Massacre in Gaza: Israeli strikes kill more than 200

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Stargazer wrote:

Guess Obama can't see or refuses to see that this applies to Israel. I still do not fully understand the ties to Israel that our heads of nation have. 

Israel destabilizes the Middle East, attacks and divides the Arab people, disrupts the formation of a secular pan-Arab nationalism of the kind that Nasser and others represented in embryo, provides a convenient external enemy to divert attention from domestic problems in the region, keeps the despotic pro-U.S. tyrants in power (Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, the Gulf states, etc. etc.) - and ensures an uninterrupted flow of oil to the White Christian Fathers. Occasionally, where the system breaks down (e.g. Iraq), direct intervention by the Fathers is required, but often enough (Lebanon, Iran, also Iraq, Egypt, Syria, Jordan, and the disinherited Palestinians), Israeli military might or merely the threat of its use suffices to keep the natives in check.

No, it's not love of Jews, or evangelical Christianity, or the "Jewish lobby", or any of the other pretexts for covering up pure imperial aims - no more than it was when the Ottomans and then the British and French ran roughshod over the region. It is selfish imperial greed, and no number of cadavers is too many to slake the thirst of the beast.

martin dufresne

It is very convenient to put hate quotes around the words "Jewish lobby" - as if to deny its existence - when it is in fact operating at full spin to detract news media from reporting realistically on the horror.

And it is very convenient to attack Hamas at the same time Israel is attacking Gaza.

Blood on your hands.



Martin, cool off, I'm not going to call you names, because you're an ally. Better yet, reflect, then edit your post.

martin dufresne

Beyond the platitudes, Arundhati Roy on Palestine and Kashmir.

martin dufresne

Grab on tight to that moral high road, Unionist, Palestinian blood is making it slippery.

martin dufresne

Peut-on défendre Israël

Parmi les
nombreux messages qui me parviennent, un petit nombre veut défendre Israël en
invoquant tel ou tel comportement palestinien. Voici, en quelques mots, une
brève réponse.

Je pense qu’il faut toujours en revenir au point de
départ : Israël est un Etat colonialiste qui a chassé les Palestiniens de leur
terre en 1948. Il refuse leur retour qui ne serait pourtant que le respect du

Avec ses colonies, cet Etat raciste ne cesse de pratiquer
le nettoyage ethnique pour continuer à augmenter son territoire. Il viole toutes
les résolutions de l’ONU depuis soixante ans, se sachant protégé par l’Europe et
les Etats-Unis. Ceux-ci ont besoin d’un gendarme au Moyen-Orient pour contrôler
le pétrole. Israël se plaint des armes nucléaires éventuelles chez ses voisins,
mais il a lui-même deux cents têtes nucléaires, installées en toute

Israël se prétend “la seule démocratie au Moyen-Orient”
(comme si un régime d’apartheid pouvait être démocratique!). Mais les alliés
d’Israël au Moyen-Orient (Arabie saoudite, Koweït, Egypte...) sont des
dictatures abominables. En plus, lorsque les Palestiniens de Gaza “votent mal”,
Israël les punit par des blocus et des agressions sans fin.

Ceux qui
critiquent certains mouvements palestiniens actuels, oublient de dire que
précédemment, Israël a tout fait pour détruire les mouvements palestiniens de
gauche ou nationalistes. Et qu’il a systématiquement refusé de négocier avec
Arafat tout en prétendant le contraire.

Tout ceci peut être prouvé par
des études d’historiens (notamment israéliens), des déclarations de tous les
grands dirigeants sionistes eux-mêmes et des témoignages de juifs progressistes

Les colonialistes se plaignent de tirs de roquettes et
d’attentats. Certes, toutes les méthodes de lutte ne conviennent pas. Mais
puisque les oppresseurs, surarmés, ont privé les oppressés de tout moyen
d’action légal, ils seraient bien aimables de dire comment il convient de

Il n’y aura pas de solution au Moyen-Orient sans établir
une vraie démocratie, pour tous. Et donc accorder tous leurs droits aux

Certes, des Israéliens souffrent également (d’ailleurs,
ils souffrent aussi de la pauvreté et de discriminations racistes imposées par
les dirigeants israéliens). Internet nous permet d’ouvrir avec chacun, ici et
là, un débat sur les véritables causes du problème. En dénonçant les
médiamensonges et les déformations de l’Histoire.

Pas de
paix sans Justice!

Michel Collon
28 décembre

Cueball Cueball's picture

Unionist wrote:

Cueball defends Hamas because it is (his words) "indigenous". That's a code-word for Muslim.

He contemptuously dismisses all non-Islamic organizations as follows:

... there is [b]no other effective organization[/b] defending Palestinian interests, as [b]all others[/b], even the late Yasser Arafat's Fatah, [b]are hopelessly corrupt[/b], if not in fact direct tools of the occupation.

It is difficult to debate such a Manichean world outlook.

I guess. Of course, its merely the outlook of a large number of Palestinians, including Palestinian intellectuals such as the late Edward Said. When Palestinian say that Fatah is "corrupt", they do not mean that its ministers are taking bribes on the side (though there is that too), they mean it serves the ends of the occupation, and operates as the "indigenous" enforcers of the occupation.

The fact that such opposition would formulate itself around traditional organizational forms, founded in the local cultural traditions and organization, in this case Islamic ones that are clearly independent of the ideological trappings that tie it to the corrupted resistance is also predictable. But you can be forgiven your whimsical nostalgia for Nasserite, Pan-Arabism, because its clear you haven't actually read a lot of Palestinian commentary. Meaning, you would prefer not to listen so that you can impose the world view that you are comfortable with.  

Now, of course, nothing is black and white, and numerous principled secularist people, such as Marawan Barghouti, continue to carry on the struggle in Fatah, and elsewhere outside of the dynamics of the Fatah/Hamas split, but dismissing the legitimacy of Hamas as a representative of the Palestinian people, because it is founded in Islamic traditions, is a cop out.

Perhaps it will be that the left will one day be able to resurrect itself as a force in Palestinian politics, but denying the reality, in favour of comfortable fantasies, such as the idea that Hamas can be dismissed merely a creature of Israeli malfeasance, is not going to bring that goal any closer. Moreover, haughtily proclaiming your heartfelt desire that the Palestinians will one day find leadership, because it is "non-existent", is to exhibit extremely paternalistic attitudes.

You simply can not see anything outside of the European paradigms that you are comfortable with.

So, I said, indiginous, as opposed to Muslim, for a reason. As I have outlined most of the politics of the world over the last century were defined in the context of the ideas imposed on the rest of the world through the agency of European imperialism, and likewise the opposition to it found expression in the left/right split, and as often as not that left opposition took on imperialist forms.

One only has to look at the Soviet incorporation of the Muslim SSR's, over the heads of the "indigenous" opposition (often organized as Islamic parties) during the Russian civil war, its invasion of Iran in 1940, and the invasion of Afghanistan, to see this clearly.Is it any wonder that Arab resistance movements seek to formulate an alternate hegemony based in an ideological tradition entirely free of the taint of European ideas that not only failed to liberate, but also often exacerbated the problems faced by their people? 

You just can't stand the idea that Palestinians might be able to construct political ideas and organizations free of western tutelage. What was it you said? Oh yes: "You'd see the need to have friends. Which also means allowing people their ideas, while paying attention to their actual stands in life."


Martin, you wouldn't talk that way if you had spent the last 40 years actively mobilizing support for the Palestinian cause. You'd understand the need for allies.

Cueball Cueball's picture

"Which also mean allowing people their ideas", according to you. Fair enough, so whatever happened to that idea in the Palestinian context. The idea that Hamas is an effective tool for resistance to the occupation, shared by many Palestinians, doesn't seem to warrant much respect in your book. What kind of "ally" does that make you?


Cueball wrote:
... dismissing the legitimacy of Hamas as a representative of the
Palestinian people, because it is founded in Islamic traditions, is a
cop out.

It would be, if I had done it. You see anti-Islamism everywhere. You should really slow down once in a while.

[b][i]Hezbollah[/i][/b] is a heroic, determined, highly successful organization, founded in Islamic traditions, which led the Lebanese people to drive the Israeli aggressor, and its Lebanese puppets, in humiliation out of south Lebanon. It is a major political player, a leader of Lebanese society on all fronts, an uncompromising champion of Lebanese independence, and a fierce adversary that Israel now fears, as it should.

[b][i]Hamas[/i][/b], on the other hand, is a ragtag gang of hapless adventurers, far more successful in the battlefield against other Palestinians than against Israel - indeed, they have never won a battle against Israel. They declared an end to the ceasefire - brilliant brilliant move - then fired a couple of rockets, accidentally killing one person - and are now presiding over the death and destruction of the people who, in utter desperation and in disgust over Fatah's impotence and corruption, placed their confidence in Hamas.

How does this relate to Hamas's "Islamic traditions"? Not at all. There are Muslim heroes, and there are Muslim idiots and provocateurs and adventurists. Work it out.

It's not an easy task for the Palestinian people, besieged and slaughtered and oppressed on all sides, to build themselves a leadership and organized force like Hezbollah. But until they do, their disenfranchisement and humiliation and destruction will inevitably continue. All we can do is stay the hand of Israel's backers (like Canada, notably), and work for the isolation of the pariah that is apartheid aggressor Israel. But if you (or martin or anyone) decide that that means we have to praise the glorious resistance struggle of Hamas, you will isolate only yourself.

Cueball Cueball's picture

Unionist wrote:

Cueball wrote:
... dismissing the legitimacy of Hamas as a representative of the Palestinian people, because it is founded in Islamic traditions, is a cop out.

It would be, if I had done it. You see anti-Islamism everywhere. You should really slow down once in a while.

You did, and you did it again, just now while denying you were doing it. The concept of "Islamism" is a western ideological construct that is part of imposed western hegemony, which came into existence as a propaganda trope of the war on terror.

Your "besieged and slaughtered and oppressed on all sides" trope, more of the same. And a political cop out. What is the result of this cop out? A decent into blaming the victims of the occupation for the occupation.

Your charachterization of Hamas is arrogant vein and stupid. It was the actions of Hamas in the occupied territories during the first Intifada that brought Israel to the bargaining table, and gave Yasser Arafat a new lease on his political life, when he was in exile lollygagging about Tunisia.



[u][b][url=]Arabs rally against Israeli raids[/url][/b][/u]


Big anti-Israeli rallies were held in Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Sudan, Syria and Yemen. There were demands for Arab leaders to help the Palestinians. ...

In the centre of the Syrian capital Damascus protesters waved green flags of the Hamas militant movement alongside Palestinian, Syrian and yellow Hezbollah flags, the AFP news agency reported.

Thousands also attended a pro-Palestinian demonstration in the Jordanian capital Amman, as well as rallies in many of Jordan's poor Palestinian refugee camps.

More than 50,000 demonstrated in Egyptian cities on Sunday, AFP reported. Security officials said the biggest protest was in the southern city of Asyut.


nonest factum

I'm real hesitant to get into this, because of the mentioned thread drift; but also because of the tone of the tiff between unionist and cueball.

But with that caveat, I have to say Unionist that your comparison between Hazbollah and Hamas shows an ignorance about the base of the latter's popularity.

Both Hezbolah and Hamas are highly effective political and social welfare organizations. Each of them fills a vacuum for serving the needs of an oppressed population not served by its putative leading organizations.

Hamas did not just run against Fatah's corruption- it succeeded on delivering the goods... which it has been doing since before the Oslo accords and the arrival in Gaza of the PLA.

Even your comparison of the two as military organizations- which is the only comparison you give- is a characturized projection. Hamas and Hezbollah militarily operate from virtually identical logics. The greater effectiveness of Hezbollah is a product from their far greater distance from the Israeli intellignce and war machine, and their easy proximity to supply lines. Hamas is not as you would argue more inherently "adventurist"... let alone that Hezboallah is more militarily "heroic". If all Hezbollah could manage was pathetic and obviously self-ruining rocket attacks- if the Hamas shoe was on their foot- that is also what they would do.

nonest factum

1: Israel's true motive in bombing Gaza,
is genocide against the Palestinian people and extermination of their
right to statehood.

Israel's genuine interest in this campaign is strikingly similar to
Hamas' interest in firing scores of rockets into Israeli population
centers: Forcing a cease-fire on better terms than the one just ended.
For Hamas, this largely means easing Israeli economic sanctions
against Gazans. For Israel, this centers on ending shelling by Qassam
and Grad missiles and mortar shells. For both sides, this means a
prisoner exchange, centering on Gilad Shalit and hundreds of jailed
Hamas members.

2: The Palestinians have no recourse but to defend
themselves, and the makeshift rockets they fire are nothing compared to
the world's most advanced warplanes and munitions, which the IDF is
using against them.

The Human Rights Watch organization has been unequivocal in condemning the use of Qassam rockets
as a direct violation of international humanitarian law and the laws of
war. The firing of Qassams and mortars against civilian populations
constitutes collective punishment

against hundreds of thousands of innocent Israeli men, women and children.

Moreover, the firing of Qassams began not as a response to the
siege against Gaza, but as a marathon celebration by armed Islamic
fundamentalist groups following Israel's withdrawal of its troops and
settlers from the Strip. To purposely add insult to injury, Islamic
Jihad and other organizations used the ruins of settlements as launch


KenS wrote:
If all Hezbollah could manage was pathetic and obviously self-ruining rocket attacks- if the Hamas shoe was on their foot- that is also what they would do.

Hezbollah gave up "terror" attacks almost 25 years ago. Please explain why Hamas is shooting rockets at civilians. What is their goal, if not inciting genocidal retribution? Or is it stupidity? or desperation?


ETA: Actually, forget my questions, Ken. This is thread destruction initiated by cueball, into which I fell like a fool. I have no interest in debating this point in this thread, and have said so many times.

Cueball Cueball's picture

nonest factum wrote:

  1: Israel's true motive in bombing Gaza, is genocide against the Palestinian people and extermination of their right to statehood.
Israel's genuine interest in this campaign is strikingly similar to Hamas' interest in firing scores of rockets into Israeli population centers: Forcing a cease-fire on better terms than the one just ended.
For Hamas, this largely means easing Israeli economic sanctions against Gazans. For Israel, this centers on ending shelling by Qassam and Grad missiles and mortar shells. For both sides, this means a prisoner exchange, centering on Gilad Shalit and hundreds of jailed Hamas members.

  2: The Palestinians have no recourse but to defend themselves, and the makeshift rockets they fire are nothing compared to the world's most advanced warplanes and munitions, which the IDF is using against them.

The Human Rights Watch organization has been unequivocal in condemning the use of Qassam rockets as a direct violation of international humanitarian law and the laws of war. The firing of Qassams and mortars against civilian populations also
constitutes collective punishment
against hundreds of thousands of innocent Israeli men, women and children.

Moreover, the firing of Qassams began not as a response to the siege against Gaza, but as a marathon celebration by armed Islamic fundamentalist groups following Israel's withdrawal of its troops and settlers from the Strip. To purposely add insult to injury, Islamic Jihad and other organizations used the ruins of settlements as launch platforms.

Aren't you the "educated" observer who thought Michelle Palmer was going to 6 year of hard time for having sex on the beech in Dubai? Whatever happened to that, anyway?

I see you posted some tripe propaganda footage about the Palestinian Blitz of toy rockets. I guess it never occurred to you that a responsible government, like the one of Winston Churchill during WW II, made every effort to remove civilians from areas targetted for attack. Of course, the powers that be in Israel prefer to have the posed propaganda footage of children hiding under tables so they can justify spending millions and million of dollars killing Palestinians by conducting military operations in Gaza, so they can look tough, as opposed to being sensible and relocating people from Sderot. 

That is how much the Israeli government "cares" about its people.

Cueball Cueball's picture

KenS wrote:
If all Hezbollah could manage was pathetic and obviously self-ruining rocket attacks- if the Hamas shoe was on their foot- that is also what they would do.

 While I concur with the general theme of your post, I have to say that there is nothing "self-defeating" about this mode of resistance. The alternative is to do nothing, in the face of a brutal campaign of starvation enforced by Israel and backed by the "international community" to punish all Gazans for having the temerity to vote for people "we" (Unionist included) don't like.

All of this begins with a deliberate and brutal attempt to supress a legitimate democratic process.

Lets not get to caught up in the Israeli propoganda. This massive and unprecedented assault has nothing to do with Qassam rockets and everything to do with shoring up the political fortunes of the so-called Israeli left in the upcoming elections. When one is losing in the polls, killing a few Arabs is always seen as a good way of boosting your political fortunes in Israel.

Only a few years ago, there were quite a few threads on this board, featuring excited chatter about how much of a "peacenick" Olmert is, and how the future of the peace movement would be served if he led that PM. What a joke. I wish I could dig up those threads now.

This gang is going out as they came in, with a brutal military adventure, justified by the flimsiest of pretexts.

nonest factum

 3: All that Hamas is asking, is
recognition as the democratically elected government of Gaza, and an
end to the Israeli economic embargo. Were they to attain these goals,
there would be calm on both sides of the border.

It is both unrealistic and dangerous to believe that Hamas has
abandoned its clearly stated and often reiterated goal of establishing
an Islamic Palestinian state in all of the Holy Land, including all
land claimed, annexed by, or in any way occupied by Israel.

Beyond that, Hamas has strong alliances with the Egyptian
opposition Muslim brotherhood, as well as working partnerships with the
Iran-dominated Hezbollah and Islamic Jihad.

Israeli restraint, when practiced, has been met with contempt and
additional Hamas and Hamas-tolerated strikes against civilian

 4: The Israeli blockade against Hamas is state terrorism and any means to fight it are legitimate.

There is every reason to believe that Israel's economic siege
against Gaza is misguided, but not for an essential cruelty, rather
because Hamas taxes collected on the influx of goods imported through
tunnels from Egyptian territory have subsidized and cemented Hamas

 5: The world overwhelmingly sympathizes with the
Palestinians against Israel, and unreservedly backs their struggle for

In an era of global revulsion against radical Islamic terror,
Hamas' protracted program of suicide bombings, drive-by murders and
shelling of civilian populations, coupled with its refusal to renounce
violence, recognize Israel, or accept past peace agreements, coupled
with its ideology of militant jihad, have drained the Palestinians of
international sympathy and have, in fact, legitimized Israeli arguments
of military self-defense.

Nothing has been more instrumental in harming the cause of
Palestinian independence than Hamas, with its brutal take-over of Gaza
in a war with brother Palestinians, and its frank efforts to build a
large-scale regular army force in the Strip.

Cueball Cueball's picture

Michelle Palmer?

martin dufresne

Unionist: "you wouldn't talk that way if you had spent the last 40 years actively mobilizing support for the Palestinian cause"

I realize that this is what gives you the illusion of moral entitlement to attack Hamas alongside with Israel, a tragical delusion.


martin dufresne wrote:

I realize that this is what gives you the illusion of moral entitlement to attack Hamas alongside with Israel, a tragical delusion.

I do [b]not[/b] "attack Hamas". I was the first on this board to condemn the Harper regime for being the first government in the world to withhold funding from the Palestinian Authority after Hamas was elected. I unconditionally defend the Palestinian people, and their government, against aggression by the Israeli murderers. I unconditionally defend their right to be represented by, and to choose, the government and the leadership that they want.

You and cueball care nothing about that. You want some simpering analysis that says that Hamas is a good thing - a great move for the Palestinians - the key to their liberation. You think people are fucking idiots??

aka Mycroft



(December 28, 2008)- The Israeli military has unleashed its most vicious air assault against the people of Gaza in decades, killing over 280 Gazans and wounding over 700. Despite claims by the Israeli leadership that they are trying to avoid civilians the attacks have been concentrated on Gaza City and the towns of Khan Younis and Rafah. Israeli television reports that Israeli troops are massing on the border "in preparation for a supplementary ground offensive"

Independent Jewish Voices (Canada) condemns this murderous escalation of violence by the Israeli government. Diana Ralph, IJV Coordinator calls this assault  "completely disproportionate to the unsupportable firing of Qassam rockets by Hamas fighters which  killed one Israeli. It's important to put this into the context of the deadly siege of Gaza by the Israeli forces, which continued in violation of the terms of the recent six month truce between Israel and Gaza. In the ethics of violent conflicts, it is the responsibility of the force wielding power - the Israeli government in this case - to create the conditions for a just peace."

Dr. Judy Deutsch, IJV representative, added: "This massacre will only intensify the cycle of violence in the region and heighten the humanitarian crisis in Gaza. The aim of these attacks is not to bring about peace but to strengthen the position of the Israeli government as it heads into elections next February."

Independent Jewish Voices (Canada) calls for an immediate halt to all violence in the conflict, the cessation of the Israeli government's blockade against Gaza, a complete withdrawal of Israeli forces from the Occupied West Bank and the dismantling of settlements.

We also call on the Canadian government to recall its ambassador to Israel and strongly condemn Israel's assault.

Independent Jewish Voices (Canada) - formerly known as the Alliance of Concerned Jewish Canadians - is a network of 18 Jewish groups as well as individual Jews from across Canada who are opposed to the Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories.

- 30 -

Contact: Judy Deutsch, Ph.D., 416-929-8349, [email protected] ; Diana Ralph, Coordinator, IJV, 613-321-2765, [email protected]



"...the unsupportable firing of Qassam rockets by Hamas fighters which  killed one Israeli..."

Watch out, aka Mycroft, all hell will be unleashed on you. You have dared to criticize the firing of rockets on civilians. You have blood on your hands! So do all the Jews in the "Independent Jewish Voices"!

Down with unity! Long live defeat and isolation! 

Cueball Cueball's picture

Unionist wrote:
martin dufresne wrote:

I realize that this is what gives you the illusion of moral entitlement to attack Hamas alongside with Israel, a tragical delusion.

I do [b]not[/b] "attack Hamas". I was the first on this board to condemn the Harper regime for being the first government in the world to withhold funding from the Palestinian Authority after Hamas was elected. I unconditionally defend the Palestinian people, and their government, against aggression by the Israeli murderers. I unconditionally defend their right to be represented by, and to choose, the government and the leadership that they want.

You and cueball care nothing about that. You want some simpering analysis that says that Hamas is a good thing - a great move for the Palestinians - the key to their liberation. You think people are fucking idiots??

I don't want any such thing. I want you to recognized the political legitimacy of the Palestinian resistance. This is not about your haughty judgements, at all. That is the point. I don't want you to pronouce that Hamas is good or bad. Think what you like.

I am affirming that Hamas is the legitimate, and democratically elected representatives of the Palestinian people. Your entire line tries to side-step this fact, and only adds credibility to the preception that the blockade and the US backed Fatah coup against the elected government are justified.

At this point in time, given that Hamas is the democratically elected government of the Palestinian people, and the Palestinian people are under assault, obstensibly to attack "terrorist infrastruture" (actually the offices and security facilities of legitimate government of Palestinians), its unfortunate, but true that standing with Palestinians means standing by the democratic process they embarked on and completed, and the government they elected.

It does not mean further mystifying the situation by saying the Palestinians have "no leadership", or that the "civil war" between Hamas and Fatah, is something that both parties have mutual responsibility for, when in fact the power struggle results from the direct attempt to undermine the legitimate government of the Palestinian people by application of economic sanctions, and the illegal siezure of administrative power by Mamoud Abbas, and the attempt by Fatah to enforce that siezure of power by force, approved of by the United States, and backed up with direct infusions of military aid.

Those are the facts. Sorry if they are inconvenient. All of that must be opposed, regardless if Hamas is "good" or not. At this point in time standing with the Palestinian people, includes most definitely standing by Hamas, and by extension the democratic processes of the Palestinians, and their right to self-determination, which are yet again under attack by Israel and its backers.


Thanks for putting things more soberly, cueball. I fully agree with what you said. But on this board, among friends, I do have the right to ask: When will the Palestinian people overcome? When will they win? And how? Are they closer today than 60 years ago?


[u][b][url=]Palestinians and their supporters in Canada condemn Israeli attacks in Gaza[/url][/b][/u]


Palestinian-Canadians and their supporters held demonstrations in several
cities Sunday in protest against Israeli air strikes aimed at security compounds
in the Gaza Strip.

They rallied in downtown Montreal, Ottawa and Toronto.

It's a pretty slanted article, but at least there are some reports coming out in the MSM.



Did any of you guys attend your respective demonstrations?

Not bad in Montréal; several hundred upon very short notice during the year's end holiday period. And for once the weather cooperated - it was balmy and the sun actually came out.

M. Spector M. Spector's picture

[url=][u]The Muslim Canadian Congress takes a typically treacherous position.[/u][/url]




Cueball Cueball's picture

Unionist wrote:

"...the unsupportable firing of Qassam rockets by Hamas fighters which  killed one Israeli..."

Watch out, aka Mycroft, all hell will be unleashed on you. You have dared to criticize the firing of rockets on civilians. You have blood on your hands! So do all the Jews in the "Independent Jewish Voices"!

Down with unity! Long live defeat and isolation! 

If Israel gave a damn about its civilians in Sderot, it would spend the money to relocate them. Israel is well funded in the department of relocation, and routinely relocates Jews from around the world to the environs of Jerusalem and the West Bank, obstensibly to protect them from danger. But for some reason, the citizens of Sderot must remain on the firing line.

Israeli citzens regularly play the foil in the political games of the power brokers of its society, as victims in Sderot, and tools of occupation and annexation in the West Bank.

Instead, Olmert and Netanyahu and their ilk would prefer to keep the fires hot, and spend billions on security and reprisals, since power in Israel is dictated by the need for a permanent national security emergency. To not be in a state of perpetual war would undermine the fundamental justifications of the Zionist cause, and as likely as not collapse the economy since the need for US aid would be superfluous.

The Israeli politicians and the IDF feed on war and crisis like flies on shit.

aka Mycroft

The Toronto demo was around 800 or so which is quite large when you consider the short notice and the fact that we are in the middle of holidays. There were about a dozen JDL counterprotesters across the street.

 Unfortunately, CTV reports this as being a Palestinian demo vs an Israeli demo despite the fact that there were probably more Jews in the Gaza solidarity demo than there were in the JDL demo. 


That is great, Mycroft. We were at least 500 - I'm short, so have a hard time estimating crowds. In any event, not pitiful.

Including more than one person you met at the historic Toronto Conference of Alternative Jewish Voices.

Important to keep up the pressure against this ongoing atrocity.

Israel assassin,

Harper, complice!

nonest factum

MCC calls for end to bombing
Condemns Hamas for inciting hostilities

TORONTO - The Muslim Canadian Congress (MCC) has expressed alarm at the
on-going Israeli attacks on Gaza and has asked the international community to
intervene and bring about an immediate ceasefire. In a statement, the MCC
condemned the disproportionate response by the IDF to the rocket attacks by
Hamas, leading to hundreds of casualties.

The MCC statement also condemned Hamas for treating the Palestinian people as
human-bait in a ploy to provoke Israel into launching an all-out attack on Gaza.
In censuring Hamas, the MCC said, the Islamist group had deliberately put the
civilian population of Gaza in danger as it played the role of Iran's agent
provocateur in the region......"


Israel bombs university in Gaza[/url][/b][/u]


Israeli air force jets have bombed the Islamic University in the Gaza Strip, a significant cultural symbol for Hamas.

Warplanes also struck Hamas government offices as air raids aimed at forcing Palestinian militants to halt rocket fire into southern Israel continued.

Palestinian medics say nearly 300 people have been killed in the air raids that began on Saturday....

A BBC journalist in Gaza said the university authorities had evacuated the campus a few days ago as they had been expecting a strike.

Earlier on Sunday, Israel bombed supply tunnels in the southern Gaza Strip used by Palestinians to smuggle food and other supplies - including weapons, says Israel - past the Israeli blockade of the territory.

As jets pounded the southern Gaza Strip, hundreds of Palestinians stormed over a fence on the Gaza-Egypt border, but Egyptian security forces fired shots to prevent them entering.

An Egyptian security official was shot dead and another wounded in the turmoil which followed. ...

The high numbers of casualties made Saturday the single deadliest day in the Gaza Strip since Israel's occupation of the territory in 1967, analysts said, although no independent confirmation is available of the numbers killed.




Has the NDP made any statements on these recent crimes against humanity?




Has the Liberal Party?

Cueball Cueball's picture

nonest factum wrote:

MCC calls for end to bombing
Condemns Hamas for inciting hostilities

TORONTO - The Muslim Canadian Congress (MCC) has expressed alarm at the on-going Israeli attacks on Gaza and has asked the international community to intervene and bring about an immediate ceasefire. In a statement, the MCC condemned the disproportionate response by the IDF to the rocket attacks by Hamas, leading to hundreds of casualties.

The MCC statement also condemned Hamas for treating the Palestinian people as human-bait in a ploy to provoke Israel into launching an all-out attack on Gaza. In censuring Hamas, the MCC said, the Islamist group had deliberately put the civilian population of Gaza in danger as it played the role of Iran's agent provocateur in the region......"


Pffft. Reading your sources, I now understand why you managed to allow the tabloid press to convince you that Michell Palmer was indeed going to do six years of hard time for frollicking on a beach in Dubai. 


Webgear wrote:
Has the Liberal Party?

Of course not. Ignatieff has issued two media releases this weekend, both praising dead Canadian soldiers for having given their lives "for a safe and secure Afghanistan" (I kid you not).

Nothing about Gaza - so I assume he shares Cannon's shameless support for the Israeli aggressors, don't you?

The Harper-Ignatieff coalition is having a fine holiday season.

Kaspar Hauser

Well done, Unionist.

plagal plagal's picture

aka Mycroft wrote:

The Toronto demo was around 800 or so which is quite large when you consider the short notice and the fact that we are in the middle of holidays. There were about a dozen JDL counterprotesters across the street.

Unfortunately, CTV reports this as being a Palestinian demo vs an Israeli demo despite the fact that there were probably more Jews in the Gaza solidarity demo than there were in the JDL demo. 


Looking at the Wikipedia article on JDL, I read that it is in fact a "violent extremist organization", a characterization given by none other than the FBI. It is also mentioned that JDL members have been involved in terrorism and have fundraised for the terrorist organisation Kahane Chai.


In the light of the above, I must say that presenting the JDL demo as an "Israeli" demo is primarily an insult to honest Israelis. Also, that counting these thugs as the "pro-Israeli equivalent" of the demonstrators against the aggression in Gaza is an insult to any democratic citizen...

Frustrated Mess Frustrated Mess's picture

So, here we have a civilin population caged, starved, brutalized and now bombed by a state that promotes ethnic supremacy and this thread is about Hamas? Chalk another small one up to the bad guys.


Careful Frustrated Mess, I got my pee pee slapped for referencing good guys and bad guys in one of my posts- careful my friend :)


I think when those battles were going on a few months (year?) ago Israel thought they would plow over Hamas or Palastine defenses (not sure the correct term). Israel and the rest of the world was surprised when Israel got a wake up call and their forces were slowed down or even stopped. BIG bloody nose.

No one expected that. I think it embarassed the hell out of them and now they aren't taking any chances and want some good ol'revenge to make uyp for the face they lost.

Hamas was democratically elected wasn't it? Like legitimately voted in? I think  NATO should put a stop to Israel attacking a democracy, how come the states aren't condeming their actions?


Because NATO only "protects democracy" when it can bomb the shit out of countries that don't agree with western imperialism.  Israeli apartheid, ethnic cleansing, and slaughter of Palestinians fits in nicely with western imperialism, so obviously NATO has no problem whatsoever with it.


Hamas was a hell of a lot more democratically elected that George Bush was!

Here is a surprisingly good article from the Gazette (CanWest rag) about the demonstration and people's motivations for attending:

Sorry for the long link - alas I see NOTHING on my software about formatting links.

Just saw the headline "Germany's Merkel blames Hamas". Cripes.

Cueball Cueball's picture

Unionist wrote:

I'd like to publicly retract my misplaced comments about Hamas, with apologies to cueball and martin.

My comments were born of frustration at the seeming dead end that the Palestinian struggle finds itself in. But the blame for that does not lie with the people or with the organizations and leadership that they have chosen.

Going back and re-reading [u][b][url=]this article by Ali Abounimah from last year[/url][/b][/u] helped me get my head screwed back on straight.

Necessary to fight things out some times. No need to appologize to me. The situation is difficult and complex.

Didn't get anything in that link, and I would certainly like to take a look at that article. It sound interesting.


I'd like to publicly retract my misplaced comments about Hamas, with apologies to cueball and martin.

My comments were born of frustration at the seeming dead end that the Palestinian struggle finds itself in. But the blame for that does not lie with the people or with the organizations and leadership that they have chosen.

Going back and re-reading [u][b][url=]this article by Ali Abounimah from last year[/url][/b][/u] helped me get my head screwed back on straight.


Sorry, cueball, here is the repaired link:

[u][b][url=]Engaging Hamas and Hizballah[/url][/b][/u]

Frustrated Mess Frustrated Mess's picture

Lagatta, type in a word you want to link. Then use your mouse to highlight it. When highlighted, the following image becomes visibile above the smiley face below the text entry window: What a link looks like.Click that and then paste your link into the dialog that pops up.



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