rabble.ca has been covering the dangerous dam project at Muskrat Falls since it was announced.  Last month, a CBC article stated that the Nalcor project at Muskrat Falls was a boondoggle.  On Friday July 21, Inuk Elder James Learning (aged 79) was jailed indefinitely on for refusing to stop his own efforts to protect Labrador residents from poisoning and drowning at the Muskrat Falls project. Also jailed for protecting the land and water July 21 were Indigenous Labrador Land Protectors Marjorie Flowers and Eldred Davis. Learning and Davis (NunatuKavut) and Flowers (Nunatsiavut) are part of a larger group (including a journalist) facing ongoing, serious court proceedings for their nonviolent actions.   Sign this petition to demand their release and demand a stop to this project.  According to scientists the land upon which this project is being built is not stable and there will be increased levels of methyl mercury which will poison the water, land and life forms around this project for decades to come.