The right to choice is under serious attack in Ontario and in the United States.  There is so much work to do to ensure that the choice for women is respected and accessible but right now, we are in serious danger of rolling back choice and need to fight for the gains that we have made.  In reading an article in the New York Times by Cindi Leivi I was reminded of how we used to share stories about our experiences, and how important it is to start sharing our stories again. 

Basically if one in four women has had an abortion and availed of choice, it is up to us to build a movement by hearing each other’s stories.  Here are two websites which collect and broadcast your stories We Testify and Shout your Abortion.  Read the stories of women and share your own.  

If you want to want to get involved in the fight to continue the fight for access to choice in Canada, the Abortion Rights Coaltion of Canada continues to help coordinate campaigns across the country.  

Let’s not let politicians take control of our bodies and our wombs.