Why socialists should support Modern Monetary Theory (MMT): transparency

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Jacob Richter
Why socialists should support Modern Monetary Theory (MMT): transparency

MMT summary on monetary vs. fiscal policy: Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) prefers the central bank interest rate to be set permanently to zero, taxes are the way to tackle inflation caused by the additional money supply caused by additional government spending.

Long, long ago, Marx and the rest of the International Workingmen’s Association resolved that indirect taxation was anti-worker, and that direct taxation was the way to go; the former conceals from workers what they pay to the government! Unfortunately, both social-democratic and Soviet tax policies betrayed this profound realization, the former through VAT taxes, and the latter through turnover taxes.  In Canada, look no further than the GST/HST, QST, and PSTs.

Likewise, central bank interest rates represent hidden, not-so-transparent costs to workers. Were that set to zero, and were all indirect taxation substituted with direct taxation, workers would know the full costs necessary to keep inflation down.  Inflation costs would be transparent.

Furthermore, if there absolutely must be general taxation on consumption, as insisted upon by historic social-democratic and Soviet tax policies, the “progressive consumption tax” put forward by Bill Gates would be better than indirect taxation.  In the Canadian context, the GST/HST, QST, and PSTs should be substituted entirely by this new tax proposal.

[I oppose this as a substitute for income taxes, but not for traditional consumption taxes.  Also, other “progressive consumption tax” articles have been written by Ben Cardin, Robert Frank, and Laurence Kotlikoff.]


Interest for loans to governments, to private banks, or to individual citizens?


What would be the benefit of saving if interest rates were pegged at 0%?!?!?!?

Jacob Richter

cco wrote:
Interest for loans to governments, to private banks, or to individual citizens?

Not to individual citizens.  Central banks don't loan to citizens.

JKR wrote:
What would be the benefit of saving if interest rates were pegged at 0%?!?!?!?

There would still be interest paid on GICs and other term deposits.

Pogo Pogo's picture

Lost me with the funny money stuff at the beginning.  I am though a big fan of a universal consumption tax.  Consumption and Carbon usage are closely related and taxing general consumption is a necessary step towards reaching carbon goals.