Photo of Lake Superior by krystalline kraus

I am super excited to announce this amazing opportunity to help care for our water.

I have always said that we risk everything if we see water as only a political issue to be manipulated by parliamentary politics and not something fundamental to the survival of all living things on earth.

But ensuring clean water in Canada goes beyond simply looking at the human impact. One thing I dislike about humans is how human-centric humans can be. Why do we have to tie water rights to our consumption?

The earth’s natural resources should not be seen under the lens of human usability and consumption alone. Seeing everything as a commodity also traps us into the identity of consumer as if that is our only role on this planet.

Why can’t the right to clean water be for the water’s sake alone? What about all the plants, animals and Mother Earth herself since we are all related and connected in a circle. We cannot live in harmony with nature if we place ourselves outside the circle.

But that is exactly what we have done when we wantonly pollute the waters of Mother Earth. Polluting our blood with toxins can cause septicemia and death just as polluting the waters of Mother Earth can cause her illness and death.

I would say “our” water clean, but it really isn’t ours. Never was. Never will be.

In Anishinaabe culture, as with many other Indigenous nations, they have put themselves forward as protectors of the water; this is a role especially important to women as they are considers of the water carriers of all life.

In this spirit, Dave Courchene (Nii Gaani Aki Inini; Leading Earth Man) is passing along an international invitation to attend the Nibi Water Gathering at the Turtle Lodge, on the Shores of Lake Winnipeg; which is one of our most endangered lakes, where the four rivers meet, on June 4 and 5, 2015.

The press release states, “At the Water Ceremony the Original People of Turtle Island (North America) will formally establish their leadership. The Nibi Water Gathering will coincide with the honouring of leaders in Earth stewardship, those who have been spiritually guided in their leadership, and the honouring of Youth completing their rites of passage to adulthood.

In the video that accompanies the invitation, Courchene — who has served as a member of the Wisdom Keepers of the United Nations since 1992 — states: “All life depends on Water. We all come from Women. Most of our being is Water. We will use the element of water to learn how to work with Nature. Our survival depends on our ability to work with Nature.

As a people we have reached beyond the physical and into the domain of spirit for help. In this case we will call upon the spirit of the Thunderbirds. In our leadership, we will depend and call upon the guardians of this element of life. Spiritually the Thunderbirds have always acted as the real guardians of all water. Our ancestors walked in alliance with the spirit of the Thunderbirds.

They acknowledged their power to keep the waters clean and protected. In this gathering, we will honour the way of our ancestors by doing and acting in acknowledging our relationship with the Thunderbirds.”

I have been asked by Judy Da Silva to learn the Water Song given by spirit to Mary Maytwayashing which plays in the video.

For updates and more information how you can involved, please see this site for the Turtle Lodge

Photo of Lake Superior by krystalline kraus 

Krystalline Kraus

krystalline kraus is an intrepid explorer and reporter from Toronto, Canada. A veteran activist and journalist for, she needs no aviator goggles, gas mask or red cape but proceeds fearlessly...