Annual Report Image

We’ve got nothing to hide, but rabble is reader-supported journalism. Chip in to keep our mission going.

Unlike corporate media, we’ve got nothing to hide and our annual report is ready for you to review. As an independent, non-profit media organization we aren’t run by shareholders nor do we make decisions based on the bottom line. We can let everyone in on our budget (it’s about the size of Steve Paikin’s salary) and, more importantly, our achievements. We can only continue to do what we do with your support.

There’s a lot to be proud of over our 14-year history and 2014 is no different. We’ve made waves from our coverage of C-51 to Idle No More and beyond. We are unsurpassed in our coverage of progressive issues and actions across Canada as we act daily to amplify the issues and messages of social and labour movements to ordinary Canadians.



We can only continue to do what we do with your support. This election has the potential to make a decisive change in Canada’s future direction. Our editorial coverage is already it’s most ambitious to date. We need your help to keep rabble going strong. If you like anything you see in our annual report, our fact checking, or any of our other election coverage chip in what you can here. No amount is too small.

We love our readers as much as we love our politics. That’s why anyone who donates $25 or more from now until the end of the election will be entered in to a contest to win a trip to Ottawa and a personal tour of Parliament and dinner with our Parliament Hill correspondent Karl Nerenberg. Donate here to enter.

And go on and check out what we’ve been up to over the last several months. You won’t be disappointed.


Kim Elliott

Publisher Kim spent her first 16 years on a working family farm in Quebec. Her first memories of rabble rousing are of strike lines, promptly followed by Litton’s closure of the small town...