Video games -- Better than masturbation!

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Video games -- Better than masturbation!

For your eyes, anyhow:

Adults who play a lot of action video games may be improving their eyesight, U.S. researchers said on Sunday.

They said people who used a video-game training program saw significant improvements in their ability to notice subtle differences in shades of grey, a finding that may help people who have trouble with night driving.

“Normally, improving contrast sensitivity means getting glasses or eye surgery – somehow changing the optics of the eye,” said Daphne Bavelier of the University of Rochester in New York, whose study appears in the journal Nature Neuroscience.

“But we've found that action video games train the brain to process the existing visual information more efficiently, and the improvements last for months after game play stopped.”




They said people who used a video-game training program saw significant improvements in their ability to notice subtle differences in shades of grey, a finding that may help people who have trouble with night driving.


That could be right.  My kid plays "Need for Speed" quite a lot.  He does fine (I'm not looking forward to him getting his licence and borrowing the car), but when I watch him play I see little more than a dark blur.


But we've found that action video games train the brain to process the existing visual information more efficiently

Since my teenager started playing the Combat Arms online game this winter, he hasn't been successful at all in processing the visual stimulus of a snow shovel.