January protests against Israeli assault on Gaza

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blake 3:17
January protests against Israeli assault on Gaza

Please spread the word -- maybe folks in other cities could post their local events? 



*WHEN: 2pm on Saturday January 3rd, 2009
*WHERE: Yonge-Dundas Square (buses leave Palestine House 1:15pm sharp)

Join in demonstrating against the latest Israeli assault on the people of Gaza.
At least 400 Palestinians have been killed and at least 1600 have been injured in
the on-going assault on the Gaza Strip that began on Saturday.

This is the single largest massacre in Gaza since Israel illegally occupied the
area in 1967. The numbers of dead are mounting, especially as the already
limited medical supplies are running out due to the brutal siege of Gaza since

Palestine House

Demonstration Organized By:

Palestine House
Canadian Arab Federation
Women in Solidarity with Palestine (WSP)
Not In Our Name (NION): Jewish Voices Opposing Zionism
Muslim Association of Hamilton
International Jewish anti-Zionist Network – Toronto
Coalition Against Israeli Apartheid
Muslim Unity
Toronto Coalition to Stop the War
Canadian Druze Society
Canadian Syrian Social Club
Al Huda
Islamic Relief
Steel Workers Union
Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE Ontario)
Educators for Peace and Justice


There is a minor title with your thread title, comrade. In some places (Montréal for one) this weekend's demo is taking place on Sunday the 4th.

Manifestation: solidarité avec Gaza!
| Posté dans Boycott, Canada, Palestine
mettons fin à l’apartheid israélien!

Square Cabot : coin des rues Sainte-Catherine et Atwater
(métro Atwater)
Montréal, Québec

Alors que les chasseurs israéliens continuent de pilonner Gaza, tuant des PalestinienNEs par centaines, et alors même que le gouvernement israélien n’hésite plus à qualifier sa dernière offensive de « guerre totale », d’énormes manifestations de solidarité avec le peuple palestinien s’organisent du Caire à Beyrouth, d’un bout à l’autre du Moyen-Orient et dans les capitales de plusieurs autres pays d’Europe et d’Amérique.

Le mouvement international de protestation contre l’apartheid israélien prend de l’ampleur. Ici même, à Montréal, nous vous invitons à vous joindre sans plus attendre au mouvement de solidarité avec Gaza.

Il est maintenant estimé que plus de 350 PalestinienNEs, pour la plupart des civilEs, ont été tuéEs par la dernière offensive israélienne. Les hôpitaux de Gaza ne suffisent plus à traiter les centaines de blesséEs graves et les nouvelles victimes des bombardements israéliens.

À Montréal, les manifestantEs se rassembleront devant le consulat d’Égypte pour remettre une lettre au président égyptien Moubarak et dénoncer la collusion de son gouvernement avec Israël, ainsi que le blocus qu’il a maintenu sur Gaza au cours de la dernière année. Au moment même où Israël bombarde Gaza, le gouvernement égyptien refuse toujours d’ouvrir sa frontière pour permettre aux renforts d’aide humanitaire de pénétrer dans la bande de Gaza.

Selon le Palestinian Center for Human Rights, les plus récentes frappes israéliennes contre Gaza ont été lancées stratégiquement pour faire « un maximum de morts et de blessés au plus fort des activités quotidiennes ». Cet assaut brutal est l’un des plus meurtrier depuis 1948.

Alors que des manifestations organisées dans plusieurs pays exigent un cessez-le-feu et un terme immédiat au siège militaire de la bande de Gaza, Israël continue d’ignorer les appels à la retenue lancée par la communauté internationale, fort de l’appui des É.-U. et de la complicité du gouvernement conservateur de Stephen Harper, ici même au Canada.

Au cours des dernières années, les gouvernements du Québec et du Canada ont accru leurs relations bilatérales et renforcé leurs liens économiques, militaires et politiques avec Israël. L’automne dernier, le gouvernement de Jean Charest a conclu une nouvelle entente de libre échange avec Israël. Ce geste détone avec les appels de plus en plus forts au boycott économique du gouvernement israélien, lancés en réponse aux crimes de guerre perpétrés par ce gouvernement contre le peuple de Palestine.

Depuis deux ans, la bande de Gaza est soumise à la violence quotidienne d’une catastrophe humanitaire déclenchée par la réduction drastique de l’accès aux sources d’énergie, de nourriture et de médicaments. Pratiquement, Gaza est aujourd’hui la plus grande prison à ciel ouvert au monde.

Aujourd’hui, nous ne pouvons que réaffirmer notre engagement à rallier nos parents, amiEs et alliéEs des autres mouvements sociaux progressistes à la campagne de boycott, de sanctions et de désinvestissement (BDS) lancée par plus de 170 organismes de la société civile palestinienne.

Joignez-vous à nous dans les rues de Montréal, en solidarité avec la population de Gaza, pour exiger la fin immédiate de l’apartheid israélien.

cette manifestation est organisée par :
Solidarité pour les droits humains palestiniens (SDHP) et Tadamon! Montréal.

SDHP est un organisme étudiant à but non lucratif qui milite pour la défense des droits des Palestiniens et Palestiniennes, et contre les violations des droits de la personne et toutes les formes de racisme, discrimination, désinformation et fausse représentation. Par des campagnes de sensibilisation, la promotion et la défense des droits, des actions directes non violentes, des efforts de solidarité et la promotion de l’identité, la culture et l’histoire palestinienne, SDHP s’évertue à soutenir et protéger les droits fondamentaux des Palestiniens et Palestiniennes, ici comme ailleurs.

Tadamon! [« Solidarité! » en arabe], est un collectif d’activistes montréalais, solidaire des luttes pour l’autodétermination, l’égalité et la justice au Moyen-Orient et dans les communautés de la diaspora à Montréal et ailleurs. Tadamon! participe activement à plusieurs campagnes politiques au Canada, dont la campagne de Boycott, sanctions et désinvestissement (BDS) contre l’État d’apartheid israélien. Tadamon! est un groupe de travail du GRIPQ-Concordia et du GRIPQ-McGill.

www.tadamon.ca (in English as well)

This demo is supported by many different groups - I'll try to have a full list up later. I think one of the reasons ours is on Sunday is to get a contingent of Haredi antizionist Jews - which REALLY pisses off the Zionists!

There is also a vigil in the Old Port on the 31st of December (see Tadamon site). That is tonight - I can't go - hope some people can.


Ottawa demo - 3 January (Saturday) 1 pm on Parliament Hill

There is info on this on the other thread, but this is more detailed and I suspect the other will be closed soon due to length.



1PM, SATURDAY, JAN 3, 2009

Israel has launched an unprecedented wave of attacks on the civilian population in Gaza. Hundreds have already been killed, and Israel is planning further attacks, refusing international calls for a ceasefire. Thousands are expected to attend rallies already being planned for several Canadian cities this weekend, including Ottawa, Montreal, Toronto, and Vancouver, as well as many other countries around the world. The protests
will call on Canadian Members of Parliament to denounce the massacre of Palestinian civilians being waged by Israel and press for an immediate ceasefire.

Despite claims to the contrary, it is Israel that broke the truce with its relentless siege against Gaza, which has created a humanitarian crisis there by depriving 1.5 million civilians of food, water, medical supplies, and
energy to heat their homes. Israel's aerial bombardment has already claimed 400 lives in just a few days, and further air assaults are threatened to be accompanied by a ground offensive into Gaza. We can save the lives of countless Palestinian women, children, and men if we raise our voices now.

ORGANIZED BY: The Association of Palestinian Arab Canadians (APAC), Independent Jewish Voices (IJV - Canada), & the Ottawa Palestine Solidarity Network. www.apacottawa.com & www.independentjewishvoices.ca

SPONSORED BY: Students Against Israeli Apartheid (SAIA-Carleton), Solidarity for Palestinian Human Rights (SPHR Ottawa), Not In Our Name: Jewish Voices Opposing Zionism (NION), NOWAR-PAIX, Rassemblement outaouais contre la guerre.

Contact [email protected] if your organization wants to endorse the protest or if you are able to volunteer.


students in transit now back to school, plugging into protests where they happen to be in next few days, but if Peterborough holds one pls. don't forget to post here. imagine similarly for other regions. thx.

(from #98 at the closed Massacre in Gaza thread): 

The Arab Women's League Presents: No to Israeli Crimes Against Gaza! Long Live Palestine! Candlelight Vigil & Rally, Hamilton, Ontario

When: Wednesday December 31, 2008

Time: 6:00p.m.

Where: Old City Hall, Hamilton, Main St & MacNab St

Demonstration: Stand with Gaza! End Israeli apartheid! In Montreal, Quebec

When: Wednesday December 31, 2008

Time: 11:00p.m.-12:00a.m.

Where: The Pavillon Jacques-Cartier old port of Montreal metro Place d’Armes


The Palestinian Association of Hamilton, along with the Hamilton Coalition against the War and the Muslim Association of Hamilton call upon all Hamiltonian's of good conscience, of all walks of life, and of all religious affiliations to join us for a public protest meeting concerning the situation in Gaza. Hamilton, Ontario

When: Thursday January 01, 2009

Time: 8:00p.m.

Where: Hamilton Mosque, 1545 Stonechurch Road East, Hamilton

It is time to stand with the people of Gaza. Join us this Friday for “Save Gaza Vigil” to demand a halt to Israel’s murderous assault. Montreal, Quebec

When: Friday January 02, 2009

Time: 12:00p.m.

Where: The corner of Ste-Catherine St. and McGill College Avenue. Montreal, Quebec

Join us in solidarity with the Palestinian people of Gaza and to call for an end to Israeli apartheid. Vancouver, British Columbia

When: Saturday January 03, 2009

Time: 1:00p.m.

Where: Vancouver Art Gallery (Robson side - corner Hornby)

The Association of Palestinian Arab Canadians, Not in our Name - Jews against Israel 's Wars, and other groups, are planning a demonstration against the Israeli massacres in Gaza. Ottawa, Ontario

When: Saturday January 03, 2009

Time: 1:00p.m.

Where: Parliament Hill, Ottawa

End the Siege on Gaza, Protest Israeli War Crimes. Montreal, Quebec

When: Sunday January 04, 2009

Time: 12:30p.m.

Where: Carré Cabot: corner St. Catherine and Atwater, (metro Atwater), Montreal, Quebec



and for the record, i'm putting the blame for this outrage squarely on the transnational oil and gas companies, and their puppets in the US, EU, and elsewhere who have let this thing go on, again instigating a possible regional blowup, to justify more militarization, as we spiral down the fossil fuel race to the bottom.

the corps are so very good at doing this in every country.  we have to call them on it more. explicitly.






notice how energy stocks have been up the past week? prices are riding the shock and awe/ risk wave.  that's what we needed for the economy.  some good mass slaughters to get things back on track. wait to go harper, and all your buddies.


and with Duncan Cameron's reminder of Canada's trade fiascos, here's a quote from our Canada Israel Free Trade Agreement of '97, Chap. 3.


"(g) a good taken by a Party or a person of a Party from the seabed or beneath the seabed outside territorial waters, provided that a Party has rights to exploit such seabed" (3.13 Definitions).

This means that Canadian (and because of NAFTA, US) energy corporations have a direct profit interest in any 'success' an Occupying state might have in beating the offshore gas rights out of the Palestinians.

Energy corporations (such as those who used to employ Stephen Harper's father) would enjoy further profits, particularly in concert with another EU trade deal that Harper is also pushing.


from http://frederictonpeace.org/ :


Solidarity with Gaza in Fredericton

Sunday, Jan. 4: Potluck/teach-in on solidarity
With: Sue Goldstein with Women in Solidarity with Palestine (WSP) and the International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network - Canada (IJAN).
Where: Conserver House, 180 St. John St.
When: 4:00 pm, Sunday, Jan. 4.

Tuesday, Jan. 6: Panel discussion on Gaza, Canada’s role & what we can do.
With: Sue Goldstein with Women in Solidarity with Palestine (WSP) and the International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network - Canada (IJAN).
Where: Tilley Hall, Room 303, UNB Fredericton campus.
When: 7:00 pm, Tuesday, Jan. 6.

Saturday, Jan. 10: Solidarity Rally with Gaza.
Where: City Hall, corner of Queen and York.
When: 1pm, Saturday, Jan. 10.
Stand in solidarity with Gaza. Bring placards, banners and your voice.

For more info, contact [email protected]

Left Turn Left Turn's picture

I already posted the info from facebook about the Vancouver Palestine rally tomorrow, in one of the earlier Gaza threads, but I'll repost it here in the thread dedicated to Palestine solidarity actions this weekend.




Saturday Jan 3 @ 1 pm
Vancouver Art Gallery (Robson side - (corner Hornby)


came out in the rain, sleet and snow on Monday Dec 29th to show our
solidarity with the people of Gaza. We're mobilizing again for Saturday
Jan 3rd, 1pm at the Vancouver Art Gallery. Please come out rain, snow
or shine to demonstrate your outrage and our collective humanity in
response to the latest massacre of Palestinians.

*** Article (including 34 photos) from Dec 29th protest:

*** Mainstream news from the Province:

*** Video from Dec 29th protest:

*** Press TV coverage of Dec 29th:

least 300 Palestinians have been killed and over 1400 injured in the
latest Israeli assault on the Gaza Strip, while the threat for further
bloodshed still hangs heavily as air strikes continue. This is the
single largest massacre in Gaza since Israel illegally occupied Gaza in
1967, many among the dead are civilians and the numbers keeps mounting.
The Israeli state shows no sign of halting its assault anytime soon as
they have begun to amass tanks and ground assault military vehicles on
the border with Gaza. Israeli Defense Minister, Ehud Barak, has stated
that, "the operation will last as long as necessary".

latest massacre in Gaza occurs with official US and Canadian complicity
towards Israel’s illegal siege and ongoing sanctions over the civilian
population in Gaza. Over the past two years the Gaza Strip has been
undergoing the daily violence of a wide-ranging humanitarian
catastrophe triggered by severely reduced access to energy, food, and
medicines. In effect, Gaza is the world’s largest open air prison.

us in Vancouver as people of conscience to stand in solidarity with the
Palestinian people of Gaza and to demand an end to the siege of Gaza
and Israeli apartheid.


1) Email the prime minister, foreign affairs minister, and leaders of the opposition. Visit:

2) Respond to biased media coverage. Visit http://letgazabeheard.wordpress.com
to send sample emails to the BBC, CNN, and Fox News regarding their
biased coverage and use those template letters to send to Canadian
media outlets.


* Photos from Gaza:



* Live from Palestine diaries

* The Gaza Crisis Talking Points by Phyllis Bennis

* Democracy Now interviews:

* Gaza: Colonial Violence and Flawed Justifications

*If Hamas Did Not Exist: Israel Has No Intention of Granting a Palestinian State by Jennifer Lowenstein

* Gaza: the logic of colonial power in The Guardian

* Israeli Slaughter, International Culpability

* Gaza massacres must spur us to action by Ali Abunimah:

* Israel's Wanton Aggression On Gaza

* Current Humanitarian Crisis in Gaza:


Gaza is the world's largest open-air prison. 1.5 million residents are
packed into an area 45 km long x 10 km wide, while Israel controls
Gaza's air space and borders. Over 80% of the population are refugees
denied their legal Right to Return to the homes and lands from which
they were expelled in 1948. Israel also illegally restricts Palestinian
freedom of movement into and out of Gaza. For example, in August 2008,
Israel denied three Gazan Fulbright Scholars their basic right to
education by having their American entry visas revoked.

* Gaza
has been under complete siege since June 2007, during which time the
1.5 million people of Gaza have been cut off from sufficient fuel,
food, and medicine. Two weeks ago, the UN reported that Gazans were
living without power for up to 16 hours each day; half of Gaza's
population was receiving water only once a week for a few hours; 80% of
the water in Gaza did not meet World Health Organization standards for
drinking; the unemployment rate had risen to almost 50%; only 23 of
3,900 industrial enterprises were operational; more than 79% were
living below the poverty line; more than 56% were food insecure; and
patients with chronic illnesses such as cancer or diabetes could not be
adequately treated or cared for. (See:

Since 2001, fewer than twenty Israelis have been killed by Qassam
rockets. In three days, nearly 400 Gazans have been killed by Israeli
state violence. This is a ratio of 20 Gazan lives for each Israeli
life, with the death toll in Gaza certain to increase. In January 2008,
UN Special Rapporteur John Dugard stated, "a distinction must be drawn
between acts of mindless terror, such as acts committed by Al Qaeda,
and acts committed in the course of a war of national liberation
against colonialism, apartheid or military occupation. While such acts
cannot be justified, they must be understood as being a painful but
inevitable consequence of colonialism, apartheid or occupation."
Israeli and Palestinian violence can in no way be viewed as symmetrical
-- individual Palestinians have chosen to resist their occupiers with
largely ineffective home-made rockets, while the Israeli state, which
boasts the fourth most powerful military in the world, has responded by
collectively punishing the captive population that it illegally
occupies. Under the Fourth Geneva Convention, collective punishment is
a war crime. As the occupier, the burden is on Israel to end its state

* Israel is an apartheid state. Canada must sever
diplomatic ties with Israel and implement sanctions against it until
Israel complies with international law. UN General Assembly President
Father Miguel D'Escoto Brockmann recently called for a campaign of
Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions against Israel, similar to the one
that ended apartheid in South Africa.

==> Organized by various Palestine solidarity groups.
For more information email [email protected]

Adala - Arab Justice Committee
Al-Awda - Vancouver
Boycott Israeli Apartheid Campaign
Canadian Arab Federation - National
Canada Palestine Association - Vancouver
Canadians Against War
Canadian Islamic Congress BC
Canadian Muslim Union
Code Pink Women for Peace (local chapter)
Independent Jewish Voices (Canada)
Indigenous Action Movement
Iranian Centre for Peace Freedom and Social Justice
Jews for a Just Peace - Vancouver
Muslim Canadian Federation - Vancouver
No One Is Illegal-Vancouver
Palestinian Islamic League - Canada
Salaam -Vancouver
Siraat Collective
South Asian Network for Secularism and Democracy
Solidarity for Palestinian Human Rights - UBC
StopWar Coalition
Students for a Democratic Society (UBC)
The Organizing Centre for Social and Economic Justice
Vancouver Socialist Forum
Voice of Palestine - Vancouver
The Communist Party of Canada (Marxist Leninist)


Left Turn, I noticed the last minute add-on of the Leninists, who weren't listed on the earlier thread.

Lenin too was a johnny-come-lately, in the field of resistance to Muscovite imperialism,  by about 500 years.  And millions of Canadians who are descendents of the survivors of his mass murdering Cheka know this.  Addition of his name is not a help to slaughtered Palestinians.

Ultimately history judges political opportunists, but some never learn.




Too put it mildly, I have no particular fondness for the cpc-ml, but that is a ridiculously sectarian comment, Leigh.

I'm a socialist and an atheist. Should I want representatives of patriarchal religions, who have slaughtered lots of people, and oppressed women and lgbt people for centuries, excluded from this demo because they are no help to slaughtered Palestinians?

On the contrary, I hope people are rallying members of Mosques, Arab orthodox Christian churches, shuls of anti-Zionist Haredi Jews (who have foul things to say about women in their prayers) and other people of faith.

Everyone is welcome to demonstrate, as long as they refrain from anti-Semitic and other racist comments. I have no trouble with people shouting Allah Akbar, if that is how they express defiance, just so I don't have to do that or sing God bless anything or anybody.


Brava, lagatta.


in my inbox, just checked now, from CJPMO:

Date: Saturday, January 3rd, 2009 
Time: 2:00-5:00 pm
Where: City Hall

Date: Sunday, January 4th, 2009
Time: 2:00p.m.
Where: Manitoba Legislature



Are there any protests planned to condemn Hamas rockets fired towards civilians?


lagatta, there were no other political parties listed, and that one last minute, and it triggered a reaction based on some of my prior experience.  sorry if it offends you.  in my opinion, it needed to be said, as your comments needed to be said as well.




LeighT wrote:

lagatta, there were no other political parties listed,

That's a far bigger problem than the problem you identified, Leigh.


Ghislaine, we're protesting a Massacre. 






Ghislaine wrote:
Are there any protests planned to condemn Hamas rockets fired towards civilians?

Yes, there has been [url=http://english.aljazeera.net/news/americas/2009/01/20091223547843799.htm... call for protests against Hamas[/color][/size][/b][/url].


Québec solidaire has taken part in all the demos here. Once again, Dr Amir Khadir, MNA for Mercier, took part in a well-attended vigil on Friday, organised (as usual) by Palestinians and Jews United/Palestiniens et Juifs unis - PAJU, outside Indigo Books on Ste-Catherine.

La Presse of course insists on giving "equal time" to the Zionist Québec-Israël committee, but they only got five people out for their counter-vigil, though many students could have easily sauntered over from McGill or Concordia.



Leigh, I'm no fan of cpc-ml either, but I don't think this is a thread for going into either the history of that (rather sectarian) group or whether Leninism inevitably led to Stalinism. This is the activist thread on organising.


true enough, lagatta. i'm with you on focus on events in this thread.


Any reports back from demonstrations today?

They seemed fairly strong in Toronto and Ottawa - (hard to get any news from the Ottawa Shitizen)...


LeighT wrote:

Ghislaine, we're protesting a Massacre. 






There have been less than a thousand Israeli air strikes since 2005 and over 7,000 Hamas rocket attacks in the same period. Perhaps we need a thread on possible peaceful solutions. 


Unionist wrote:

Ghislaine wrote:
Are there any protests planned to condemn Hamas rockets fired towards civilians?

Yes, there has been [url=http://english.aljazeera.net/news/americas/2009/01/20091223547843799.htm... call for protests against Hamas[/color][/size][/b][/url].


Do any of these protests contain any statement against the rockets? 15% of Israel is now within range or the rockets. There is no warning given about where or when these rockets will fall. I would not attend any of these protests unless it anti-violence on both sides, rather than only anti-Israeli violence. 


This thread is an activist thread to rally people for demonstrations against the bombing and now the land invasion of Gaza.

I don't want anyone to be killed, not any more Israeli civilians than the people of Gaza, but there is a great disproportion between the crude Qassam rockets and the Israeli bombs, shells, tanks and well-equipped troops.

Letters to MPs campaign from the UK - from palestine solidarity campaign site. www.palestinecampaign.org
Some of the particulars are British and European, but this can inspire letters to MPs here:

*** Action alert ***
Write to your MP urging them to insist that Prime Minister Gordon Brown acts to ensure:
• An immediate end to Israel's military assault on Gaza
• An immediate end to the blockade and siege on Gaza
• An end to Israel's violations of international law
• An end to Israeli occupation

Please use the sample letter below:
January 2009
As you know the people of Gaza are being bombarded by a devastating onslaught from Israeli F16s, tanks and warships.
Nearly 400 people have been killed in three days and while we deplore the firing of rockets from Gaza into Israel this can in no way justify the systematic slaughter being conducted by Israel on a captive unarmed civilian population.
This slaughter follows almost two years of blockade which has prevented essential supplies of food, fuel and medicines from reaching the Palestinian people in Gaza and causing untold suffering.
I believe that the people of Britain are horrified by the current situation and would like to ask that you request the Foreign Secretary, David Miliband, to say exactly what measures the government is taking to ensure an immediate end to the military attacks on Gaza and an immediate end to the siege as the first step in ensuring that international law is upheld in relation to the rights of the Palestinian people.
I would also like you to press the Foreign Secretary to take steps to ensure that the favourable status of Israel in the EU, including the EU trade agreement is removed immediately since it is a country which is violating international law and I do not wish my taxes to contribute to the economy of such a state.
Yours sincerely,


A new call to demonstrate NEXT Saturday, the 10th, in Montréal:

Appel à la population québécoise


Départ : 13h00 au Carré Dorchester
Coin Peel et René-Lévesque
A call to the population of Québec
to demonstrate your solidarity
with palestinien people
and against the Israeli agression
of Gaza.

Solidarity march with the Palestinian people

Saturday 10 January 2009

Time: 1pm

Where: Dorchester square

Corner Peel and René-Lévesque


Ghislaine if you want to start a thread on something different then do so, but stop trolling this one.


This is a tagline. It has nothing to do with the comments posted above. Just a tagline...really. Please disregard.


oldgoat wrote:

Ghislaine if you want to start a thread on something different then do so, but stop trolling this one.


This is a tagline. It has nothing to do with the comments posted above. Just a tagline...really. Please disregard.

 Does anyone know if the protests today had any statements of condemnation of Hamas rockets, violence and attempt to murder innocent civilians - or if the protests on the 5th will?

saga saga's picture

I think Ghislaine should provide the death tolls from each side.

Also, the Israelis are free to leave the targeted zone. The people of Gaza are captive.

Perhaps this should be another thread but I wanted to make a brief response. Bombing children who are captives deserves a strong response. This is not about religion at all, just aggression and defence.


Hamas bottle rockets landing in mostly empty fields are a little different than US/Israeli made ones.

See for yourself:


now you know....tell and show others.

The media decieves...


Ghislaine wrote:
There have been less than a thousand Israeli air strikes since 2005 and over 7,000 Hamas rocket attacks in the same period. Perhaps we need a thread on possible peaceful solutions. 

How be you quit trolling now?  That would be lovely.  If you can't stay on topic, stay out.


P.S. I see oldgoat already warned you.  This is your second and last warning.  The next warning comes with a two week vacation from babble.

Cueball Cueball's picture

Ghislaine wrote:
oldgoat wrote:

Ghislaine if you want to start a thread on something different then do so, but stop trolling this one.


This is a tagline. It has nothing to do with the comments posted above. Just a tagline...really. Please disregard.

 Does anyone know if the protests today had any statements of condemnation of Hamas rockets, violence and attempt to murder innocent civilians - or if the protests on the 5th will?

Who gives a shit, you might as well condemn Cool Hand Luke for getting a few punches in against the Prison Boss, while he is beating him to a pulp.

This is no more that insufferable and sickening denial of culpability on your part.

Left Turn Left Turn's picture

LeighT wrote:

Left Turn, I noticed the last minute add-on of the Leninists, who weren't listed on the earlier thread.

Lenin too was a johnny-come-lately, in the field of resistance to Muscovite imperialism,  by about 500 years.  And millions of Canadians who are descendents of the survivors of his mass murdering Cheka know this.  Addition of his name is not a help to slaughtered Palestinians.

Ultimately history judges political opportunists, but some never learn.

I must state for the record that I am not a member of the Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist). I am a member of Vancouver Socialist Forum. I did not notice the addition of the Leninists to the list of endorsers until just now, when I read your post. Therefore, the addition of the Leninists to the endorsers list had nothing to do with my decision to repost this annoucement.


Cueball wrote:
Ghislaine wrote:
oldgoat wrote:

Ghislaine if you want to start a thread on something different then do so, but stop trolling this one.


This is a tagline. It has nothing to do with the comments posted above. Just a tagline...really. Please disregard.

 Does anyone know if the protests today had any statements of condemnation of Hamas rockets, violence and attempt to murder innocent civilians - or if the protests on the 5th will?

Who gives a shit, you might as well condemn Cool Hand Luke for getting a few punches in against the Prison Boss, while he is beating him to a pulp.

This is no more that insufferable and sickening denial of culpability on your part.

Or Billy Hayes for defending himself from that Turkish prison guard.

"Good morning my American friend. There will be trouble if you walk this way. A good Turk always walks to the right. To the left lies communism. The right is good. ... Oh I see,

The bad machine doesn't know that he's a bad machine. You still don't believe it. You still don't believe you're a bad machine? To know yourself is to know God, my friend. The factory knows, that's why they put you here. You'll see... You'll find out... In time, you'll know"

And there was some other stuff, too!


Left Turn Left Turn's picture

about 500-600 protesters attended the Vancouver Rally for Gaza, outside the Vancouver Art Gallery, from 1-3pm Saturday afternoon. The crowd consisted mainly of Palestinians and other activists from the various Palestine groups; other far left activists who have been involved in anti-war and anti-imperialist organizing, including progressive jews; anti-racism activists, such as members of No One is Illegal; and arabs from local mosques, where some of the organizers of the rally did some outreach.

There were several speeches, many of which were rather repetitive. The best speakers were IMHO, Dr. Gabor Mate, and Hannah Kawas from the Canada Palestine Association. Both Mr. Mate, and Mr. Kawas added profoud insights into the situation in Gaza, in contrast to some of the more polemical and repetitive speeches from other speakers. Most of the speakers led the crowd in chants. Some of the chants were quite good; others were likely misunderstood by persons unfamiliar with the analysis upon which the chants are predicated. There was also a short march of about two blocks square, about halfway through the rally.

There was a counter demo of three people with one Israeli flag.

There was coverage of the rally and counter-demo, on the local CTV news. The coverage of the rally focused mostly on the chants, with the chants featured being, unfortunately, "Viva Viva Intifada", and "Palestine will be free, from the river to the sea." While there are solid political bases for both chants, to the uninformed tv viewer, these can come across as chants supporting the removal of all Jews from historic Palestine, a position not held by any Palestine activists I've ever met. Coverage would have been better if they showed a clip of Gabor Mate's insightful analysis, but the mainstream media is not about to give voice to speakers who debunk the dominant pro-Israeli narrative of the msm. CTV also gave far too much time to the insignificant three person counter-demo.

Notably absent at the rally was any union presence, apart from individual union members who fall into one of the above mentioned groups. The lack of union involvement seems to be a chronic problem in the Vancouver social movements since at least 2006 (the unions only seem to show up at pro NDP rallies organized by the BC Fed).

Suffice to say, between this rally, and the noon hour rally last Monday, Palestine solidarity work in vancouver seems to have been, at least temporarily, revived from the mostly moribund state it has been in since 2005.


The Rally for Gaza in Toronto, Canada on Jan 3/09 was very successful.

Here are some pictures from the rally you can use if helpful.  No


or in slideshow mode:



Does anyone on babble know of any demonstrations taking place in the Halifax area against the Israeli assault on Gaza? 

I sent an email to the Halifax peace coalition about a week ago, but haven't received a reply and I can't find anything on their website either...thanks

Lard Tunderin Jeezus Lard Tunderin Jeezus's picture

humbleslave wrote:
The Rally for Gaza in Toronto, Canada on Jan 3/09 was very successful.

Here are some pictures from the rally you can use if helpful.  No copyright.


or in slideshow mode:

Thank you for that. It confirmed my suspicions that the coverage in the Toronto Star was biased to the edge of bigotry. The front page photo of the rally was a tightly cropped shot of three headscarfed Palestinians. Inside, another photo of a protester in Palestinian garb, along side a much larger shot of the reportedly smaller crowd of Israeli supporters - made to look massive in opposition, arrayed against a wall of mounted police officers.

Anyone taking their impressions from their reporting would assume that 'real Canadians' don't care about the massacre; that it is only of concern to immigrants and the 'chosen people'.




Lard Tunderin' Jeezus wrote:

... that it is only of concern to immigrants and the 'chosen people'...

I'm going to respectfully ask you, LTJ, to not use that term ever again, whether in a serious or ironic tone, with or without quotation marks. Thanks.

Objective Observer

One of the posters is signed by the International Bolshevik Tendency. WTF is that?

Objective Observer

Unionist wrote:
Lard Tunderin' Jeezus wrote:

... that it is only of concern to immigrants and the 'chosen people'...

I'm going to respectfully ask you, LTJ, to not use that term ever again, whether in a serious or ironic tone, with or without quotation marks. Thanks.

Shadow moderating?

Lard Tunderin Jeezus Lard Tunderin Jeezus's picture

Unionist - why?


Lard Tunderin' Jeezus wrote:
Unionist - why?

Because it's a mocking term for Jews, often used by anti-Semites. There are one or two references in the Jewish prayer liturgy to "God chose us to carry out his word, etc." - no more than that. The term "Chosen People" doesn't even translate as such into Hebrew. And it's not something that even mainstream Zionist Jews use - I can't vouch for such tiny fanatical sects.

In any event, I'm absolutely sure your motivation was ok, but referring to Jews as the "chosen" is not recommended. If your reference was to something else (like Zionists or pro-Israelis), I apologize, but you should still find a different descriptor.


Objective Observer wrote:
Unionist wrote:
Lard Tunderin' Jeezus wrote:

... that it is only of concern to immigrants and the 'chosen people'...

I'm going to respectfully ask you, LTJ, to not use that term ever again, whether in a serious or ironic tone, with or without quotation marks. Thanks.

Shadow moderating?

No, [s]Offensive[/s] Objective Observer, allies like myself and LTJ and others here are allowed to critique and remind and correct each other, because it's in a common cause. When the motivation is different - when we're on opposite sides of the trench - it's a different story. It's kind of a smell thing, hard to explain. It's also a matter of tone: B#.


Yeah, it was the same difference between my reminding martin of why calling to "nuke" places might not be a wise idea and the person who wanted him banned, when martin is a long-time progressive poster, and certainly not an advocate of violence.

Two friends phoned (at exactly the same time) to report back on the Montréal demo. A bit smaller than the Toronto one, but still several thousand. Not bad, as a lot of people were probably still away for New Year's (which is bigger than Christmas in Québec).

I don't know why papers pick on the most irrelevant groups such as the "International Bolshevik Tendency". I've often seen that (and it isn't necessarily sectarian left groups - it can be just anything, unrepresentative of the major gorups involved.

Cueball Cueball's picture

Objective Observer wrote:
One of the posters is signed by the International Bolshevik Tendency. WTF is that?

Don't worry there is probably no substantive element of truth in any of the words used to name the outfit.


[url=http://www.montrealgazette.com/news/story.html?id=1141384][color=red][b]... demonstrate in Montréal[/b][/color][/url]


At least 5,000 demonstrators chanting an array of anti-Israeli
slogans converged on the city’s downtown core Sunday afternoon for a
noisy three-hour protest march.

The event attracted many families, often with young children bundled up against the cold.

martin dufresne

Lagatta, it's true I am not an advocate of violence - indeed, I spend an inordinate amount of time opposing that of men against women - but I am not an advocate of non-violence either. And I find it bizarre that we seem utterly unable to articulate - conceive perhaps - a way to STOP Israel, Washington and the transnationals from crushing the Palestinian people.

I see the only real, political, realistic attempt to do so, that of Hamas, through consequences, i.e. counter-violence, being haughtily condemned by some - whose agenda is transparent - but daintily side-stepped by the rest of us.

Could this be how how people felt when European minorities, then countries, were crushed by the Nazi regime in the late thirties, and other countries looked on in impotent shock? Except that now, guilting for taking on the choices of Jews Israelis Zionists right-wing Zionists is added in the mix?

And us being oh so smart...

It is to die.


[url=http://www.canada.com/windsorstar/news/story.html?id=48ebdefa-8c75-484d-... demo[/b][/color][/url]

As Israeli tanks launched a ground offensive in Gaza Saturday, hundreds of people gathered in downtown Windsor to denounce the attacks and pray for peace in the volatile region. ...

Local leaders, activists and politicians, including [b]CAW Local 444 president Rick Laporte, MP Brian Masse (NDP Windsor West) and city councillors Ron Jones and Caroline Postma[/b], spoke at the rally, offering their condolences to those who've lost loved ones in the latest bloodshed.

Jones said he came to the rally not as a representative of city council or the mayor, but as a "brother" of the people in Gaza. "I come with a heart filled with grief," he said.

Masse called on the Canadian government to put pressure on Israel to end the violence in Gaza, criticizing Prime Minister Stephen Harper's response to the crisis as the crowd applauded and responded with chants of "Shame, shame."




Let us hope this can be an inspiration to the labour movement. The Québec labour movement does have a good history of moblilising for Palestine - I was at the big demo here arfter the Sabra and Chatila massacres, but has been slacking off of late. Admittedly still the end of the Christmas/New Year's holidays. Hopefully there will be more trade union presence at the demo on the 10th.



www.pej.org has a call out, because of the US block at the UN Security Council, for a UN General Assembly ACTION .  In the past, Joan and Francis Boyle did work around organizing letters and phone calls to all UN country representatives, by chunking up the large UN list into diverse language blocks.  Can someone please write or phone Joan who has the list, we've done this before through the Canadian Peace Alliance and other lists, but my old email was cancelled in Sept. and people's e-filters, including joans (i've tried) don't recognize my new one. 

this action did help in previous times.  


saga saga's picture

My take on Canada's response: 

BCC: federal Liberals, Conservatives, NDP, media, activists, JDL

Palestinian Canadians are learning quickly that Canada is not what it projects superficially.

unconscionable attacks of Israel on the people of Gaza cries out for
condemnation from countries that purport to defend human rights.

Canada is not among them, since Canada defers to the corporate war industry that conducts aggression for resources worldwide.

Canada supports US corporate aggression in the middle east, and Canada supports genocide against Palestinians.

No surprise to people who know of Canada's continuing
genocide-for-land against Indigenous Peoples here at home, but very
surprising to the naive who believe in 'Canada the wonderful'.

Something is very rotten at the core of Canada.

Note to young Canadians: Do not try to reform Canada by 'change
from within the system'. We tried, and the system will just chew you up
and spit you out. Ordinary Canadians cannot even attend a political
'rally' without a 'party' membership! We are not allowed to be part of
the political process unless we endorse particular dogma. Make no
mistake: ALL major political parties in Canada support the status quo,
and all seek to increaser their power from our current nominal
democracy to totalitarianism with unfettered power of parliament.

Instead, boycott and use other DIRECT ACTION methods to make it
impossible for the corporates to do their dirty business. Take to the
streets, lock up the banks and the stock exchanges so they cannot do
their dirty business, and bring down the corporate control of Canada.

We will never be able to build a humane Canada until this one is
destroyed, because the foundation of Canada is genocide, and Canada
supports genocide world wide.



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