OCAP Toronto – Raise the Rates BBQ and March

The Deets:

October 16, 2014

12:00 pm noon

George Street., South of Gerrard

Toronto, ON


The Call Out:

Fwd: Join the Ontario Coalition Against Poverty

Meal then March to Glen Murrays office

On October 16, the Ontario Coalition Against Poverty (OCAP) is putting on a BBQ on George Street, where many impacted by Liberal cuts have to sleep in the Seaton House hostel. We will be marching on the office of ‘our’ local MPP, Glen Murray. Please come out and join us.

Poverty in Ontario continues to get worse under the Liberals. Welfare and ODSP cover less of life’s necessities than when the Mike Harris Tories were in power. The minimum wage is simply not a living wage. The Special Diet and Community Start Up have been slashed. Tens of thousands on ODSP face medical reviews that threaten their right to basic income.

During the week of October 13-17, across Ontario, people impacted by poverty, austerity and social cutbacks are going to MPPs’ offices to demand decent and secure income and living wages. These events will be organized by the Raise the Rates Campaign.

To get involved or help build this action contact
OCAP at 416 925 6939
[email protected]

[email protected]



Krystalline Kraus

krystalline kraus is an intrepid explorer and reporter from Toronto, Canada. A veteran activist and journalist for rabble.ca, she needs no aviator goggles, gas mask or red cape but proceeds fearlessly...