Women's lives worse than ever.

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remind remind's picture
Women's lives worse than ever.


remind remind's picture


Grinding poverty and the escalating war is driving an increasing number of Afghan families to sell their daughters into forced marriages.

Girls as young as six are being married into a life of slavery and rape, often by multiple members of their new relatives. Banned from seeing their own parents or siblings, they are also prohibited from going to school. With little recognition of the illegality of the situation or any effective recourse, many of the victims are driven to self-immolation – burning themselves to death – or severe self-harm.

Six years after the US and Britain "freed" Afghan women from the oppressive Taliban regime, a new report proves that life is just as bad for most, and worse in some cases.

Really the title of the article should have called it better, it is not just Afghan women whose lives are worse is is extremely young girls.

The damage this will do to these young girls will be impacting wAfghanistan for more generations to come. It is sickening to realize our military is causing this to happen.

[url=http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/asia/womens-lives-worse-than-eve... is calling for the implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 1325, which says women in conflict zones should be offered protection and recognition of their role in the peace process as well as their human rights. Across Afghanistan women's organisations, such as Mrs Hashemee's, are now turning their attention from providing basic needs to empowering females, teaching them their rights and urging them to vote. [/url]

martin dufresne

We should send this to any MP who dares support our invasion of Afghanistan and support for the Karzai regime, quote it in letters to editors, rail about it in any media we can access. "Support for Afghan women" is the pretext used by the multinationals who use Harper and Dion as puppets. Let's pull that alibi from under their clay feet.

remind remind's picture

It makes me very angry that there is all this nonsense happening in the media, about how any critical commentary against our governments and military actions there harm "the cause" and hurt our military personal.

Fuck that, what is hurting them is being there participating and being forced to have a hand in the factors that are causing these autrocities against Afghan women!


remind this is why I find it instructive to also follow American politics - Harper is following the Bush/Cheney handbook on this and many other issues. Bush used the patriotism bullshit to censor debate and now to a lesser extent so is Harpie.

To understand Harper and the neocons you need to understand the Bush Cheney way of doing politics.

Wasn't Harper and his goven't bragging about how many Afghan girls are now going to school because of the Canadian army securing these little girls rights. haha as he helps cuts womens rights in Canada.

"Compassionate conservatism" indeed to quote from pre-election Bush's words as usual divorced from any reality. Conservatives are usually divorced from any inkling of reality.

remind remind's picture

Yes Mary, I agree that it is instructive to watch American politics as the right wing in NA is using the same play book.

I just refused to believe that Canadians would fall victims to the same propaganda here in Canada, after watching it unfold in the USA. But I guess experiencing it is different than being an observer, as in every case it seems.


People in the mainstream media don't call the harpies on their propaganda bullshit and even help perpetuate it with publicizing the "Wear red on Friday to support the troops".

The Cons keep trying to manipulate Canadians emotions by tying patriotism to support of the troops. None of the other parties have publically and consistently rebutted this bullshit and it has flourished to a certain extent.

[ 26 February 2008: Message edited by: mary123 ]

remind remind's picture


Originally posted by mary123:
[b]The Cons keep trying to manipulate Canadians emotions by tying patriotism to support of the troops. None of the other parties have publically and consistently rebutted this bullshit and it has flourished to a certain extent.[/b]

Do you think that the others parties hands are being held/tied by a behind the scenes force?


No maybe the other parties have allowed the Cons to define this issue to their advantage because they don't get enough press time, they just allowed this issue go without a rebuttal for lack of time, I don't really know.

What do you think about this remind?

remind remind's picture

What I see is war and patriotic propaganda being disseminated on all the channels I get, which is not many, even Discovery. The news and news documentary is not even close to being unbiased and I wonder just how many people/viewers suck up the BS without even questioning.

And whether this media bias translates into other parties not getting air time to counteract the war propaganda, or whether they know not how to combat it, or are refusing to do so I do not know.