Photo: Kim Jones/flickr

And what a year it was. Coming off of the maddening, disappointing and very scary U.S. election, it’s too easy to look back and wish that we could have just fast-forwarded from December 31, 2015 right to January 1, 2017. 

But that’s not the whole story. In many ways it was also a really good year. Admittedly, we have to work a little harder to lift our spirits in this holiday season than in other years. But we know that rabble listeners and readers know that these things happen in cycles. Better days are ahead. 

There’s lots of work for us to do in the New Year to help restore this planet to health and happiness. But for now, take a break and have a listen to some of our faves.

  • The Strange Wax Cylinders of Thaddeus Barnes is a six-part steampunk adventure involving retro scientific gadgetry, inventor Nicola Tesla and a mystery to be solved. Produced by Wayne MacPhail for Harrowsmith Now in partnership with the rabble podcast network, this was one of our first forays into audio drama. We want to do more.
  • WINGS: Waiting for Hillary — what could have been in 2016. This podcast was done in September, before everything blew up. Listen unless it will make you cry. If you think it might, wait until after the holidays to listen.
  • On rabble radio’s Soapboxes, Sellouts and Upstarts, rabble’s director of emerging media looks into his crystal ball to see where media is heading. It’s not the same media landscape that it was even two years ago.
  • GooderGoods: Purchasing Power for Change is among the first episodes of one of our new podcasts for 2016. It’s all about why your fashion choices matter to the sustainability of the earth and our communities.

Happy holidays and happy New Year from the rabble podcast network!

Victoria Fenner is the executive producer of the rabble podcast network.

Photo: Kim Jones/flickr

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Victoria Fenner

Victoria Fenner

Victoria Fenner is executive producer of the rabble podcast network (rpn). She brings over 30 years experience in community radio, technical and production experience at the CBC, audio artistry, and...