Corporate slavery of women

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remind remind's picture
Corporate slavery of women


remind remind's picture


Unless she’s dying or recovering from surgery, a patient at the Federal Medical Center-Carswell must work. The hospital out on the banks of

Lake Worth is run by the Bureau of Prisons, and its patients are women who have been convicted of federal crimes. Bureau rules require all prisoners — even those in wheelchairs — to work at whatever jobs their infirmities will allow, from scrubbing floors to cleaning toilets.

For the last several years, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, labor unions, and prison reform groups such as FedCure have all pushed for legislation that would outlaw Unicor’s preferential treatment and require the corporation to pay minimum wage. Members of Congress from states whose manufacturing businesses have lost millions in government contracts to Unicor have taken up the cause, but to date the corporation has been able to fend off all such efforts.

Coming soon to a country called "Canada"?

h/t BnR



Originally posted by remind:

Coming soon to a country called "Canada"?

h/t BnR[/b]

They do the same thing with men - called "chain gangs" - to clean up the sides of roads, conduct works projects, etc.

We already have inmates working in prisons. Believe it or not, some of them make license plates (a cliche, I know).

remind remind's picture

The people in prison here in Canada can choose to go to work, or refuse to, and if they work they get paid minimum wage. Big difference!