Howdy! I’m feeling like a cowgirl today who is rounding up the cattle after a long drive back to the ranch.

I’ve picked my cover. Yep, it’s fabulous, and nope … I’m not showing you.

“Why?” you ask. “Anticipation and buildup,” I reply.

You have to wait until the book launch which is going to be sometime in May. I would tell you the exact date if I could, but the publisher won’t tell me.

Why is that anyway? To what end and to whom is that beneficial? It doesn’t help me organize interviews which you would think would ultimately help everyone, because it translates into a better chance for book sales. But I still don’t have what they call “The Pub Date.”

The next detail to round up was getting the blurbs done. You know those one or two sentences that grace the back cover of most publications. These testimonials are important because (if you’re lucky) they’re generally written by people who have good name recognition. The idea being, if so and so liked this book, you’re bound to as well.

The writing pixies graced me the day I asked, because Judy Rebick (activist) and Adrienne Mitchell (producer and director) agreed. YAY!

Then I wrote my bio, considered lying about my age on the Author Questionnaire (that’s a government document where the Library gathers all of their author information) and said no to an author photo because I thought it would muck up the cover design.

Do you think that was a mistake? Not the lying part, but the picture part. I told the truth about my age because I was afraid of The Allseeing Governmental Eye. But now I’m wondering about the picture. Do you think I made a mistake?

So most of the fussy deets are done. Next, this coming Thursday, a get-together with Greg and Emily to discuss the final full court publicity press.

Till later…..cb