Canada Labour Minister Patty Hajdu

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Canada Labour Minister Patty Hajdu

Minister Hajdu highlights the importance of the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) and benefits to Canadian workers


The USMCA labour chapter is a significant improvement on the original North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), as it includes a number of key labour provisions with enforceable obligations to address issues related to migrant workers, forced or compulsory labour, violence against union members, and gender.

This chapter will serve as a means not only of improving working conditions throughout North America, but also of ensuring a level playing field for Canadian workers and businesses by committing USMCA Parties to high labour standards, including with respect to minimum wages, and preventing them waiving their domestic labour laws in order to encourage trade or investment.

Importantly, the chapter also includes unprecedented protections against gender-based discrimination, specifically with regard to sexual orientation, sexual harassment, gender identity, caregiving responsibilities and wage discrimination.

Minister Hajdu highlighted that the USMCA maintains the tariff-free market access from the original NAFTA, and includes new rules for preferential trade in North America that will strengthen our commercial relationship and provide important stability and predictability for Canadian businesses and workers.

Organized labour is critical to a strong middle class and to creating the kind of economic growth that benefits everyone. This means more good well-paying jobs for Canadians, and more affordable goods and services for Canadians.


Growth in precarious work driving federal labour standards overhaul


Minister Hajdu highlights the importance of USMCA for Workers

Ken Burch

Are you going to start a thread for everybody else in the Cabinet?


CBAs are Community Benefit Agreements 

This has red herring written all over it, as if the truth be known, more union projects are brought in under budget than non-union projects.

Welcome to the sickening right-winger's world of greed, where if these clowns had their way, everyone  except them of course, would be earning 5 cents an hour, or perhaps they would prefer workers pay to go to work. If a community is unionized, the community benefits all the time. Where are the comments from the union spokespeople, or were they just too busy to be interviewed as they have been going flat out training Indigenous Peoples and women to work on our construction projects.

'It’s actually anti-competitive': Unions push for federal labour standards, potentially affecting billions in public infrastructure dollars

Critics argue CBAs could raise the costs of provincial and federal infrastructure projects, including those funded by Ottawa’s $186.7-billion infrastructure spending program



Doncha ya love the right-wing monikers they choose for themselves which have deceit written all over them:

NPA - stands for Non Partisan Association

Paul de Jong, president of the Progressive Contractors of Canada



Boo! Hoo!

Cry me a river!


Anything that helps to narrow the gap between the rich and the poor is worthwhile.

Where are the interviews with the employees who are benefiting from the increased min wage?