I recently received an advertisement from my incumbent Conservative MP asking me to check off the box as to which leader will do a better job of fighting crime. He went on to tell us of the new tools of repression that Harper and company had brought to bear on this social disease to ensure I had the information I needed to answer the question properly.

So I thought to myself, what information (to be fit on one page) would I provide if I wanted to ensure that past and future crimes against Medicare would see the light of day?

Support For-Profit Medicine. For-profit medicine is more costly, of lower quality (even deadlier) and turns away those who cannot afford it. Paying more for lower quality more dangerous less accessible health care will add to the disease burden of Medicare.

Support a parallel private system. A guarantee that the public wait times will grow in direct proportion to the reduction in the wait times of those who pay to cut in line will add to the disease burden of Medicare.

Support for User Fees. An added cost that guarantees some of us will have less access to the Medicare that they need, adding to their disease burden (you get sicker if you wait for needed care), increasing costs to the system and the disease burden of Medicare.

Leave pharmaceuticals to the private sector. For decades the fastest growing cost factor of Medicare without evidence that these newer more expensive and heavily used drugs are more effective, safe or safer adding to the disease burden of Medicare.

Please check off the box of the leader(s) most likely to give Medicare a terminal social disease.