Huffpo bought out by pro-military, pro-Israel investment

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ceti ceti's picture
Huffpo bought out by pro-military, pro-Israel investment

Beware, this could happen to any member of the blogosphere:

Huffington Post Nabs $25 Million in Funding


Also, see this article from


Maybe they'll change the name to Puffington Post, or something


one URL you won't hear about on the "Puffington Post" -

So, the "alternative media" becomes like the mainstream media - acknowledging the 60th anniversary of the creation of Israel, without acknowledging the huge cost the Palestinians paid.  aka Al Nakba. 

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Frustrated Mess Frustrated Mess's picture

That's disappointing but not surprising. I kinda started becoming concerned about The Puffington Post (thanks, Fidel) back when I first noticed celebrity gossip accompanied with bikini shots.