hours?  The kind that an efficient and well-equipped military can apparently signal jam in two seconds?  With just enough explosives to make a neat-o firecracker show?

CIA boss:  see, that's the kind of out-of-the-box thinking that gets regime change.  MAKE IT SO.


NYT: 'Mr Maduro is an Illegitimately Elected Leader'...

"Latest NYT editorial on Venezuela makes clear the NYT will cheer opponents who shoot their way into power - exactly as the NYT did in 2002 when a US-backed coup briefly deposed Hugo Chavez, the democratically elected president CONT'D..."

Mr. Magoo

NYT: 'Mr Maduro is an Illegitimately Elected Leader'...

Well, there were certainly some electoral irregularities that no Canadian would ever accept here in Canada, and that goes double if the Cons pulled them.  Exclusive use of CBC for round-the-clock electioneering, just to give one example.

That's why defenders of the incumbent Venezuelan government still point to Jimmy Carter's endorsement of their electoral system from six years ago.

Did Carter say the same about the last election?  Or any election post-Chavez?


The US Disregard for International Law is a Menace to Venezuela and Latin America

"Today we are seeing blatant examples of US unlawful behavior to the point that it is a serious menace to Venezuela and the rest of Latin America..."


Military Intervention in Venezuela 'On the Table' Says OAS Secretary-General

"The head of the OAS, accused by Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro of being a 'CIA agent', says military intervention against Caracas should not be ruled out as a response to the ongoing crisis. The comments come shortly after an explosive report in the NYT which claimed that the administration of US President Donald Trump has long conspired with a group of Venezuelan officers to depose Maduro..."


Venezuela's Maduro Secures $5 BN Chinese Loans and Joins Beijing's New Silk Road

"Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro returned to Caracas Monday upon concluding a four-day visit to the People's Republic of China, which saw the two countries sign 28 bilateral agreements, including a new (US )$5 Bn Chinese loan and joint plans for a 4th satellite, in addition to strengthening political ties..."


US To Take 'Series of Actions That Continue to Increase Pressure Level' on Venezuela

"If a full blown economic war, funding of violent opposition and coup plots in the Oval Office wasn't enough, bloodthirsty Trump regime promises more attacks against Venezuela."


Pompeo Promises a 'Series of Actions' Against Venezuela in the 'Coming Days'

"Refusing to specify the details of Washington's plan, Pompeo noted the US is 'determined to ensure that the Venezuelan people get their say'..."


Does Canada Support An Invasion of Venezuela?

"Ottawa is backing talk of an invasion of Venezuela and the NDP is enabling Canada's interventionist policy..."


Canada Joins Multilateral Move To Send Venezuelan Govt to International Criminal Court

"Referring another country to the Hague is a first for Canada."

What are the charges, refusing to hand over their oil reserves to Big Oil USA? No surprise either to see the odious Irwin Cotler's name involved in this dirty business...

Mr. Magoo

What are the charges, refusing to hand over their oil reserves to Big Oil USA?

I think your own article touches on the answer:

The complaint details cases of alleged torture as well as politically motivated killings and disappearances for which it blames Venezuela's socialist government. It documents 8,292 extrajudicial executions, mostly of poor Venezuelans caught in police sweeps, as well as 131 killings of regime opponents and critics. It also accuses Venezuela of holding 1,300 political prisoners, and of having arbitrarily detained 12,000 citizens since 2013.

I'm sure that's all just a clever smokescreen to cover up "won't hand over their dirty gunk".  Historically, when the U.S. needs any Venezuelan crude, they just buy it like anyone else (except the countries that trade loans for it or doctors for it).


Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro Addresses UNGA, 73rd Session, Sept 26, 2018

"Venezuela is here to say the truth. I come here on behalf of a heroic, revolutionary people. I come from a land which will never bow, will never come to its knees..."


Mr. Magoo wrote:

What are the charges, refusing to hand over their oil reserves to Big Oil USA?

I think your own article touches on the answer:

The complaint details cases of alleged torture as well as politically motivated killings and disappearances for which it blames Venezuela's socialist government. It documents 8,292 extrajudicial executions, mostly of poor Venezuelans caught in police sweeps, as well as 131 killings of regime opponents and critics. It also accuses Venezuela of holding 1,300 political prisoners, and of having arbitrarily detained 12,000 citizens since 2013.

One country's extrajudicial executions seem really similar to other countries Deaths in Custody.  Your moral outrage is very selective and driven by the best that US propaganda has to offer the discerning imperialist.

The Bureau of Justice Statistics estimates that 17,358 individuals in custody died during the period from 2007-2010.[11] Other publications focus on the rate per 100,000, in the case of US jails the mortality rate is 128, and prisons at 264 per 100,000.[12] It is important to also note the differences in methodology used to obtain these statistics, as some include deaths during attempted arrests while others do not. Other research has focused on specific states, such as Maryland and the rate of death by identity (gender, race, age).[13] Based on some findings, there does appear to be a bias towards African-American males in sudden custody deaths, although further research with larger sample sizes is necessary.[13]

Watchdog organizations

The Marshall Project collects and produces reports both on police killings as well as maintains a curated list of links to articles and publications related to death in police custody in the United States.

Mr. Magoo

Your moral outrage is very selective and driven by the best that US propaganda has to offer the discerning imperialist.

I'm not "outraged".

I was just correcting NDPP's belief that the charges were "refusing to hand over their oil reserves to Big Oil USA".  I was literally just answering him.


Trump's Economic Sanctions Have Cost Venezuela About $6bn Since August 2017

"...That sum $6bn, is 133 times larger than what the UNHCR has appealed for in aid of Venezuelan migrants. The US has deliberately made an economic catastrophe much worse in the hope that its Venezuelan allies can seize power through violence as they briefly did in April of 2002. The Western media has indeed demonized Venezuela's government for 17 years and has therefore reduced, almost to zero, the legal and moral constraints on the US and its allies.

The priority for decent people whose governments have colluded with Trump in attacking Venezuela [Canada!], should be to strengthen those constraints. The attacks could easily become even more barbaric."

Mr. Magoo

What, specifically, were those sanctions?

I hope you'll tell us, and be specific, if you would like us to believe that these sanctions are Venezuela's "real problem".

Because whatever they are, they don't seem to be preventing every country on Earth (minus one) from still buying and selling with Venezuela.

In fact, it would seem the problem isn't that nobody will buy anything from them or sell anything to them so much as that they have nothing to sell, and nothing with which to buy. 

Nothing to sell because they poured all of their efforts into half-assed extraction of oil too gunky and polluted to sell in some markets.  And nothing to buy because they blew all of their hard currency years ago, and nobody wants to be paid in "hard Bolivars" or "sovereign Bolivars", or any Bolivars that are devaluing faster than a human could count.

Martin N.

I can't believe there are Canadians who still support Maduro and his nation-destroying policies. Maduro's singular ambition is to stay in power, no matter how many lives it costs.

Ken Burch

Martin N. wrote:

I can't believe there are Canadians who still support Maduro and his nation-destroying policies. Maduro's singular ambition is to stay in power, no matter how many lives it costs.

It's not about "supporting Maduro"-it's about the fact that nothing good has ever come of the U.S. destabilizing and overthrowing any government it has ever brought down anywhere in the Americas.  It's about not wanting a repeat of Guatemala in 1953, The Dominican Republic in 1965, Brazil in 1965, Chile in 1973, and in a longer, slower variation, the misery brought on Nicaraguan when the people felt they had no choice but to vote against their own liberation and put the right-wing privatization/austerity/inequality parties into power.

It's different with you, Martin N.-you make no bones about being a straight-up right winger and in a weird way I can respect that.  Those like Justin Trudeau, the ones who pretend it can somehow be progressive for the U.S. to intervene in Venezuela, either never studied the history of what the U.S. has done to Latin America(and Africa and post-1945 Asia), or have deluded themselves to pretending that somehow, this time, this one special time, it can suddenly be different.  It can't.  It U.S. intervention led to nothing but misery in the Americas in the past, it can't lead to anything but misery there in the future.  The U.S. has never intervened to make anything positive happened for the people of the Americas, and, since it still supports market economics, there's no chance anything it makes happen in Venezuelan can serve the greater good there this time. 

Mr. Magoo

I don't believe that the only two options are either unquestioning loyalty to Maduro, or a U.S. led puppet government.

And to constantly frame the situation there solely in terms of the U.S. and their supposed thirst for Venezuelan sludge does a disservice to the Venezuelans who want neither a U.S. puppet government, nor Maduro.

Venezuelans know what their country's problems are, but the non-Venezuelan left is on a mission to "woke" them to the reality that it's all Donald Trump's fault (and before that, Obama's -- and let's not forget or forgive Christia Freeland!).

Martin N.

Ken Burch wrote:

Martin N. wrote:

I can't believe there are Canadians who still support Maduro and his nation-destroying policies. Maduro's singular ambition is to stay in power, no matter how many lives it costs.

It's not about "supporting Maduro"-it's about the fact that nothing good has ever come of the U.S. destabilizing and overthrowing any government it has ever brought down anywhere in the Americas.  It's about not wanting a repeat of Guatemala in 1953, The Dominican Republic in 1965, Brazil in 1965, Chile in 1973, and in a longer, slower variation, the misery brought on Nicaraguan when the people felt they had no choice but to vote against their own liberation and put the right-wing privatization/austerity/inequality parties into power.

It's different with you, Martin N.-you make no bones about being a straight-up right winger and in a weird way I can respect that.  Those like Justin Trudeau, the ones who pretend it can somehow be progressive for the U.S. to intervene in Venezuela, either never studied the history of what the U.S. has done to Latin America(and Africa and post-1945 Asia), or have deluded themselves to pretending that somehow, this time, this one special time, it can suddenly be different.  It can't.  It U.S. intervention led to nothing but misery in the Americas in the past, it can't lead to anything but misery there in the future.  The U.S. has never intervened to make anything positive happened for the people of the Americas, and, since it still supports market economics, there's no chance anything it makes happen in Venezuelan can serve the greater good there this time. 

Interesting train of thought and if I dont get banned soon, Im going to lay out my positions and principles to put the right winger canard to rest, or at least to sleep.

PS:  I dont have much to say here because Magoo covers it more eloquently.

Ken Burch

As to "the sludge"-look, oil was pretty much all they had to work with.  It's not as though previous Venezuelan governments had done any diversification-why treat lack of diversification as a singularly Bolivarian failing.


Mr. Magoo wrote:
Venezuelans know what their country's problems are, but the non-Venezuelan left is on a mission to "woke" them to the reality that it's all Donald Trump's fault (and before that, Obama's -- and let's not forget or forgive Christia Freeland!).

I highly recommend reading the Venezuelanalysis website. While they are Bolivarian in their outlook, they have run articles criticizing the government as well.

The thing that gets me is that Venezuela is getting all the attention in the press. Whatever internal problems they are having, as far as I know they've never threatened their neighbours. Saudi Arabia threatens Canada, that's forgotten, and nobody (including our "closest ally" the US) says anything?  What gives?

Mr. Magoo

As to "the sludge"-look, oil was pretty much all they had to work with.  It's not as though previous Venezuelan governments had done any diversification-why treat lack of diversification as a singularly Bolivarian failing.

I was only referring to the quality of the oil -- it's heavy sour "tar sands" crude that requires special refining, and it's my understanding that it's so sulfur-heavy that some countries won't buy it (or are forbidden by their own emissions requirements from buying it.)

as far as I know they've never threatened their neighbours.

Wasn't it a couple of years ago that they decided to annex part of Guyana, after Guyana found oil there?


"In my country there is no humanitarian crisis, what there is is riches that the vultures want to steal..."


"...Too busy attacking Venezuela and turning a blind eye to Trump's interventionism."

Unlike British Labour, in Canada the NDP instead aligns with Yanqui vultures' imperialism. See #30.


Blockading Venezuela: The Linchpin of the US Strategy of Aggression

"Sanctions now form a key part of what is a strategic plan by the US to ruin the Venezuelan economy, says Tim Young."


Venezuela Under Siege: The West's Ongoing Campaign Against President Maduro (and audio)

"This week's GR News Hour attempts to deconstruct some of the messaging around the humanitarian crisis in Venezuela. Our first guess, author and foreign affairs critic, Yves Engler."


US VP Pence's Accusations of Venezuelan Financing of Migrant Caravan Disproved

"Journalists have joined Venezuelan officials in ridiculing allegations made on Tuesday by US Vice President Mike Pence that Venezuela is financing the migrant caravan traversing Central America en route to the Mexican-US border..."


National Security Adviser John Bolton Dubs Cuba, Venezuela and Nicaragua the 'Troika of Tyranny', Announces New Sanctions

"Troika of Tyranny' is the new 'Axis of Evil' by the same bloodthirsty maniacs that used it to commit the greatest atrocity of my lifetime. They want to do to Latin America what they did to the Middle East."

Canada will support.


Trump's Latin American Sanctions: Clear 'Political Tactic' For Midterm

"There's a very clear connecting line between racial hatred, [of] the migrant march of Hondurans and between these latest statements about Nicaragua, Venezuela and Cuba..."


Topic locked