Doctors and race in Salon

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Doctors and race in Salon



Salon just published [url=].... I thought that people here would be interested in it.

Dr. Hilarius

Thanks for the link jrootham. I haven't had a chance to read the actual studies yet but will when I've got a little time.

The differences in health between whites and other races ahve always been noted but it was typically attributed to lifestyle factors, a disproportionate number living in poverty, and certain genetic medical conditions that were higher in certain races but it will be very interesting to see research that takes into account the role of physician bias.

I knew such studies were being conducted and it will be very interesting to see the differences once other variables are controlled for (through multivariate regression, presumably).


Thanks for the link to the article.

The comments were good as well, I just read the Editors selection of comments in response to the article. Good stuff!!!

There was also a related study that i took part of at Dalhousie University , in halifax novascotia about the "health effects of Racism"

[URL=]..., Violence and Health Project/URL]