What does this emoticon mean?

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scott scott's picture
What does this emoticon mean?


Was replied to a post of mine on another forum. Is it good?

remind remind's picture

 Hmmm, first thing came to mind was "taking the low road"

"watching the tide roll away"


It's another way of doing a smilie face.  :-)  or ^_^

remind remind's picture

Well, who knew, thanks Sharon!

"watching the tide roll away"

scott scott's picture

Thanks for the info. It was preceded by "10x" which I do know so I was really hoping it wasn't something like "you're a hoser". :)

rural - Francesca rural - Francesca's picture

It's raising the eyebrows in a playful manner.

 It's one of my daughter's favourites, she uses it when she's being cheeky, or if she's feeling particularly pleased with herself.  She's also used it when I've joined her on the same page (she is 18 after all and we don't always speak the same language)