Porn in the USA: Conservatives are biggest consumers

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martin dufresne

In this post (#98), you are the one obfuscating by presenting the porn industry as "the media available" and disguising its dynamics by calling it "humans expressing their sexuality".


What is in fact happening is that a specific vision of women as objects, esp. racialized women - a vision that "remind" has summarized admirably - and the same goes for men and children in other genres, is constructed by the industry, based on women's and racialized groups' long-standing political oppression, and foisted on us as "sexuality".

That a diverse sexuality often becomes pigeon-holed by that is a consequence, not an explanation of what the industry puts out.

remind remind's picture

500_Apples wrote:
I think remind's point about conservatives liking porn because it dehumanizes people is instructful. I laughed at first, and then a couple minutes later it hit me that unfortunately there's a lot of truth to what she wrote.

Most certainly, the fiscal conservative sees people as "human capital" to exploit for their own purposes, everything is an object.

Social conservatives, of the religious bent, have been indoctrinated into belieivng that people are mere objects of "God's" creation, and thus, from the get go, believe themselves to be merely objects, as opposed to being human. Their wishes and desires are based upon what "God" wants, not what they want, or need, as such they dehumanize themselves and then anything is a go, as it must be what "God" wants, or indeed what "Satan" wants. It is an abdication of self into that of an object.

People need to think about symbology inherent in things and how that plays out within their conceptual frameworks. For example, the ubiquitous "french maids" costume that women don when fulfilling a sexual fantasy for their partner, or indeed just as a halloween costume, to be sexy and what all men want. What is inherent in that costume being sold to both women and men as something wonderful?

Women being there to service men on every aspect, cooking cleaning, and sex, without persona. Same can be said for a nurse's costume. 

And then there is the icky "school girl" costume, that I do not even want to go into other than to say the desire for mallable compliant and unknowing and thus easy to exploit.



I would think with some of the responses that many of you haven't seen much variety in porn. It is an industry, so are making cars. Do none of you drive cars? Most of you ignored every aspect of my posts so I guess I should do the same. I guess it's easier to debate without even bringing up the points of the opposition. Here is my flounce from this thread.

martin dufresne

I guess I am still grappling with the intricacies of "It is still suppose to be a sexual fantasy."...

remind remind's picture

Well, thorin, you just  examplified my point about objectification! Porn is an "industry" just like making cars you say!


I'm just going to chortle at the inherent hypocrisy of all those sanctimonious little assholes ranting about how porn degrades family values happily spending cash on just that stuff.

The longer I live the more I discover how much more the right wing of the political spectrum seems to embrace the fundamentally repellent human sin of hypocrisy - of saying one thing for the consumption of the masses and doing another thing privately.


martin dufresne

I would suggest that the problem isn't limited to the right wing of the political spectrum: there are a lot of left-wingers - mostly men - ranting about equality and justice for the consumption of the masses, but whose sexual identity is predicated on inequality - indeed domination - and the infliction of pain, as conveyed by allegedly transgressive porn.

Cueball Cueball's picture
martin dufresne

Yeah, I thought that song was a hoot too... 45 years ago. Since then, I have read prostitutes writing about the psychic damage they experienced acting out rich males' fantasies, and I am not so sure anymore.

Cueball Cueball's picture

Gee, well I have dated prostitues and strippers, and attended release screenings of Lesbian created pornographic films, and so on and so on. Check your latent catholicism at the door before you start meddling in the personal lives of everyones private business on the basis of some books you have read.

I am not going to debate this with you. But your sanctimonious insistance that all social activity must be licenced by the state to conform to some idealistic notions you have about how people outght to behave sexually, is very tiresome. Also i find your obessesion with paid sex, the sex trade, and so on to be a little obsessional and in itself possible perverse.

Maysie Maysie's picture

Okay, looks like a good time to close this thread. Another was opened around the same time that I closed a while back. I'll open that up.

It would be marvelous if everyone could avoid personal attacks too. 


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